[Surname] Where does it come from?
I frequently search through sites such as this in the hope of finding my surname. Alas! to no avail. I have been led to believe that it comes from a village called Weir in Somerset but why I am not sure. I have seen it spelt Wearn or Wearne and I know that there are many of us in both America and Australia. Can anyone enlighten me as to the origin of this name?
The Somerset place-name is in fact Wearne, the same as your surname. This is the likeliest origin of your name. Otherwise it might be a variant of Warne, a Cornish place-name and surname. Warne is said to be Cornish, meaning either "swamp" or "alder trees". I imagine Wearne in Somerset has the meaning (whichever), dating from a period when the Celtic influence reached further east.
Since writing this I've looked at the present-day distibution of this surname in Britain. It belongs almost exclusively to Cornwall. See for yourself at www.spatial-literacy.org, where you can see distribution maps for 1881 and 1998, plus some statistics.