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[Games] CAF Generation
H: [83] John, Michael, Reuben, David, Matthew, Oliver / James, Alexander, Nathaniel, Raphael, Simon, Zachary (LN: Woodworth)
exW: [80] Diane, Nancy, Denise, Sarah, Charlotte, Ava / Cheryl, Susan, Abigail, Judith, Elizabeth, Ella (LN: Standlake)D1/D2: [57] Charlotte, Carmen, Anna, Lydia, Rachel, Sarah / Anne, Tabitha, Joanna, Naomi, Elisa, Nina // Rona, Cynthia, Mitzi, Delilah, Jael, Grace / Micah, Hannah, Mehitabel, Mahala, Becky, Janis
D3: [56] Anna, Elise, Marie, Margaret, Elsa, Elizabeth / Charlotte, Elisabeth, Leah, Joanna, Anne, NinaW: [75] Deborah, Susannah, Leah, Sadie, Isabelle, Isabel / Sarah, Beulah, Eliza, Grace, Lena, Sophia (LN: Merritt)S1: [50] Father's name
S2/S3: [48] Arvid, Urban, Isaiah, Ezra, Hyman, Alford / Ahab, Barak, Ebenezer, Israel, Oral, Jacob // Nimrod, Jabez, Benjamen, Proctor, Laban, Euclid / Harlow, Bascom, Osborn, Simpson, Ephraim, Amon
D4: [46] Josephine, Abigail, Jezebel, Madison, Madeline, Hadassah / Anna, Eve, Shifra, Mara, Zilla, Yael
D5: [44] Joan, Sally, Roberta, Nancy, Betty, Rebecca / Jael, Polly, Jane, Nita, Lee, Joni
S4: [42] Noah, Nimrod, Benjamin, Napoleon, Linus, Henry / Mortimer, Jabez, Clark, Elam, Amon, Laban
S5: [40] Jasper, Samson, Zeb, Eli, Giovanni, Oliver / Emmanuel, Noah, Joel, Isaac, Zachariah, Bartholomew
D6: [38] Susan, Debra, Roslyn, Vicky, Charlotte, Joanie / Marlene, Jane, Sharon, Judy, Betty, Miriam
D7: [36] Emily, Clare, Helen, Cristina, Hope, Daphne / Theresa, Mary, Mercy, Laura, Catherine, Charlotte
S6: [35] Noah, Cameron, Levi, Adam, Eli, Tobias / Jericho, Jonas, Japheth, Solomon, Isaiah, Aaron
S7: [33] Antonia, Iris, Victoria, Roberta, Celeste, Joanna / Aurora, Olivia, Elizabeth, Dianne, Susana, Audrey******
D1: [57]
H: [58] Isaac, Jesse, Moses, Lawrence, Andrew, Joseph / Henry, Jonathan, Daniel, Clinton, Asa, Samuel (LN: Southworth)S: [36] Rusell, Wade, James, Graham, Matthew, Michael / John, Robert, Spencer, Joseph, Alex, Thomas
-W: [33] Eve, Tammy, Sarah, Rebecca, Elisa, Jael / Naomi, Mary, Johanna, Joanna, Miriam, Charlotte (LN: Cowen)S: [34] Valentin, Quentin, Crispin, Curtis, Guy, Lucius / Benjamin, Noah, Magnus, Florian, Julian, Owen
D: [27] Catherine, Rachel, Mercy, Grace, Rebecca, Olivia / Susannah, Magdalen, Bethany, Emily, Sarah, Priscilla******
D2: [57]
H: [55] Gideon, Theophilus, Giles, Erastus, Sinclair, Lazarus / Zeb, Anatole, Philo, Leander, Cassius, Cicero (LN: Sprague)S: [34] Prestyn, Pallmer, Paynn, Pitt, Parrey, Pattie / Pitney, Philander, Perion, Petenka, Parkin, PolkS: [32] Phillips, Phyllip, Prestan, Peirce, Parr, Piotrek / Peirson, Portie, Peni, Paavel, Patric, Percey
-W: [27] Phoebe, Zipporah, Samantha, Delilah, Judith, Mariah / Olivia, Molly, Jerusha, Jannie, Michaela, Keziah (LN: Marsh)S: [30] Father's name
D: [27] Beulah, Sarai, Jemima, Hadassah, Tamar, Gayle / Olivia, Shifra, Keren, Leah, Yael, Keziah
D: [25] Abbie, Bess, Dorothy, Elizabeth, Barbara, Libby / Beverly, Nancy, Abby, Polly, Betsy, Charlotte
D: [22] Anna, Nancy, Dorothy, Catherine, Rita, Doris / Ianthe, Frances, Ellen, Athena, Phyllis, Evelyn
D: [14] Ava, Antonia, Miriam, Jane, Lucy, Lydia / Laura, Catharine, Naomi, Abby, Tabitha, Christina******
D3: [56]
H: [53] Aaron, Miles, Christian, Jefferson, Jay, Harrison / Stephen, Warren, Blaine, Lincoln, Byron, Jacob (LN: Sprague)S: [30] Nathaniel, Stephan, David, Moses, William, Benjamin / Lazarus, Samuel, Joseph, Jay, Matthew, James
S: [28] Evrett, Eli, Eliam, Ehud, Emlen, Eton / Eann, Emari, Erastious, Evander, Efrayim, ErollD: [26] Cathryn, Leila, Abigail, Hope, Iris, Claudia / Martha, Ivy, Audrey, Corinne, Camille, Angela
-H: [30] Magnus, Lucius, Cornelius, Verl, Stanislaus, Augustine / Cassius, Theophilus, Titus, Garnett, Regis, Florian (LN: Barker)
-D: [2] Theresa, Hannah, Ann, Rose, Marina, Victoria / Jacqueline, Molly, Diana, Lina, Rae, MartinaS/S: [22] Simon, Clayton, Wesley, Warren, Clinton, Blaine / Stuart, Alan, Raymond, Jefferson, Jack, Elliot // Anatole, Jabez, Asher, Hart, Marius, Nate / Worth, Zeke, Robinson, Erasmus, Ephraim, Mort
D: [19] Mahala, Melia, Zena, Charlotte, Sinda, Isadora / Olena, Genevra, Lovisa, Vienna, Zilla, Zilpah
S: [14] Father's name******
S1: [50]
W: [50] Aurora, Cecelia, Veronica, Elisheva, Gretchen, Camilla / Gail, Daphne, Alice, Bess, Joan, Katherine (LN: Weeks)D: [13] Rebecca, Elsa, Mary, Magdalen, Leila, Grace / Emma, Bethany, Olivia, Miriam, Audrey, Margaret
D: [12] Rena, Mara, Celeste, Amelia, Violet, Penelope / Reva, Liza, Maire, Michaela, Ella, Julia
S: [10] Father's name
D: [9] Damie, Dinnie, Darrielle, Desarie, Damee, Dejannaye / Dezorae, Deserrae, Dejanelle, Daniele, Darcee, Dixee
S: [6] Matthew, William, Paul, Michael, Benjamin, Thomas / Joseph, David, Nathaniel, Robert, Simon, Andy
D: [4] Mehitabel, Jael, Naomi, Dinah, Jemima, Ruth / Charlotte, Micah, Keren, Bessie, Rose, Elizabeth
D: [3] Susana, Elodie, Mahala, Almira, Prudence, Mahalia / Genevra, Ivy, Rosabel, Zena, Zadie, Nelly
D: [nb] Sakura, Rika, Miriam, Akira, Mari, Vivian / Leah, Sarah, Midori, Kiku, Akina, Mika******
S2: [48]
W: [40] Joanna, Elizabeth, Dinah, Leah, Charlotte, Elisabeth / Naomi, Rachel, Grace, Mary, Nina, Leila (LN: Bass)S/S: [14] Lukaus, Leks, Laderris, Nicholas, Leontes, Lexis / Ladarrias, Lucais, Lamaris, Latavius, Les, Ledarrious // Oliver, Zeb, Jasper, Fritz, Lucius, Felix / Lon, Bud, Lucien, Merritt, Dee, Adrian
S: [11] Jerail, Jamael, Jing, Jemehyl, Jankiel, Jomall / Jabriel, Jarryl, Jemell, Jomal, Jaumal, Jammal
S: [6] Moses, David, Simon, Enoch, Asa, Solomon / Samuel, Emmett, Nathaniel, Michael, Benjamin, Granville******
S3: [48]
W: [42] Joanna, Abigail, Charlotte, Leah, Elizabeth, Miriam / Grace, Nina, Katherine, Elsa, Naomi, Diana (LN: Small)S: [21] Father's name
S: [19] Zeff, Zeph, Zackoriah, Zedechiah, Zeno, Zxavian / Zechary, Zekariah, Zanvil, Zacheri, Zackry, Zecheriah
S: [17] Emanuele, Everrett, Efthimios, Elliotte, Eberhard, Eustache / Estefano, Ernestino, Estephen, Elisjsha, Everhart, Ebeneser
S: [15] Matthew, Samuel, Moses, Nathaniel, Isaac, Jacob / Thomas, Jay, Benjamin, Joel, Simon, David
S: [12] Pryor, Logan, Jacob, Wellington, Augustin, Allison / Erastus, Davie, Madison, Jabez, Ryan, Alpha
D: [10] Claudia, Leila, Sarah, Angela, Sonia, Rachel / Victoria, Audrey, Christina, Anna, Olivia, Anne
S: [5] Daniel, Jesse, Simon, Gabriel, Isaac, Alexander / Andrew, Matthias, Henry, Thomas, Barnabas, Joel
D: [2] Selma, Lucy, Peta, Matilda, Ophelia, Charlotte / Ava, Julia, Amelia, Maeve, Georgia, Meta******
D4: [46]
H: [46] Stuart, Isaac, Hudson, John, Ishmael, James / Joseph, Moses, Jacob, Robert, Reuben, Michael (LN: Walter)******
D5: [44]
H: [54] Peter, James, John, Henry, Japheth, Stephen / Zakary, Reuben, Michael, Alexander, Josh, Jeriah (LN: Owen)S: [21] Raphael, Jarred, Jeramy, Jeramie, Justen, Jessy / Joshuah, Aron, Arron, Johnathon, Nathen, Korey
D/D: [19] Susannah, Rita, Leah, Dinah, Anna, Hadassah / Doris, Ann, Naomi, Yael, Dena, Keren // Hope, Calla, Elsa, Joy, Vienna, Verity / May, Helena, Iris, Charity, Lucia, Penelope / Grace, June, Lallie, Lucy, Rosemary, Coral
D/D: [15] Ianthe, Phyllis, Therese, Frances, Barbara, Louise / Catherine, Doris, Dorothy, Evelyn, Ann, Rita // Rhoda, Lucy, Christina, Anna, Clara, Leila / Elizabeth, Ava, Nora, Joanna, Priscilla, Ivy******
S4: [42]
W: [39] Eudora, Violet, Olympia, Eleanor, Ariadne, Olive / Felipa, Rowena, Malvina, Rosamond, Edith, Margery (LN: Matthews)******
S5: [40]
W: [47] Julia, Angela, Victoria, Katherine, Mary, Theresa / Madelyn, Veronica, Cecilia, Lucretia, Lucia, Elisabeth (LN: Simmons)D: [15] Drusilla, Amelia, Stella, Charlotte, Lina, Sonia / Lyda, Henrietta, Selma, Laura, Olivia, Leena
S: [9] Brooks, Ross, Adam, Quentin, Noah, Seth / Dean, Vaughn, Preston, Nicholas, Owen, Mark
S: [7] Petersen, Purcell, Pearcey, Peat, Perino, Purves / Pavlusha, Paytah, Preston, Pal, Putnam, Patty
D: [3] Lucia, Margarett, Cecilia, Dena, Sally, Maya / Jayne, Libby, Penny, Tammy, Betsy, Tamera******
D6: [38]
H: [48] Charles, Philip, Andrew, Samuel, William, Paul / Simon, George, Barnabas, Robert, Alex, Stephen (LN: Newcomb)S: [18] Cornwallis, Christen, Carvellius, Cecilius, Cristifer, Clemento / Corwynne, Christopher, Columbia, Claiborne, Corderious, Christion
S: [17] Arieh, Aareon, Adas, Arvinder, Aarin, Abbah / Aren, Adhamh, Abijah, Aviyah, Amren, Arih
D: [16] Micah, Delilah, Grace, Sarah, Dinah, Zilla / Beulah, Zipporah, Leah, Rachel, Keren, Hannah
S: [15] Avshalom, Yehoshua, Andrew, Sulaiman, Elchanan, Bartholomew / Mehetabel, Menassah, Nathaniel, Zedidiah, Menachem, Ben Zion
S: [13] Anfernie, Allistir, Alsander, Ackerlea, Alastair, Albinson / Aquillino, Amandeep, Antionne, Ansleigh, Ackerleigh, Alldrick
S: [9] Father's name
D: [6] Madeline, Nancy, Audrey, Micah, Darlene, Mitzi / Kathy, Rona, Rita, Joyce, Nanette, Gail
S: [3] Reuben, Thomas, Alexander, James, Matthew, Isiah / Andrew, Jacob, Isaac, John, Joseph, Henry
D: [1] Zipporah, Betsy, Ruth, Susannah, Sharon, Jo / Bathsheba, Gail, Rochelle, Marlene, Dinah, Annette******
D7: [36]
H: [47] Jacob, Jonathan, Abner, Aaron, Benjamin, Zakary / Israel, Adam, Ethan, Joseph, Ian, Justin (LN: Owen)D: [20] Tabitha, Araminta, Grace, Flavia, Bina, Zaida / Malisa, Elizabeth, Sarrah, Delilah, Abigail, Georgeanna
S: [19] Louis, Fred, Lance, Willis, Ray, Carl / Stanley, Werner, Raymond, Hugh, Roland, Ralph
S: [18] Isaiah, Elisha, Levi, Josiah, Eli, Ezra / Jovan, Ezekiel, Solomon, Caleb, Malachi, Javonte
D: [16] Susannah, Judith, Ava, Jael, Hadassah, Yael / Miriam, Charlotte, Atara, Bathsheba, Elisha, Rebecca
S: [15] Father's name
S: [12] Edgerton, Emmanuele, Ellswerth, Eustatius, Somerset, Ezekeial / Inderjit, Ezekielle, Epifanio, Eziechiele, Reinhardt, Ellington
D: [9] Viola, Henrietta, Leora, Evelyn, Althea, Edith / Frances, Allegra, Hazel, Florence, Emma, Clara
D: [5] Rosamond, Lenore, Zelda, Christabel, Agatha, Aurelia / Delta, Penelope, Sybil, Charlotte, Daphne, Alyce
D: [3] Susannah, Mary, Ella, Alberta, Viola, Rosia / Theodora, Helene, Angeline, Louisa, Philomena, Leora
S: [1] Preston, Dean, Mathew, Stephen, Paul, Karl / Neil, Emmanuel, Robert, Michael, Oliver, Jonathan
D: [exp] Rebecca, Misaki, Rachel, Namie, Anna, Nina / Corinne, Ai, Leila, Hiro, Carmen, Ava******
S6: [35]
W: [34] Judith, Janie, Jean, Dena, Jo, Joan / Ruth, Jamie, Rita, Michaela, Sally, Roberta (LN: Munger)S: [11] Gozol, Gursham, Gurion, Lavan, Givon, Gideon / Gabriel, Goel, Gavriel, Gomer, Giovanni, Gilon
D: [9] Janet, Elizabeth, Carlene, Ann, Nita, Charlotte / Louise, Nancy, Thomasina, Gloria, Nan, Polly
S: [7] Gabe, Jabez, Ezra, Moses, Elie, Alpheus / Montgomery, Horatio, Elam, Nimrod, Merritt, Henry
S: [4] Patrick, Preston, Wilson, Benjamin, Byron, Charles / Henry, Richard, Davis, Forrest, Philip, Vance
S: [3] Cornealous, Currier, Cornelous, Chaves, Christophorus, Chavies / Cournelyous, Cross, Carless, Cournelius, Colas, Cyrus
D: [1] Faylynne, Falleshia, Franchessca, Florency, Fantaysia, Fredaline / Franceine, Francesta, Francyne, Fabreanne, Fernandette, Fidelina******
S7: [33]
W: [40] Ephraim, Dudley, Asa, Monroe, Elbert, Roscoe / Abbott, Clyde, Cyrus, Cornelius, Casper, Cain (LN: Fuller)D: [18] Nita, Molly, Ruth, Peggy, Jeanne, Cheryl / Sheryl, Paula, Hanna, Hannah, Adah, Vickie
D: [15] Hazel, Rebecca, Dena, Ava, Marie, Emily / Rachel, Jane, Elisha, Emma, Susanna, Atara
S: [13] Mitchell, Judah, Paul, William, Andrew, Jonathan / Jeramie, Hezekiah, Joshua, Owen, Barnabas, Matthias
S: [11] Reuben, Lazarus, Mitchell, Richard, Stephen, Andrew / John, Jacob, Zackery, Matthias, Isaac, Noah
D: [9] Martina, Diana, Charlotte, Anna, Angela, Cecilia / Laura, Ruthann, Nedra, Lonna, Marina, Veronica
D: [7] Theda, Iona, Carmella, Minerva, Helen, Althea / Santina, Larue, Eris, Florene, Muriel, Mary
S: [3] Samuel, Harrison, Charles, Davis, Barnabas, Lincoln / Bartholomew, Dean, Curtis, Dallas, Alexander, Gabriel
S: [nb] Father's name
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H: [83] -- Reuben James Woodworth
exW: [80] -- Sarah Elizabeth SandlakeD1/D2: [57] -- Lydia Naomi (Woodworth) Southworth & Jael Mahala (Woodworth) Sprague
D3: [56] -- Margaret Leah (Woodworth) SpragueW: [75] -- Isabelle Sophia (Merritt) WoodworthS1: [50] -- Reuben James Woodworth
S2/S3: [48] -- Ezra Jacob Woodworth & Jabez Ephraim Woodworth
D4: [46] -- Hadassah Mara (Woodworth) Walter
D5: [44] -- Rebecca Joni (Woodworth) Owen
S4: [42] -- Linus Clark Woodworth
S5: [40] -- Jasper Zachariah Woodworth
D6: [38] -- Charlotte Jane (Woodworth)
D7: [36] -- Daphne Theresa (Woodworth) Owen
S6: [35] -- Tobias Jericho Woodworth
D8: [33] -- Iris Aurora (Woodworth) Fuller******
D1: [57] Lydia Southworth
H: [58] -- Lawrence Henry SouthworthS: [36] -- Graham Spencer Southworth
-W: [33] -- Eve Joanna (Cowen) Southworth

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H: [83] John Alexander (LN: Woodworth)
exW: [80] Ava Ella (LN: Standlake)D1/D2: [57] Rachel Anne // Grace Hannah
D3: [56] Elizabeth LeahW: [75] Sadie Sophia (LN: Merritt)S1: [50] John Alexander
S2/S3: [48] Isaiah Jacob // Benjamen Ephraim 'Ben'
D4: [46] Madeline Anna
D5: [44] Rebecca Jane
S4: [42] Henry Clark
S5: [40] Oliver Isaac
D6: [38] Charlotte Miriam
D7: [36] Cristina Mary
S6: [35] Cameron Aaron
S7: [33] Victoria Olivia******
D1: [57] Rachel Anne
H: [58] Joseph Jonathan (LN: Southworth)S: [36] Michael John
-W: [33] Rebecca Mary (LN: Cowen)S: [34] Quentin Benjamin
D: [27] Olivia Sarah******
D2: [57] Grace Hannah
H: [55] Gideon Leander (LN: Sprague)S: [34] Prestyn ParkinS: [32] Peirce Patric
-W: [27] Samantha Michaela (LN: Marsh)S: [30] Gideon Leander
D: [27] Sarai Olivia 'Sara'
D: [25] Elizabeth Abby
D: [22] Catherine Athena 'Kate'
D: [14] Ava Christina******
D3: [56] Elizabeth Leah
H: [53] Christian Jacob 'Chris' (LN: Sprague)S: [30] William Joseph 'Liam'
S: [28] Evrett EannD: [26] Leila Audrey
-H: [30] Augustine Cassius 'August' (LN: Barker)
-D: [2] Victoria JacquelineS/S: [22] Wesley Elliot // Asher Ephraim
D: [19] Melia Vienna
S: [14] Christian Jacob******
S1: [50] John Alexander
W: [50] Cecelia Katherine (LN: Weeks)D: [13] Mary Olivia
D: [12] Violet Julia
S: [10] John Alexander
D: [9] Darrielle Deserrae 'Ellie'
S: [6] William Joseph 'Liam'
D: [4] Naomi Elizabeth
D: [3] Susana Rosabel
D: [nb] Vivian Sarah******
S2: [48] Isaiah Jacob
W: [40] Elisabeth Mary (LN: Bass)S/S: [14] Nicholas Lucais 'Nick' // Oliver Adrian
S: [11] Jomall Jabriel 'Joe'
S: [6] David Benjamin******
S3: [48] Benjamen Ephraim 'Ben'
W: [42] Elizabeth Grace (LN: Small)S: [21] Benjamen Ephraim 'Ben'
S: [19] Zackoriah Zanvil 'Zack'
S: [17] Everrett Estephen
S: [15] Matthew David 'Matt'
S: [12] Jacob Ryan
D: [10] Rachel Olivia
S: [5] Alexander Andrew 'Xander'
D: [2] Lucy Julia******
D4: [46] Madeline Anna
H: [46] John Joseph (LN: Walter)******
D5: [44] Rebecca Jane

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H: [83] David Zachary Woodworth
exW: [80] Ava Judith StandlakeD1/D2: [57] Carmen Tabitha (Woodworth) Southworth // Delilah Janis (Woodworth) Sprague
D3: [56] Elsa Charlotte (Woodworth) SpragueW: [75] Deborah Grace (Merritt) WoodworthS1: [50] David Zachary Woodworth
S2/S3: [48] Isaiah Jacob Woodworth // Benjamen Harlow Woodworth
D4: [46] Josephine Anna (Woodworth) Walter
D5: [44] Rebecca Jane (Woodworth) Owen
S4: [42] Henry Clark Woodworth
S5: [40] Oliver Joel Woodworth
D6: [38] Susan Miriam (Woodworth) Newcomb
D7: [36] Emily Theresa (Woodworth) Owen
S6: [35] Adam Solomon Woodworth
S7: [33] Iris Elizabeth (Woodworth) Fuller******
D1: [57] Carmen Tabitha (Woodworth) Southworth
H: [58] Isaac Jonathan SouthworthS: [36] James Thomas Southworth
-W: [33] Eve Johanna (Cowen) SouthworthS: [34] Quentin Noah Southworth
D: [27] Grace Magdalen Southworth******
D2: [57] Delilah Janis (Woodworth) Sprague
H: [55] Gideon Leander SpragueS: [34] Prestyn Perion SpragueS: [32] Phyllip Percey Sprague
-W: [27] Zipporah Molly (Marsh) SpragueS: [30] Gideon Leander Sprague
D: [27] Gayle Leah Sprague
D: [25] Dorothy Charlotte Sprague
D: [22] Rita Ellen Sprague
D: [14] Lucy Christina Sprague******
D3: [56] Elsa Charlotte (Woodworth) Sprague
H: [53] Aaron Jacob SpragueS: [30] Nathaniel Lazarus Sprague
S: [28] Eli Evander SpragueD: [26] Leila Ivy (Sprague) Barker
-H: [30] Lucius Florian Barker
-D: [2] Rose Jacqueline BarkerS/S: [22] Simon Elliot Sprague // Asher Erasmus Sprague
D: [19] Isadora Genevra Sprague
S: [14] Aaron Jacob Sprague******
S1: [50] David Zachary Woodworth
W: [50] Aurora Katherine (Weeks) WoodworthD: [13] Grace Audrey Woodworth
D: [12] Amelia Maire Woodworth
S: [10] David Zachary Woodworth
D: [9] Desarie Daniele Woodworth
S: [6] Matthew Robert Woodworth
D: [4] Ruth Keren Woodworth
D: [3] Elodie Rosabel Woodworth
D: [nb] Vivian Sarah Woodworth******
S2: [48] Isaiah Jacob Woodworth
W: [40] Elisabeth Rachel (Bass) WoodworthS/S: [14] Nicholas Lamaris Woodworth // Jasper Adrian Woodworth

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This message was edited 12/26/2013, 6:57 PM

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H: [83] John Raphael Woodworth
exW: [80] Sarah Elizabeth Standlake-WoodworthD1/D2: [57] Anna Tabitha Woodworth // Grace Hannah Woodworth
D3: [56] Margaret Nina WoodworthW: [75] Leah Sophia (Merritt) WoodworthS1: [50] John Raphael Woodworth II "Johnny"
S2/S3: [48] Ezra Jacob Woodworth // Benjamin Harlow Woodworth
D4: [46] Josephine Mara Woodworth
D5: [44] Rebecca Lee Woodworth
S4: [42] Henry Elam Woodworth
S5: [40] Oliver Zachariah Woodworth
D6: [38] Charlotte Jane Woodworth
D7: [36] Cristina Theresa Woodworth
S6: [35] Adam Solomon Woodworth
S7: [33] Iris Olivia Woodworth******
D1: [57] Anna Tabitha (Woodworth) Southworth
H: [58] Isaac Daniel SouthworthS: [36] James Thomas Southworth
-W: [33] Eve Mary (Cowen) SouthworthS: [34] Quentin Julian Southworth
D: [27] Olivia Bethany Southworth******
D2: [57] Grace Hannah (Woodworth) Sprague
H: [55] Gideon Leander SpragueS: [34] Prestyn Perion SpragueS: [32] Phyllip Peirson Sprague
-W: [27] Phoebe KEziah (Marsh) SpragueS: [30] Gideon Leander Sprague II "Leander"
D: [27] Tamar Shifra Sprague
D: [25] Elizabeth Polly Sprague "Lizzy"
D: [22] Catherine Ianthe Sprague "Kitty"
D: [14] Lucy Laura Sprague******
D3: [56] Margaret Nina (Woodworth) Sprague
H: [53] Christian Blaine SpragueS: [30] William Samuel Sprague
S: [28] Evrett Eann SpragueD: [26] Hope Camille (Sprague) Barker
-H: [30] Magnus Titus Barker
-D: [2] Rose Rae BarkerS/S: [22] Simon Elliot Sprague // Asher Erasmus Sprague
D: [19] Isadora Genevra Sprague
S: [14] Christian Blaine Sprague II "Ian"******
S1: [50] John Raphael Woodworth II "Johnny"
W: [50] Aurora Alice (Weeks) WoodworthD: [13] Mary Margaret Woodworth
D: [12] Amelia Maire Woodworth
S: [10] John Raphael Woodworth III "Raphael"
D: [9] Damee Daniele Woodworth
S: [6] Paul David Woodworth
D: [4] Naomi Keren Woodworth
D: [3] Elodie Ivy Woodworth
D: [nb] Akira Sarah Woodworth******
S2: [48] Ezra Jacob Woodworth
W: [40] Dinah Rachel (Bass) WoodworthS/S: [14] Nicholas Lucais Woodworth // Felix Adrian Woodworth

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H: [83] Michael James Woodworth
exW: [80] Charlotte Elizabeth StandlakeD1/D2: [57] Rachel Elisa {Woodworth} Southworth & Delilah Becky {Woodworth} Sprague
D3: [56] Margaret Anne {Woodworth} Sprague W: [75] Isabelle Grace {Merritt} WoodworthS1: [50] Michael James Woodworth
S2/S3: [48] Isaiah Jacob & Benjamen Harlow Woodworth
D4: [46] Josephine Eve {Woodworth} Walter
D5: [44] Roberta Lee {Woodworth} Owen
S4: [42] Henry Clark Woodworth
S5: [40] Samson Bartholomew Woodworth
D6: [38] Susan Miriam {Woodworth} Newcomb
D7: [36] Christina Mary {Woodworth} Owen
S6: [35] Tobias Aaron Woodworth
D8: [33] Antonia Olivia {Woodworth} FullerWoody and Charlotte with: Rachel & Lilah, and Meg.
Woody and Isabelle with: Mike, Isaiah & Ben, Josie, Bo, Henry, Sam, Sue, Tina, Tobias, and Anty.
D1: [57] Rachel Elisa {Woodworth} Southworth
H: [58] Andrew Henry SouthworthS: [36] James Joseph Southworth
-W: [33] Rebecca Mary {Cowen} SouthworthS: [34] Guy Noah Southworth
D: [27] Grace Bethany SouthworthRachel and Andy with: Jim, Guy, and Grace.
Jim and Becky.
D2: [57] Delilah Becky {Woodworth} Sprague
H: [55] Giles Leander SpragueS: [34] Parrey Philander SpragueS: [32] Prestan Percey Sprague
-W: [27] Samantha Michaela {Marsh} SpragueS: [30] Giles Leander Sprague
D: [27] Jemima Leah Sprague
D: [25] Elizabeth Abby Sprague
D: [22] Catherine Evelyn Sprague
D: [14] Antonia Naomi SpragueLilah and Giles with: Parrey, Prez, Lee, Jemma, Betty, Cate, and Antonia.
Prez and Sami.
D3: [56] Margaret Anne {Woodworth} Sprague
H: [53] Harrison Blaine SpragueS: [30] Stephan Matthew Sprague
S: [28] Evrett Evander SpragueD: [26] Hope Ivy {Sprague} Barker
-H: [30] Magnus Florian Barker
-D: [2] Rose Diana BarkerS/S: [22] Blaine Stuart & Asher Zeke Sprague
D: [19] Zena Genevra Sprague
S: [14] Harrison Blaine SpragueMeg and Harrison with: Stephan, Rett, Hope, Blaine & Ash, Zena and Harri.
Hope and Magnus with: Rose.
S1: [50] Michael James Woodworth

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H: [83] David Simon Woodworth
exW: [80] Sarah Elizabeth (nee. Standlake) WoodworthD1/D2: [57] Lydia Naomi // Cynthia Hannah
D3: [56] Marie CharlotteW: [75] Isabel Sophia (nee. Merritt) WoodworthS1: [50] David Simon, Jr.
S2/S3: [48] Isaiah Jacob // Benjamin Amon
D4: [46] Josephine Eve
D5: [44] Rebecca Jane
S4: [42] Linus Mortimer
S5: [40] Eli Bartholomew
D6: [38] Charlotte Miriam
D7: [36] Daphne Catherine
S6: [35] Noah Jonas
S7: [33] Antonia Susana ******
D1: [57] Lydia Naomi (nee. Woodworth) Southworth
H: [58] Lawrence Asa SouthworthS: [36] Graham Robert Southworth
-W: [33] Elisa Johanna (nee. Cowen) SouthworthS: [34] Lucius Julian Southworth
D: [27] Mercy Magdalen Southworth******
D2: [57] Cynthia Hannah (nee. Woodworth) Sprague
H: [55] Giles Anatole Sprague S: [34] Pallmer Parkin SpragueS: [32] Pierce Patric Sprague
-W: [27] Phoebe Michaela (nee. Marsh) SpragueS: [30] Giles Anatole Sprague
D: [27] Sarai Olivia Sprague
D: [25] Dorothy Charlotte Sprague
D: [22] Catherine Athena Sprague
D: [14] Miriam Christina Sprague ******
D3: [56] Marie Charlotte (nee. Woodworth) Sprague
H: [53] Christian Byron Sprague S: [30] Nathaniel James Sprague
S: [28] Evrett Evander Sprague D: [26] Leila Camille Sprague
-H: [30] Augustine Theophilus Barker
-D: [2] Marina Jacqueline S/S: [22] Simon Raymond Sprague & Asher Ephraim Sprague
D: [19] Isadora Genevra Sprague
S: [14] Christian Byron Sprague, Jr. ******
S1: [50] David Simon Woodworth, Jr.
W: [50] Cecilia Alice WeeksD: [13] Magdalen Audrey Woodworth
D: [12] Violet Michaela Woodworth
S: [10] David Simon Woodworth, III
D: [9] Desarie Daniele Woodworth
S: [6] Benjamin Robert Woodworth
D: [4] Jemima Elizabeth Woodworth
D: [3] Susana Rosabel Woodworth
D: [nb] Miriam Leah Woodworth******
S2: [48] Isaiah Jacob Woodworth
W: [40] Elisabeth Nina (nee. Bass) Woodworth S/S: [14] Nicholas Latavius Woodworth & Felix Lucien Woodworth
S: [11] Jerial Jammal Woodworth
S: [6] Asa Samuel Woodworth

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vote up1
David James
Sarah Elizabeth XRachel Tabitha / Grace Hannah
Margaret ElisabethIsabelle SophiaDavid James
Ezra Jacob / Benjamin Simpson
Madeline Eve
Rebecca Jane
Henry Clark
Jasper Joel
Charlotte Miriam
Emily Catherine
Adam Jonas
Victoria AuroraDave and Sarah: Rae, Grace, Meg
Dave and Belle: David, Ezra, Ben, Maddie, Becca, Henry, Jasper, Lottie, Emily, Adam, Tory--
Rachel Tabitha
Joseph JonathanJames Joseph
- Eve JohannaQuentin Benjamin
Olivia BethanyRae and Joe: James, Quentin, Liv
James and Evie--
Grace Hannah
Gideon CassiusPrestyn PolkPhillips Percey
- Samantha MollyGideon Cassius
Jemima Leah
Elizabeth Charlotte
Catherine Athena
Lucy LauraGrace and Gideon: Prestyn, Phil, GC, Jemma, Beth, Cat, Lucy
Phil and Sammie--
Margaret Elisabeth
Christian WarrenWilliam James
Eli EvanderAbigail Corinne
- Lucius Florian
-- Rose MollySimon Elliot / Asher Zeke
Isadora Genevra
Christian WarrenMeg and Chris: Liam, Eli, Abby, Simon, Asher, Dora, Christian
Abby and Lucius: Rose--
David James
Cecelia AliceGrace Emma
Violet Michaela
David James
Desarie Daniele
William Joseph
Ruth Elizabeth
Elodie Rosabel
Vivian LeahDavid and Celia: Grace, Violet, David James, DD, Liam, Rue, Ella, Viv--
Ezra Jacob
Leah GraceNicholas Les / Jasper Adrian
Jing Jomal
David EmmettEzra and Leah Grace: Nick, Jasper, JJ, David--
Benjamin Simpson
Abigail KatherineBenjamin Simpson
Zeno Zecheriah
Emanuele Everhart
Samuel Joel
Jacob Ryan
Sarah Victoria
Daniel Andrew
Matilda AmeliaBen and Abby Kate: Benji, Zeno, Manny, Sam, Jake, Sarah, Danny, Mattie--
Madeline Eve
James MichaelMaddie and James--
Rebecca Jane
James AlexanderRaphael Johnathon
Leah Naomi / Calla May Grace
Therese Catherine / Lucy ElizabethBecca and James: Rafe, Leah, Calla May, Tess, Lucy--
Henry Clark
Eleanor EdithHenry and Nora--
Jasper Joel
Katherine ElisabethAmelia Laura
Brooks Vaughn
Petersen Preston
Maya JayneJasper and Kate: Amelia, Brooks, Peter, Maya--
Charlotte Miriam

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vote up1
H: Oliver Nathaniel Woodworth [83]
exW: Charlotte Ella Standlake [80]D1/D2: Lydia Naomi Southworth née Woodworth // Delilah Micah Sprague née Woodworth [57]
D3: Anna Leah Sprague née Woodworth [56]W: Sadie Grace Woodworth née Merritt [75]S1: Oliver (Nathan) Nathaniel Woodworth, Jr. [50]
S2/S3: Isaiah Jacob Woodworth // Benjamin Ephraim Woodworth, Sr. [48]
D4: Josephine Eve Walter née Woodworth [46]
D5: Rebecca Jane Owen née Woodworth [44]
S4: Noah Clark Woodworth [42]
S5: Samson Isaac Woodworth [40]
D6: Charlotte Miriam Newcomb née Woodworth [38]
D7: Clare Mary Owen née Woodworth [36]
S6: Levi Aaron Woodworth [35]
S7: Asa Cyrus Woodworth, Sr. [33]******
D1: Lydia Naomi Southworth née Woodworth [57]
H: Andrew Henry Southworth [58]S: Graham Spencer Southworth [36]
-W: Elisa Johanna Southworth née Cowen [33]S: Quentin Owen Southworth [34]
D: Olivia Bethany Southworth [27]******
D2: Delilah Micah Sprague née Woodworth [57]
H: Gideon Philo Sprague, Sr. [55]S: Paynn Parkin Sprague [34]S: Prestan Peirson Sprague [32]
-W: Mariah Molly Sprague née Marsh [27]S: Gideon (Philo) Philo Sprague, Jr, [30]
D: Jemima Leah Sprague [27]
D: Elizabeth Abby Sprague [25]
D: Catherine Ellen Sprague [22]
D: Jane Tabitha Sprague [14]******
D3: Anna Leah Sprague née Woodworth [56]
H: Miles Lincoln Sprague, Sr. [53]S: William Joseph Sprague [30]
S: Eli Evander Sprague [28]D: Hope Audrey Barker née Sprague [26]
-H: Magnus Titus Barker [30]
--D: Hannah Molly Barker [2]S/S: Simon Elliot Sprague // Asher Worth Sprague [22]
D: Melia Zilla Sprague [19]
S: Miles (Lincoln) Lincoln Sprague, Jr. [14]******
S1: Oliver (Nathan) Nathaniel Woodworth, Jr. [50]
W: Aurora Alice Woodworth née Weeks [50]D: Elsa Audrey Woodworth [13]
D: Amelia Michaela Woodworth [12]
S: Oliver (Ollie) Nathaniel Woodworth III [10]
D: Desarie Darcee Woodworth [9]
S: Matthew Simon Woodworth [6]
D: Ruth Micah Woodworth [4]
D: Prudence Zadie Woodworth [3]
D: Vivian Akina Woodworth [nb]******

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vote up1
DH - Matthew Nathaniel Woodworth Sr. [83]
Ex-DW - Charlotte Elizabeth Standlake [80]
DW - Leah Sophia {Merritt} Woodworth [75]DD1 - Lydia Joanna {Woodworth} Southworth [57] (Cynthia's twin)
-DH - Jesse Clinton Southworth [58]
-DS - Graham Spencer Southworth [36]
--DW - Eve Johanna {Cowen} Southworth [33]
-DS - Lucius Florian [34]
-DD - Mercy Priscilla [27]DD2 - Cynthia Hannah {Woodworth} Sprague [57] (Lydia's twin)
-DH - Gideon Leander Sprague Sr. [55]
-DS - Pitt Philander [34]
-DS - Parr Pearson Sprague [32]
--DW - Judith Michaela {Marsh} Sprague [27]
-DS - Gideon Leander Jr. [30]
-DD - Sarai Olivia [27]
-DD - Dorothy Beverly [25]
-DD - Anna Athena [22]
-DD - Miriam Tabitha [14]DD3 - Elise Charlotte {Woodworth} Sprague [56]
-DH - Jefferson Jacob Sprague Sr. [53]
-DS - Benjamin Joseph [30]
-DS - Eli Evander [28]
-DD - Iris Camille {Sprague} Barker [26]
--DH - Magnus Florian Barker [30]
--DD - Marina Jacqueline [2]
-DS/DS - Wesley Stuart & Anatole Erasmus [22]
-DD - Charlotte Vienna [19]
-DS - Jefferson Jacob Jr. [14]DS1 - Matthew Nathaniel Woodworth Jr. [50]
-DW - Aurora Alice {Weeks} Woodworth [50]
-DD - Magdalen Miriam [13]
-DD - Penelope Michaela [12]
-DS - Matthew Nathaniel III [10]
-DD - Desiree Danielle [9]
-DS - Paul Robert [6]
-DD - Naomi Elizabeth [4]
-DD - Elodie Ivy [3]
-DD - Vivian Sarah [nb]DS2 - Urban Israel Woodworth [48] (Harlow's twin)
-DW - Joanna Rachel {Bass} Woodworth [40]
-DS/DS - Nicholas Lucius & Jasper Adrian [14]
-DS - Jamal Gabriel [11]
-DS - Asa Michael [6]DS3 - Euclid Harlow Woodworth Sr. [48] (Urban's twin)
-DW - Leah Katherine {Small} Woodworth [42]
-DS - Euclid Harlow Jr. [21]
-DS - Zedekiah Zachary [19]
-DS - Everett Elisha [17]
-DS - Jacob Benjamin [15]
-DS - Pryor Madison [12]
-DD - Angela Christina [10]
-DS - Gabriel Barnabas [5]
-DD - Selma Georgia [2]DD4 - Jezebel Mara {Woodworth} Walter [46]
-DH - James Joseph Walter [46]DD5 - Nancy Jane {Woodworth} Owen [44]
-DH - Peter Michael Owen [54]
-DS - Raphael Aaron [21]

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vote up1
H: Oliver Raphael Woodworth [83]
exW: Charlotte Judith Standlake Woodworth [80] D1/D2: Lydia Nina Woodworth & Grace Janis Woodworth [57]
D3: Elise Anne Woodworth [56] W: Isabel Sophia Merritt Woodworth [75] S1: Raphael Oliver Woodworth [50]
S2/S3: Ezra Jacob Woodworth & Benjamin Ephraim Woodworth [48]
D4: Josephine Mara Woodworth [46]
D5: Rebecca Jane Woodworth [44]
S4: Linus Mortimer Woodworth [42]
S5: Jasper Noah Woodworth [40]
D6: Susan Sharon Woodworth [38]
D7: Clare Mercy Woodworth [36]
S6: Tobias Isaiah Woodworth [35]
D8: Antonia Audrey Woodworth [33] Oliver & Charlotte; Lydia, Grace, and Elise.
Oliver & ISabel; Raphael, Ezra, Benjamin, Josephine, Rebecca, Linus, Jasper, Susan, Clare, Tobias, and Antonia.******
D1: Lydia Nina Woodworth Southworth [57]
H: Joseph Daniel Southworth [58] Lydia & Joseph (Joe); Graham, Quentin, and Catherine (Cate).S: Graham Robert Southworth [36]
-W: Sarah Miriam Cowen [33] Graham & Sarah.S: Quentin Julian Southworth [34]
D: Catherine Emily Southworth [27] ******
D2: Grace Janis Woodworth Sprague [57]
H: Gideon Cassius Sprague [55] D: Phoebe Michaela Sprague [28]
D: Jemima Leah Sprague [27]
D: Dorothy Charlotte Sprague [25]
D: Anna Athena Sprague [22]
D: Lucy Christina Sprague [14] Grace & Gideon; Phoebe (Phee), Jemima (Jemma), Dorothy (Dora), Anna (Annie), and Lucy.******
D3: Elise Anne Woodworth Simes [56]
H: Miles Stephen Simes [53] Elise & Miles; Nathaniel, Leila, Wesley, Asher, and Isadora.S: Nathaniel James Simes [30] D: Leila Martha Simes Barker [26]
-H: Magnus Theophilus Barker [30]
-D: Marina Jacqueline Barker [2] Leila & Magnus; Marina.S/S: Wesley Alan Simes & Asher Ephraim Simes [22]
D: Isadora Genevra Simes [19] ******
S1: Raphael Oliver Woodworth [50]
W: Veronica Alice Weeks Woodworth [50] D: Mary Margaret Woodworth [13]
D: Celeste Ella Woodworth [12]
S: Oliver Raphael Woodworth [10]
S: Michael Robert Woodworth [6]
D: Naomi Charlotte Woodworth [4]
D: Elodie Rosabel Woodworth [3]

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vote up1
DH: [83] David Nathaniel Woodworth, Sr.
exW: [80] Denise Cheryl StandlakeDD/DD: [57] Sarah Anne {Woodworth} Southworth / Grace Hannah {Woodworth} Sprague
DD: [56] Elizabeth Joanna {Woodworth} SpragueDW: [75] Deborah Beulah {Merritt} WoodworthDS: [50] David Nathaniel Woodworth, Jr.
DS/DS: [48] Ezra Jacob Woodworth / Benjamin Ephraim Woodworth, Sr.
DD: [46] Madeline Mara {Woodworth} Walter
DD: [44] Rebecca Jane {Woodworth} Owen
DS: [42] Henry Elam Woodworth
DS: [40] Oliver Zachariah Woodworth
DD: [38] Charlotte Miriam {Woodworth} Newcomb
DD: [36] Hope Theresa {Woodworth} Owen
DS: [35] Tobias Aaron Woodworth
DD: [33] Victoria Susana {Woodworth} Fuller******
DD: [57] Sarah Anne {Woodworth} Southworth
DH: [58] Andrew Jonathan SouthworthDS: [36] Graham Joseph Southworth
-DW: [33] Elisa Mary {Cowen} SouthworthDS: [34] Curtis Noah Southworth
DD: [27] Rachel Bethany Southworth******
DD: [57] Grace Hannah {Woodworth} Sprague
DH: [55] Gideon Leander Sprague, Sr.DS: [34] Parrey Philander SpragueDS: [32] Peirce Patric Sprague
-DW: [27] Phoebe Michaela {Marsh} SpragueDS: [30] Gideon Leander Sprague, Jr.
DD: [27] Jemima Keren Sprague
DD: [25] Barbara Abby Sprague
DD: [22] Catherine Frances Sprague
DD: [14] Antonia Naomi Sprague******
DD: [56] Elizabeth Joanna {Woodworth} Sprague
DH: [53] Harrison Byron Sprague, Sr.DS: [30] Stephan Matthew Sprague
DS: [28] Evrett Eann SpragueDD: [26] Iris Martha {Sprague} Barker
-DH: [30] Magnus Florian Barker
-DD: [2] Rose Jacqueline BarkerDS/DS: [22] Blaine Jack Sprague / Asher Erasmus Sprague
DD: [19] Isadora Vienna Sprague
DS: [14] Harrison Byron Sprague, Jr.******
DS: [50] David Nathaniel Woodworth, Jr.
DW: [50] Gretchen Daphne {Weeks} WoodworthDD: [13] Magdalen Audrey Woodworth
DD: [12] Penelope Julia Woodworth
DS: [10] David Nathaniel Woodworth, III
DD: [9] Desarie Daniele Woodworth
DS: [6] Thomas Simon Woodworth
DD: [4] Dinah Micah Woodworth
DD: [3] Prudence Ivy Woodworth
DD: [nb] Vivian Leah Woodworth******

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vote up1
H: [83] Reuben Alexander Woodworth
exW: [80] Sarah Judith Standlake D1/D2: [57] Lydia Joanna // Cynthia Mahala
D3: [56] Margaret Elisabeth W: [75] Susannah Beulah Merritt S1: [50] Reuben Alexander
S2/S3: [48] Ezra Jacob // Laban Ephraim
D4: [46] Abigail Zilla
D5: [44] Elizabeth Nita "Betty"
S4: [42] Linus Clark
S5: [40] Samson Isaac
D6: [38] Joan Miriam "Joanie"
D7: [36] Helen Theresa
S6: [35] Tobias Aaron
D8: [33] Celeste Audrey ******
D1: [57] Lydia Joanna
H: [58] Lawrence Jonathan Southworth S: [36] Russell Robert
-W: [33] Eve Mary Cowen S: [34] Lucius Benjamin
D: [27] Mercy Magdalen ******
D2: [57] Cynthia Mahala
H: [55] Gideon Cassius Sprague S: [34] Patrick Philander "Pattie"S: [32] Phillips Peirson "Phil"
-W: [27] Phoebe Keziah Marsh S: [30] Gideon Cassius
D: [27] Jemima Keren
D: [25] Beatrice Polly "Bess"
D: [22] Dorothy Frances
D: [14] Lucile Catharine "Lucy"******
D3: [56] Margaret Elisabeth
H: [53] Jefferson Byron Sprague S: [30] Stephan Lazarus
S: [28] Elias Evander "Eli"D: [26] Claudia Corinne
-H: [30] Stanislaus Regis "Stan" Barker
-D: [2] Rose Martina S/S: [22] Warren Elliot // Anatole Ephraim
D: [19] Isadora Zilpah
S: [14] Jefferson Byron ******
S1: [50] Reuben Alexander
W: [50] Camilla Daphne Weeks D: [13] Mary Olivia
D: [12] Violet Michaela
S: [10] Reuben Alexander "Ben"
D: [9] Dinah Danielle "Dinnie"
S: [6] Paul Simon
D: [4] Naomi Charlotte
D: [3] Susana Rosabel
D: [nb] Vivian Leah ******
S2: [48] Ezra Jacob
W: [40] Elisabeth Nina Bass S/S: [14] Leontes Les // Zebedee Lon "Zeb"
S: [11] Jerail Jabriel "Jerry"
S: [6] Enoch Samuel ******
S3: [48] Laban Ephraim
W: [42] Miriam Diana "Mimi" Small S: [21] Laban Ephraim
S: [19] Zeno Zecheriah
S: [17] Eustache Ebeneser
S: [15] Moses Benjamin
S: [12] Pryor Erastus
D: [10] Sonia Victoria
S: [5] Jesse Barnabas
D: [2] Selma Julia ******
D4: [46] Abigail Zilla
H: [46] Ishmael Robert Walter ******
D5: [44] Elizabeth Nita "Betty"
H: [54] Japheth Michael Owen

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vote up1
H: [83] David Nathaniel
exW: [80] Sarah AbigailD1/D2: [57] Lydia Naomi / Grace Hannah
D3: [56] Elizabeth LeahW: [75] Isabel SophiaS1: [50] David Nathaniel "Nathan"
S2/S3: [48] Isaiah Jacob / Benjamin Ephraim
D4: [46] Madeline Eve
D5: [44] Rebecca Jane
S4: [42] Noah Jabez
S5: [40] Oliver Joel
D6: [38] Charlotte Miriam
D7: [36] Claire Catherine
S6: [35] Adam Jonas
S7: [33] Iris Olivia******
D1: [57] Lydia Naomi
H: [58] Isaac JonathanS: [36] James Robert
-W: [33] Elisa JohannaS: [34] Lucius Owen "Luke"
D: [27] Rachel Magdalen******
D2: [57] Grace Hannah
H: [55] Gideon LeanderS: [34] Preston Polk

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vote up1
H [83]: Oliver Nathaniel Woodworth
exW [80]: Charlotte Abigail StandlakeD1/D2 [57]: Lydia Naomi & Delilah Janis Woodworth
D3 [56]: Anna Elisabeth WoodworthW [75]: Isabel Sophia Woodworth [nee Merritt]S1 [50]: Nathaniel Oliver Woodworth
S2/S3 [48]: Isaiah Jacob & Benjamin Harlow Woodworth
D4 [46]: Madeline Eve Woodworth
D5 [44]: Rebecca Jane Woodworth
S4 [42]: Linus Clark Woodworth
S5 [40]: Jasper Isaac Woodworth
D6 [38]: Susan Miriam Woodworth
D7 [36]: Clare Theresa Woodworth
S6 [35]: Tobias Aaron Woodworth
D8 [33]: Victoria Audrey Woodworth-------
D1 [57]: Lydia Naomi Southworth [nee Woodworth]
H [58]: Joseph Daniel SouthworthS [36]: James Robert Southworth
-W [33]: Eve Joanna Southworth [nee Cowen]S [34]: Lucius Owen Southworth
D [27]: Catherine Bethany Southworth-------
D2 [57]: Delilah Janis Sprague [nee Woodworth]
H [55]: Giles Leander SpragueS [34]: Prestyn Philander SpragueS [32]: Pierce Patric Sprague
-W [27]: Judith Olivia Sprague [nee Marsh]S [30]: Leander Giles Sprague
D [27]: Jemima Keren Sprague
D [25]: Dorothy Charlotte Sprague
D [22]: Catherine Ellen Sprague
D [14]: Miriam Laura Sprague-------
D3 [56]: Anna Elisabeth Sprague [nee Woodworth]
H [53]: Aaron Jacob SpragueS [30]: Nathaniel Joseph Sprague
S [28]: Eli Evander SpragueD [26]: Leila Corinne Barker [nee Sprague]
-H [30]: Cornelius Garnet Barker
--D [2]: Rose Jacqueline BarkerS/S [22]: Wesley Alan & Asher Robinson Sprague
D [19]: Isadora Olena Sprague
S [14]: Jacob Aaron Sprague-------
S1 [50]: Nathaniel Oliver Woodworth
W [50]: Cecilia Joan Woodworth [nee Weeks]D [13]: Elsa Margaret Woodworth
D [12]: Amelia Maire Woodworth
S [10]: Oliver Nathaniel Woodworth
D [9]: Darielle Dixee Woodworth
S [6]: Matthew David Woodworth
D [4]: Naomi Rose Woodworth
D [3]: Susana Ivy Woodworth
D [nb]: Miriam Leah Woodworth-------
S2 [48]: Isaiah Jacob Woodworth
W [40]: Joanna Rachel Woodworth [nee Bass]S/S [14]: Nicholas Lucais & Lucius Adrian Woodworth
S [6]: Asa Michael Woodworth

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vote up1
H: [83] John James (LN: Woodworth)
exW: [80] Nancy Susan (LN: Standlake)D1/D2: [57] Charlotte Tabitha // Cynthia Hannah
D3: [56] Anna Elisabeth W: [75] Deborah Eliza (LN: Merritt)S1: [50] Father's name
S2/S3: [48] Urban Ebenezer // Jabez Ephraim
D4: [46] Josephine Eve
D5: [44] Joan Polly
S4: [42] Noah Mortimer
S5: [40] Jasper Emmanuel
D6: [38] Susan Jane
D7: [36] Emily Theresa
S6: [35] Adam Jonas
S7: [33] Antonia Audrey******
D1: [57]
H: [58] Isaac Henry (LN: Southworth)S: [36] James John
-W: [33] Eve Naomi (LN: Cowen)S: [34] Quentin Noah
D: [27] Catherine Susannah ******
D2: [57]
H: [55] Gideon Leander (LN: Sprague)S: [34] Pitt Philander S: [32] Parr Peirson
-W: [27] Phoebe Olivia (LN: Marsh)S: [30] Father's name
D: [27] Jemima Olivia
D: [25] Bess Nancy
D: [22] Anna Ianthe
D: [14] Antonia Catharine ******
D3: [56]
H: [53] Aaron Jacob (LN: Sprague)S: [30] Nathaniel Lazarus
S: [28] Eli Eann D: [26] Leila Ivy
-H: [30] Magnus Theophilus(LN: Barker)
-D: [2] Theresa Jacqueline S/S: [22] Simon Raymond // Jabez Erasmus
D: [19] Charlotte Vienna
S: [14] Father's name******
S1: [50]
W: [50] Veronica Daphne (LN: Weeks)D: [13] Rebecca Miriam
D: [12] Amelia Liza
S: [10] Father's name
D: [9] Damie Daniele
S: [6] Matthew Joseph
D: [4] Naomi Charlotte
D: [3] Prudence Ivy
D: [nb] Vivian Sarah ******
S2: [48]
W: [40] Joanna Naomi (LN: Bass)S/S: [14] Nicholas Latavius // Oliver Adrian
S: [11] Jerail Jabriel
S: [6] David Samuel ******
S3: [48]
W: [42] Joanna Grace (LN: Small)S: [21] Father's name
S: [19] Zeno Zackry
S: [17] Eustache Ebeneser
S: [15] Matthew Thomas
S: [12] Pryor Madison
D: [10] Claudia Audrey
S: [5] Daniel Andrew
D: [2] Lucy Julia ******
D4: [46]
H: [46] Isaac Joseph (LN: Walter)******
D5: [44]
H: [54] Peter Reuben (LN: Owen)S: [21] Raphael Aron
D/D: [19] Susannah Doris // Hope May Grace
D/D: [15] Ianthe Catherine // Rhoda Elizabeth ******
S4: [42]
W: [39] Violet Rowena (LN: Matthews)******

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H: [83] John Zachary Woodworth “John”
exW: [80] Sarah Judith (Standlake) Woodworth “Sarah”D1/D2: [57] Lydia Naomi Woodworth “Lydia” / Delilah Hannah Woodworth “Lilah”
D3: [56] Marie Charlotte Woodworth “Marie”W: [75] Leah Sophia (Merritt) Woodworth “Leah”S1: [50] John Zachary Woodworth Jr. “Johnny”
S2/S3: [48] Isaiah Jacob Woodworth “Isaiah” / Benjamen Ephraim Woodworth “Ben”
D4: [46] Abigail Mara Woodworth “Abby”
D5: [44] Rebecca Jane Woodworth “Becca”
S4: [42] Noah Clark Woodworth “Noah”
S5: [40] Samson Joel Woodworth “Sam”
D6: [38] Susan Miriam Woodworth “Sue”
D7: [36] Hope Laura Woodworth “Hope”
S6: [35] Tobias Aaron Woodworth “Toby”
D8: [33] Iris Olivia Woodworth “Iris”John & Sarah Woodworth: Lydia, Lilah, & Marie
John & Leah Woodworth: Johnny, Isaiah, Ben, Abby, Becca, Noah, Sam, Sue, Hope, Toby, & Iris
D1: [57] Lydia Naomi (Woodworth) Southworth “Lydia”
H: [58] Jesse Henry Southworth “Jesse”S: [36] Michael Thomas Southworth “Mike”
-W: [33] Eve Johanna (Cowen) Southworth “Eve”S: [34] Quentin Julian Southworth “Quinn”
D: [27] Rachel Bethany Southworth “Rachel”Lydia & Jesse Southworth: Mike, Quinn, & Rachel
Mike & Eve Southworth
D2: [57] Delilah Hannah (Woodworth) Sprague “Lilah”
H: [55] Theophilus Leander Sprague “Theo”S: [34] Prestyn Philander Sprague “Prestyn”S: [32] Peirce Percey Sprague “Peirce”
-W: [27] Phoebe Jerusha (Marsh) Sprague “Phoebe”S: [30] Theophilus Leander Sprague Jr. “TJ”
D: [27] Hadassah Keziah Sprague “Hadassah”
D: [25] Elizabeth Beverly Sprague “Eliza”
D: [22] Anna Evelyn Sprague “Anna”
D: [14] Ava Christina Sprague “Ava”Lilah & Theo Sprague: Prestyn, Peirce, TJ, Hadassah, Eliza, Anna, & Ava
Peirce & Phoebe Sprague
D3: [56] Marie Charlotte Woodworth “Marie”
H: [53] Miles Stephen Sprague “Miles”S: [30] Nathaniel Samuel Sprague “Nate”
S: [28] Evrett Eroll Sprague “Rhett”

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vote up1
DH: {83} Oliver Nathaniel Woodworth, Sr.
exDW: {80} Charlotte Elizabeth {Standlake} Woodworth
DW: {75} Isabelle Beulah {Merritt} WoodworthDD1: {57} Lydia Naomi {Woodworth} Southworth
DD2: {57} Grace Hannah {Woodworth} Sprague
DD3: {56} Elizabeth Joanna {Woodworth} Sprague
DS1: {50} Oliver Nathaniel Woodworth, Jr.
DS2: {48} Isaiah Jacob Woodworth
DS3: {48} Benjamen Harlow Woodworth, Sr.
DD4: {46} Josephine Mara {Woodworth} Walter
DD5: {44} Rebecca Jane {Woodworth} Owen
DS4: {42} Henry Clark Woodworth
DS5: {40} Eli Zachariah Woodworth
DD6: {38} Roslyn Marlene {Woodworth} Newcomb
DD7: {36} Hope Theresa {Woodworth} Owen
DS6: {35} Tobias Aaron Woodworth
DD8: {33} Celeste Audrey {Woodworth} Fuller*DD1: {57} Lydia Naomi {Woodworth} Southworth
DH: {58} Andrew Daniel SouthworthDS: {36} Graham Thomas Southworth
- DW: {33} Rebecca Mary {Cowen} SouthworthDS: {34} Quentin Magnus Southworth
DD: {27} Rachel Susannah Southworth*DD2: {57} Grace Hannah {Woodworth} Sprague
DH: {55} Gideon Leander Sprague, Sr.DS: {34} Pitt Philander SpragueDS: {32} Parr Peirson Sprague
- DW: {27} Phoebe Jerusha {Marsh} SpragueDS: {30} Gideon Leander Sprague, Jr.
DD: {27} Sarai Keziah Sprague
DD: {25} Bess Nancy Sprague
DD: {22} Rita Frances Sprague
DD: {14} Ava Tabitha Sprague*DD3: {56} Elizabeth Joanna {Woodworth} Sprague
DH: {53} Miles Lincoln Sprague, Sr.DS: {30} William James Sprague
DS: {28} Eli Evander SpragueDD: {26} Leila Corinne {Sprague} Barker
- DH: {30} Augustine Garnett Barker
- DD: {2} Theresa Jacqueline BarkerDS/DS: {22} Wesley Raymond Sprague / Elliot Asher Sprague
DD: {19} Isadora Vienna Sprague
DS: {14} Miles Lincoln Sprague, Jr.*DS1: {50} Oliver Nathaniel Woodworth, Jr.
DW: {50} Veronica Daphne {Weeks} WoodworthDD: {13} Mary Margaret Woodworth
DD: {12} Penelope Julia Woodworth
DS: {10} Oliver Nathaniel Woodworth, Jr.
DD: {9} Desarie Daniele Woodworth
DS: {6} Paul Robert Woodworth
DD: {4} Jemima Elizabeth Woodworth
DD: {3} Elodie Rosabel Woodworth
DD: {nb} Vivian Sarah Woodworth

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H: [83] David Zachary (LN: Woodworth)
exW: [80] Ava Elizabeth (LN: Standlake)D1/D2: [57] Sarah Anne // Grace Hannah
D3: [56] Marie CharlotteW: [75] Sadie Lena (LN: Merritt)S1: [50] David Zachary
S2/S3: [48] Ezra Jacob // Benjamen Ephraim "Ben"
D4: [46] Josephine Yael "Josie"
D5: [44] Rebecca Jane
S4: [42] Noah Clark
S5: [40] Giovanni Isaac
D6: [38] Roslyn Miriam
D7: [36] Emily Catherine
S6: [35] Cameron Jericho
S7: [33] Antonia Audrey******
D1: [57]
H: [58] Jesse Daniel (LN: Southworth)S: [36] Graham Thomas
-W: [33] Eve Johanna (LN: Cowen)S: [34] Valentin Noah
D: [27] Mercy Bethany******
D2: [57]
H: [55] Gideon Cicero (LN: Sprague)S: [34] Prestyn PolkS: [32] Peirce Patric
-W: [27] Judith Michaela "Jude" (LN: Marsh)S: [30] Gideon Cicero
D: [27] Sarai Olivia
D: [25] Abbie Charlotte
D: [22] Catherine Athena
D: [14] Lucy Christina******
D3: [56]
H: [53] Harrison Jacob (LN: Sprague)S: [30] William James "Will"
S: [28] Eli EvanderD: [26] Leila Corinne
-H: [30] Augustine Cassius (LN: Barker)
-D: [2] Theresa Martina "Tessa"S/S: [22] Clayton Elliot // Asher Ephraim
D: [19] Isadora Lovisa
S: [14] Harrison Jacob******
S1: [50]
W: [50] Cecelia Daphne (LN: Weeks)D: [13] Magdalen Audrey
D: [12] Violet Julia
S: [10] David Zachary
D: [9] Desarie Daniele
S: [6] Paul Joseph
D: [4] Naomi Rose
D: [3] Susana Ivy
D: [nb] Miriam Leah "Miri"******
S2: [48]
W: [40] Elisabeth Mary "Ellie" (LN: Bass)S/S: [14] Nicholas Lucais "Cole" // Oliver Adrian
S: [11] Jerail Jabriel "Jay"
S: [6] Solomon Michael******
S3: [48]
W: [42] Leah Diana (LN: Small)S: [21] Benjamen Ephraim "Benji"
S: [19] Zedechiah Zacheri "Zed"
S: [17] Everrett Estefano
S: [15] Isaac Joel
S: [12] Jacob Ryan "Jake"
D: [10] Rachel Anna
S: [5] Gabriel Thomas
D: [2] Lucy Maeve******
D4: [46]
H: [46] John Robert (LN: Walter)******
D5: [44]
H: [54] Peter Michael (LN: Owen)S: [21] Raphael Arron
D/D: [19] Anna Yael // Joy Lucia Rosemary
D/D: [15] Therese Catherine // Clara Ivy******
S4: [42]

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