How do you personally pronounce names that end in -ton? I have an issue with these names because I always want to say PEYT-un or COLT-un, which almost sounds like Pey'un and Col'un but I much prefer PEY-ton and COL-ton. The thing is, it sounds totally unnatural for me to say PEY-ton and COL-ton...I feel like I'm over pronouncing the names and putting too much emphasis on the t's. For example, I wouldn't pronounce the surname Bolton as BOL-ton. I'd say BOLT-un, just barely pronouncing the 't'.
I know I'm not the only person who does that near-omission of the 't', and for that reason I find -ton names awkward. Sometimes I hear Colton's being called COL-ton, and sometimes I hear COLT-un. Which is it and will these kids always have people saying their names differently?