[Opinions] Re: if you had twins
in reply to a message by White Wave
I find it hard these days, after three years of talking names together, to separate out my wife's choices from mine. No point speculating about names she'd never countenance lol.
G/G twins might be Freya Jean & Clara Rose, or perhaps Sylvie Rose & Freya Jean. Or even Rosemary Joy & Freya Jean.
B/B twins... perhaps Theo Frederick and Hamish Zachary? No idea. Theo is our stock-standard for boys so we don't really have a second option.
G/B twins... mix & match of the above. Rosemary Jean & Theo Frederick?

G/G twins might be Freya Jean & Clara Rose, or perhaps Sylvie Rose & Freya Jean. Or even Rosemary Joy & Freya Jean.
B/B twins... perhaps Theo Frederick and Hamish Zachary? No idea. Theo is our stock-standard for boys so we don't really have a second option.
G/B twins... mix & match of the above. Rosemary Jean & Theo Frederick?

Sweet choices :) Theo is my son's name and Hamish is the top choice for another boy. Well, *my* top choice...DH isn't on totally board yet, but he will see the light =) Frederick is another one of my favourites, and it's actually hubby-approved, and it's my late grandfather's name, so it's usually pretty high on the list. I really love all your girl names too...all on my list (though my daughter's name didn't make your cut,*hmmph* hehe). Anyhoo, well done!