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[Opinions] WDYT of these for girl twins...
Winifred Louise and Minerva DianeI know that most people won't necessarily like the names in and of themselves, because compared to the names that are so popular now both Winifred and Minerva have harsh sounds. Even still, do you think they match in style and would make nice twin names (or even sisters)? "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
-Eleanor Roosevelt
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Nicknames might be Winnie and Minnie which might be too much!!
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Okay, but-- I prefer Winifred Louisa and Minerva Diana.
Proud Adopter Of Many Lovely Punctuation Pets; See My Profile For Their Names."Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."
Martin Luther King, Jr."It is not length of life, but depth of life."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
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Love them!
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I used to work with a Puerto Rican chain-smoking overweight gossipper (sp?) named Minerva, so unfortunately I don't have a great association with that name. LOL. It also seems somewhat 'exotic' to me, whereas Winifred seems very British (i.e. - not exotic, lol). Another problem with the pair would be the possibility of their becoming Winnie and Minnie, whether you intended it or not. *blech*
I do love Winifred, though.
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Rather unusual names these days. I think that they may be shortered to Winney and Minny though and that seems a little too similiar.
I was wondering how you felt about your own name though (if Jaime is your actual name that is.) I love it. How do most people recieve it?
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Well,Growing up I considered my name to be a) too common and b) misspelled (Jamie is how everyone I knew spelled it, or Jayme). As an adult (well, almost 20 year old) I've met several girls named Jaime. I like my first name a lot now, but I still don't like the popularity. It's not nearly as bad as if I was called Amanda or Katie, though. I've never had anyone tell me that Jaime or Jamie are boy names. Most people pronounce it easily, even if it's often spelled Jamie. On the whole, it's not bad at all. On a little girl, I think Jaime or Jamie would be ok because it's not dated IMO, but it's not like Ava or Madison for this generation. I think I prefer Jamie, only because that is still most common and the spelling Jaime is sometimes pronounced HIE-may, and thought to be get to the point--I like my name, prefer the spelling Jamie, and think your potential daughter could do much worse in the name game.
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Thanks!I think it's cool and sassy on a girl.
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Well, I loathe all the names involved, sorry. But they make a really great sibset! I adore Mina, though.
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I think they'd make great sibling/twin names. I'd choose a different middle name for Minerva, but that's just my taste; there's nothing wrong with Diane there. Image hosting by Photobucket
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I like them!Though I wouldn't use Winifred or Minerva, I think they're just fab names! I must say, though, I don't particularly care for Diane. Minerva Diana would sound even more darling (and perhaps even more mythological), but Minerva Diane doesn't sound that bad. Even if I don't have enough courage to use Minerva, I'm very glad that someone else does. I'm fairly partial to the name. *points downward to picture in sig*
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I'm glad someone else likes it! Diane and Louise are the middle names of both grandmas. I thought it was more fair that way. :)
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Whatare the grandmas' first names? Are they names you'd consider in the middle spot?Image hosting by Photobucket
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First names are Ylinda (pronounced why-linda) and Joy. I actually prefer Louise and Joy as middle names, instead of Diane, but I wanted to be very fair as there is already some tension. I really like Diane, but I love Joy.
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They're okWinnie and Minnie is pretty awful though.I really don't think twin names should be any more matching than any other sibling names. Twins get enough of the problems of being a matched set. Having names distinct from each other is worth the relief imo. The two names definitely match in style.
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I don't find Minerva and Winifred to be "matching" and I'd use them for sisters as well as twin sisters. My boyfriend only agreed to them as twin names, however, because it's unlikely that I'll ever have twins. He hates Minerva.
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I love Winifred! Not so fond of Minerva, but it's pretty. I think the names work fine for twins. Pretyy mns, too.
"Are you not afraid that it will go out?"
"That what will go out?" asked Dr Greysteel.
"The candle." Strange gestured to Dr Greysteel's forehead. "The candle inside your head."~Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell
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About the nns...While I love both Winnie and Minnie, I wouldn't use both of them as nns. I do think however, that Minerva would definitely be called Minnie as a small child, because I love that nn. I could see her transitioning into Mina, though."No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
-Eleanor Roosevelt
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I think that they are a good combination. I really like the name Minerva, sorry that I cannot say the same about Winifred. They do make a pair though.
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I think that they are a good combination. I really like the name Minerva, sorry that I cannot say the same about Winifred. The do make a pair though.
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I think Minerva and Winifred sound well together, what I don't like is their mn. For twin they're ok too (as long as they won't be called Winnie and Minnie...)
To my sweet muse
Every time you rip my heart out
Every time you break it
I pick up the pen I hold in my hands
And write the most beautiful poems
But you know what
If it's alright by you
I'd rather be happy than a poet

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Brilliant!...except for the Winnie 'n' Minnie problem-I'd use Freddie and Minna instead.-sa
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I like both names but I don't like Winnie and Minnie. Both are cute nns but not togeter. If you don't plan on using those nns then they are good choices.
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Winifred is growing on me. I don't really like Minerva, but both the names sound nice and flow well together.Aeon: I know I came here to kill you...
Trevor Goodchild: That's why you're in a cell.
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