[Games] Judged CAF - Lantern Hill - Results!
It was really hard to decide because all of you made some really nice combos, but I had to choose the combos that seemed to best fit the personalities of the family members. I hope you all had fun and congrats to all the winners! :)
1st Place: Hamilton (estel, Tammy, Veronica)
2nd Place: Moore (Alexia, Elle, monie)
3rd Place: Price (avalon, MelH, Triwizard Champ, Diamante04)
DH: (kind, computer geek, buisness mind)
1st Place: Stuart Andrew (avalon, starlet)
2nd Place: Andrew Stuart (Alexia)
3rd Place: Stuart Price (Mar), Stuart Titus "Stu" (Shayde & lulu)
DW: (friendly, motherly, talkative)
1st Place: Mary Josephine (Veronica, starlet)& Josephine Mary (Tammy)
2nd Place: Josephine Irene "Jo" (Shayde),
3rd Place: Mary Florence (estel)
DD: (quiet, imaginative, sensible)
1st Place: Charlotte Jane (Rachel, starlet) & Charlotte Violet (Alexia)
2nd Place: Jane Violet (lulu)
3rd Place: Lillian Evelyn 'Lily' (Triwizard Champ)
DS: (strong headed, determind, creative)
1st Place: Andrew Daniel 'Drew' (Triwizard Champ) & Daniel Andrew (monie)
2nd Place: Daniel Owen (lulu)
3rd Place: Andrew Kennedy (Irene Renee)
DD: (friendly, fun loving, sweet)
1st Place: Lillian Josephine "Lilly" (Mar)
2nd Place: Lillian Charlotte *Lilli* (Diamante04)
3rd Place: Cecily Jane (MelH, avalon, Veronica)

"That tounge of your's is hinged in the middle sister!"
1st Place: Hamilton (estel, Tammy, Veronica)
2nd Place: Moore (Alexia, Elle, monie)
3rd Place: Price (avalon, MelH, Triwizard Champ, Diamante04)
DH: (kind, computer geek, buisness mind)
1st Place: Stuart Andrew (avalon, starlet)
2nd Place: Andrew Stuart (Alexia)
3rd Place: Stuart Price (Mar), Stuart Titus "Stu" (Shayde & lulu)
DW: (friendly, motherly, talkative)
1st Place: Mary Josephine (Veronica, starlet)& Josephine Mary (Tammy)
2nd Place: Josephine Irene "Jo" (Shayde),
3rd Place: Mary Florence (estel)
DD: (quiet, imaginative, sensible)
1st Place: Charlotte Jane (Rachel, starlet) & Charlotte Violet (Alexia)
2nd Place: Jane Violet (lulu)
3rd Place: Lillian Evelyn 'Lily' (Triwizard Champ)
DS: (strong headed, determind, creative)
1st Place: Andrew Daniel 'Drew' (Triwizard Champ) & Daniel Andrew (monie)
2nd Place: Daniel Owen (lulu)
3rd Place: Andrew Kennedy (Irene Renee)
DD: (friendly, fun loving, sweet)
1st Place: Lillian Josephine "Lilly" (Mar)
2nd Place: Lillian Charlotte *Lilli* (Diamante04)
3rd Place: Cecily Jane (MelH, avalon, Veronica)

"That tounge of your's is hinged in the middle sister!"