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[Opinions] Nickname help
One of my criteria for judging a name is nickname potential (and avoiding nicknames I hate!). Given that most of my favourites are long, they will inevitably be shortened, and I want to have good options.I can't really find good nicknames for these favourites. Any suggestions?Allegra - Ally is so overused - are there any other options?Calista - I could handle Callie/Cali, but would appreciate other suggestions.Juliet - Jet is growing on me, but I don't love it yet. Julie/Jewel is a bit too dated. Lia is a bit of a stretch. Sapphira - I have no idea for this one!Valentina - I hate Val, and Tina is too dated.Seraphina - Sera is too common.I would greatly appreciate your help!
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I've not read your replies so please excuse if I repeat...Allegra - "Happy" is my first thought, though you may not want that used for school/public; "Lea" pronounced like Princess Leia? "Lera", to rhyme with Sarah? Calista - "Cat", "Cass", "Alis" (Alice), "Liz", "Lisa", "Lia"Juliet - "Jules", "Etta", "Ettie", "Lettie", "Li" or "Lee", "J", "Juju" Sapphira - "Phi", which is what I would use for Sophia (in my family "so-FIE-uh"); it's a Greek letter but also used in math for various applications, including as a symbolic representation of the golden ratio Valentina - "Nina", "Lena" or "Lina", "Vanna", "Tinka" or "Tink" Seraphina - "Ina", "Fifi", "Seph" or "Sephi"Best I can do. :)
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I like Nina for Valentina! I hadn't thought of that.
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* = I likeSome of these are stretches, but I'm going for variety! :)Allegra - Ara
Calista - Lista, Lisa, Lise* (LEES), Lee, Lili
Juliet - Jules, Liet*, Lee, Etta
Sapphira - Phira, Sira, Sara,
Valentina - Lena*, Lennie, Lenna, Tee
Seraphina - Phina, Rina, Rini/Reenie, Fifi (gag)
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I like Lise and Lili - I tend to hate alternative spellings, but Lili could work as a nn.
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I think everyone else has given you great suggestions, so these are my favorite options....Allegra - I ADORE Allegra and can actually see myself using "Legs" occasionally so maybe Lex / Lexie could work? Have you considered Allegria? Then you could use "Ria"Calista - Liss or Lissa feel most natural to me. That could turn toward Liz I suppose.Juliet - Etta, Uli ("OO-lee"). I like Letty best though.Sapphira - Iris or Irie maybe? Blue or Gem if you wanna go real abstract.Valentina - this one's especially tough. Alen is all I got, but I've always loved Allyn on a girl.Seraphina - I like Phi best because I already love Fiona/Fi and Phoebe/Phee. Or maybe Sina ("SEE-nah")
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I love the idea of Lexi! That's great. Do you think I could even stretch that to Lux? I have always loved the name, but it's more of a GP for a first name.
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Allegra - Ally is so overused - are there any other options?
Eggo? Alla? Ara?Calista - I could handle Callie/Cali, but would appreciate other suggestions.
Calla? Cass? Cassie? Lissie? Alice?Juliet - Jet is growing on me, but I don't love it yet. Julie/Jewel is a bit too dated. Lia is a bit of a stretch.
Ettie? Jet is cute.Sapphira - I have no idea for this one!
Saph? Saphie? Phira? Valentina - I hate Val, and Tina is too dated.
Tini ("teenie")? Lina? Seraphina - Sera is too common.
Phina? Phi? Phia ("fia")? Phi ("fee")? Raphie?
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I never thought of Cassie and I quite like it.I wondered about Tini/Teeny, because I love Now and Then. But what if she's on teh larger side? That could become a bit awkward.
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Allegra: Ara? A bit of a stretch... The only things that are coming to mind are sort of ugly sounding (like Leggie and Eggie :P) Personally I think Allegra is short enough to not need a nickname, but everyone has a different length threshold where they start to shorten names.Calista: Lisa, Lista, Listi, Calla, CalisJuliet: Jul, Li/Lee... Liet? Sapphira: Sapphy, Sappho (although that's an entirely different full name), Phira, Fira, Saffy, Sira, Saphha, Saffa? If I had a Sapphira I'd probably shorten it to Sapphy or Saffy or something like that. Maybe Phira/Fira. (I like the sound of Phira but not the PH spelling, and it might be weird to use an F when there's no F in the full name.)Valentina: V, Vina, Vala? I actually like just V as a nickname.Seraphina: Phina/Fina, Sina (I used to know a Christina who went by Cina, pronounced like Sina), Serina
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I had wondered about Liet myself... Do you think it's useable?I think Phira could grow on me. I agree with you about the ph/f thing - I always find it weird when people shorten my name to Stef instead of Steph!
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I really like Liet, actually. I posted not long ago about a woman I encountered at work named Leatta (pronounced "lee-Etta") in which I liked the sound but not the spelling. Liet ("lee-ETTE") is really quite cool!
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I don't think that nicknames need to be a direct derivative of the existing name, which really opens up the options. Allegra - This is my mom's name, so I am happy to see it on your list. She has always gone by her full name, and I don't think there are a lot of natural nicknames in this case. Calista - Callie/Cali, Lissy, Lili (LeeLee) Juliet - Jet, Julie/Jewel, Lia, JulesSapphira - I have no idea for this one! Me either!Valentina - Lenni, Tia, AllieSeraphina - Phina, Nia, Fia,
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Tia is a good idea for Valentina!
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All I can give you is Saffy for Sapphira and Valli for Valentina.
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Allegra - Ally is so overused - are there any other options?
I don't see any other nicknames besides Allie. Leggy and Eggy are definitely ones you'd want to avoid. Actually, I would avoid Allegra entirely as it is now firmly associated with the allergy medicine.
Calista - I could handle Callie/Cali, but would appreciate other suggestions.
Maybe Lisa? It's not really that long of a name that you'd *have* to have a nn.
Juliet - Jet is growing on me, but I don't love it yet. Julie/Jewel is a bit too dated. Lia is a bit of a stretch.
Juju? But it's very cutesy. Etta is gross. I only ever knew one Juliette, and she went by the full name.
Sapphira - I have no idea for this one!
Valentina - I hate Val, and Tina is too dated.
Vallie? Tina might be a bit dated, but so what? It's the most logical nn for a name that's fairly unusual.
Seraphina - Sera is too common.
Fina? Except it's a gas station.
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I live in Australia, so the allergy medicine thing isn't an issue. Juju could work.
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Allegra: oh dear. All I can think of is Leggy!
Calista: Lissie might do - like Lizzie but with -ss-. I've known Lissie used for Felicity, and it worked very well.
Juliet: I've never known a Juliet who used a nn, which is funny now I think about it. But I did know a Juliana once who went by Jill; took me months to discover the truth. I think Jet is too much of a stretch, though I suppose there's always Letty.
Sapphira would have to be Saf or Fee, or Fifi.
Valentina could give you Lynn, but that's even more dated than Tina and Val!
Seraphina looks like another Fifi, though Fina happens where I live.Any good?
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You have reminded me that I came up with Juliet nn Letty about a year ago and then completely forgot about it! So thanks for that :)And Fifi is great!
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Allegra - I know of an Allison who goes by Alla (pronounced like Ally but with an /ə/ sound at the end). Alla would work as a nickname for Allegra too. Lea (LAY-ə) is another option.Calista - Calla, Lissa, Lissy / LissieJuliet - Maybe Lee?Sapphira - Phira, SaphValentina - Lena, Leni, InaSeraphina - Phina / Fina, Phee, Seri, Ina

This message was edited 2/22/2013, 6:23 AM

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Lissa is cute! I could probably come around to Phee or Phi.
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Calista - Lis, Li, Ali, Stella
Juliet - Jules, Lee/Lie
Sapphira - Saph, Ira, Hira, Phira, Saffy
Valentina - Lena, Tiny, Vali
Seraphina - Phi, Phina
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I love the idea of Stella!
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Allegra- drawing a blank on other optionsCalista- Lisa, Calla?Juliet- Etta? Maybe that would work better for Julieta, though.Sapphira- drawing a blankValentina- Valya, Lena?Seraphina- Phina? Raphie?
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I like Calla! It's on my list, but I never connected it with Calista. Great idea!
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