I checked out the site's guide for adding pronunciations but the 'o' sound I wish to highlight is written as 'AH', so I don't know how to write it as a pronunciation suggestion. A specific example, the name 'JOHN' is said to be pronounced 'JAHN' but that's only American English - surely any other pronunciation of the same name (with the exact same spelling) should also be included? I erred and suggested 'JON' then realized that with the pronunciation guide, that would sound like 'JONE/JOAN', which isn't right either. It's the same with 'BOB'. The site merely states 'English', but when a pronunciation is so obviously different, I believe the different options should be included even if both are technically English.
If you check out the page for 'THOMAS', there are two suggestions both toted as 'English' - I really feel differentiating between American and British English is relevant. Incidentally, one of the options is written 'TOM-as' which would result in the same problem I had with 'John' (it's not 'TOME-as').
In short, I would contribute the alternate pronunciation if I knew how to write it with the key provided.