[Games] Re: Ninors Event Congrats - Round 7
in reply to a message by Ninor
((Things have gotten a bit... twisty, in real life right now, so I may or mayn't have the time to keep playing. Just a heads-up in case I abruptly vanish. I'll try not to, if possible.))
UN: La Reina
LN: Summers
DH: Erik Osborn Summers (46)
DW: Regina Charlotte Summers "Reg" (44)
AS: Aaron Casey Lang-Summers (28)
--DFiancée: Vera Ophelia Grey (26)
AD: Roxana Naomi Lang-Summers “Ana” (25)
--Dbf: William Mordaunt Lehrer "Liam" (25)
DD: Alexandra Elizabeth Summers “Lex” (17)
DD: Sophronia Irene Summers “Sophie” (15)
DS: Christopher George Summers “Topher” (11)
DS: Ezra Julian Summers (8)
AS: Alfred Antonio Summers “Alfie” (3, Italy)
Number: 1
A surprise inheritance has passed onto the Summers family. Reg's uncle, a lonely widower, recently died and willed his numerous inheritance onto his niece. This caused considerable shock, as the late Uncle Marcus had children of his own, and overlooked them to give the biggest share to his niece! It was well-known that Marcus did not get along with his children very well (the eldest, Wellard, was distant; the second, Gary, considered a shameless suck-up by his father; the third, Lawrence, disowned ever since he flew to the USA to marry his boyfriend; the only daughter, Maggie, condemned as a power-hungry manipulator. Whether or not Uncle Marcus' verdict of his children were just, Reg felt it was not her place to judge. For this reason, after the will was read and the inheritance divided, Reg and Erik agreed to put the main bulk into their savings, to prevent undue friction with her cousins.Meanwhile, love has begun to spring. Aaron had met, fallen in love, and gotten engaged to a girl named Vera, a pretty and graceful violinist and saxophone player - from the Royal Marines Band. They did not meet as often as they wished, as Vera was mostly land-bound whereas Aaron was oft deployed, but have kept in close contact, and a few months ago Aaron had finally proposed to her - a proposal Vera accepted. They plan to marry as soon as Aaron's current deployment ended, a relatively small and private wedding.Meanwhile, Ana has also started seeing a former university classmate. Liam Lehrer, like her, took Musical Theatre in uni, and now that both have graduated, they found themselves in the same ensemble cast, and an old spark was rekindled. It was a family joke that poor Liam was probably quite startled the first time he met Aaron, freshly returned and still in his Lieutenant Commander's uniform, warning him to never hurt his sister, but to his credit Liam stuck with Ana and treated her well; perhaps Aaron's warning was added incentive, but as Ana said - and the family had to agree - Liam was a good fellow.
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Ninors Event Congrats - Round 7  ·  Ninor  ·  9/24/2013, 8:16 AM
Re: Ninors Event Congrats - Round 7  ·  CarolinW  ·  9/26/2013, 4:28 AM
Re: Ninors Event Congrats - Round 7  ·  Rioghnach  ·  9/25/2013, 11:52 PM
Re: Ninors Event Congrats - Round 7  ·  quigonjecca  ·  9/25/2013, 6:00 PM
Re: Ninors Event Congrats - Round 7  ·  Andromache  ·  9/25/2013, 3:44 PM
Re: Ninors Event Congrats - Round 7  ·  sammi-boo  ·  9/25/2013, 10:40 AM
Re: Ninors Event Congrats - Round 7  ·  NobodyOfConsequence  ·  9/24/2013, 10:11 PM
Re: Ninors Event Congrats - Round 7  ·  La Reina  ·  9/24/2013, 8:14 PM
Re: Ninors Event Congrats - Round 7  ·  Kelsey  ·  9/24/2013, 5:49 PM
Re: Ninors Event Congrats - Round 7  ·  JaneLondon  ·  9/24/2013, 4:20 PM
Re: Ninors Event Congrats - Round 7  ·  Jessamine  ·  9/24/2013, 4:03 PM
Re: Ninors Event Congrats - Round 7  ·  godsgirls2597  ·  9/24/2013, 3:53 PM
Re: Ninors Event Congrats - Round 7  ·  Cyrie  ·  9/24/2013, 3:33 PM
Re: Ninors Event Congrats - Round 7  ·  arieleden  ·  9/24/2013, 1:23 PM
Re: Ninors Event Congrats - Round 7  ·  zombieoftheweek  ·  9/24/2013, 1:07 PM
Re: Ninors Event Congrats - Round 7  ·  ValerieK  ·  9/24/2013, 11:31 AM
Re: Ninors Event Congrats - Round 7  ·  Eris  ·  9/24/2013, 11:17 AM
Re: Ninors Event Congrats - Round 7  ·  shadow1999  ·  9/24/2013, 9:28 AM
Re: Ninors Event Congrats - Round 7  ·  Polyxena  ·  9/24/2013, 8:51 AM
Re: Ninors Event Congrats - Round 7  ·  Ninor  ·  9/24/2013, 8:26 AM