SAMUELHow many do you know? 3
How many go by
SAM- all of the time: 2
- most of the time:
- sometimes: 1
- never:
JESSICAHow many do you know? 4
How many go by
JESSIE- all of the time:
- most of the time:
- sometimes: 1
- never:
The other three go by
JESS all of the time.
JAMESHow many do you know? 3
How many go by
JIM- all of the time:
- most of the time:
- sometimes:
- never: 3
How many go by
JIMMY- all of the time:
- most of the time:
- sometimes: 1 (When we were little my cousin used to get called
Jimmy James by me and his little sister, but that was only when we were taking the pee)
- never: 2
How many go by
JAMIE- all of the time:
- most of the time:
- sometimes:
- never: 3
Allie - I don't know any Allies but I love the nickname and would use it for
Alexandra or
Alice myself. :)