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[Opinions] Pronunciation question for those who've read Hunger Games
When you read the book, how did you pronounce Peeta?
Was it just the same as Peter, or slightly different?I'm asking because in a few fanfiction stories I've seen him called Peter "Peeta" Mellark, or he says something like "My name's Peter, but everyone calls me Peeta" or "My brother couldn't pronounce Peter, so they called me Peeta and it stuck".
This makes no sense to me, as I pronounce Peeta and Peter identically.On a related note, what do you think of Finnick as a name? Would you prefer it as a full name, or as an at-home diminutive for Finn or Finlay.**Emma** Eve, Alice, Norah, Isla // George, Charlie, Arthur, Oscar
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Peeta is definitely pronounced differently than Peter. Peeta ends in an "ah" sound, whereas Peter ends in an "err" sound. Finnick is fine as a full name on its own.
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I pronounced Peter and Peeta the same. Though at school my friends would stress the first syllable a lot. They were taking the piss though, not being serious.Finnick reminds me too much of the word finicky for me to consider as a name in the real world.
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British accent= identical. American accent= very different. Peturrr vs. Peetaaah.
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In my accent, Peter and Peter are pronounced exactly the same so I never really thought about it, I just saw it as a different spelling of Peter, but I know Americans pronounce them differently
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I pronounce the R in Peter, so no, not like Peter. Like Pita bread. His name is bread, he makes bread, and he lives in bread (Panem means... yeah).
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Peeta- PEE-tah
Peter- PEE-terI don't like Finnick. Not crazy about Fin- names.
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"PEE-tah" It's not exactly the same as Peter, because I pronounce Peter "PEE-tuh" and not "PEE-tah". I've got a British accent, by the way.I like Finnick though. Just as a full name.
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I don't pronounce them the same at all. Are you British? I know British people who pronounce it the same.Peeta is like the group PETA. pee-tahPeter is pee-ter. Finnick is not a good name. Finicky means to be fussy about something so that's all I think of. I like Finn. Finn > Finley > Finlay
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ditto about Finnick...Forgot to mention it in my own response. I have seen and heard finick (one n) used as a verb, though of course it might not be 100% legit. "That's what happens when you finick around half the day and then decide you absolutely cannot wait another minute to get this one thing done." etc.
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Yeah I am British, so maybe that's it.
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Well, I haven't read the books, but I'm an American and I am assuming the books were written by an American, and we don't say Peetah and Peter the same way. Barring some minor and not very pronounced regional accent differences, Peter is pronounced Pee-ter. The r at the end of words and names is always pronounced in American English.In Judy Blume's series of children's books, the pesky littel brother can't or won't pronounce his older brother Peter's name so calls him Pee-Tah, which is how it's written out in the books. No idea if the Hunger Games author has read those books but in any case, Peetah for Peter is not original with her.
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That's what I think of, too- Fudge and Pee-tah.Suzanne Collins is indeed an American, BTW. She says she got the idea for HG after watching reality shows and war news coverage on TV.
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there is a Stephen King novel ...Called "The Running Man" which involves a TV show where contestants have to make it across the country (I can't remember for sure but it's something like that) and avoid being murdered, and the winner gets a huge amount of money.
I wonder if Ms. Collins read that book?
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Or the Japanese movie "Battle Royale."I haven't seen it but supposedly it's very similar to Hunger Games.
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I saw it. It's darker and less developed than Hunger Games because it's more about what's happening and less about the characters. People love to say that HG is a rip-off of BR but it's really not. It's a topic that has been covered many times but BR has a larger, and more cult-ish, following.
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I actually thought of the short story "The Lottery" when I read "Hunger Games."It's by Shirley Jackson and I had to read it a hundred years ago in high school. Not the same, obviously, but a similar theme. I definitely think you're right in that this topic has been covered many times before - it's not about originality so much as taking a theme and putting a new spin on it and, in that respect, Hunger Games succeeds. And, anyway, I'd take it any day over 50 Shades of Grey or Spanked in the Principals Office or whatever trash literature is currently popular.
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"The Lottery" sounds so familiar. I'm going to need to look that up. I agree with you completely. "Spanked in the Principal's Office" made me lol. I hope that isn't a real book... although, with the way things are going, it probably will be soon if it isn't already!
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If it is a real book, I need to know, like now .
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It's not a real book...yet. ;)
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"The Long Walk" is like that, too. That was actually the first novel SK wrote, but "Carrie" was the first to get published.
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In the books, his name is Peeta. It's only the fan fiction writers who pretend it's a nn for Peter. I don't know why they do that.
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Probably because Peeta is a stupid name.
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So is Peter. And Primrose. And Katniss. And many others from the series.
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...which is why I can't get into the series, even though I've tried. I know it's a stupid reason for giving up, but oh well.
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I would feel like a blue-ribbon fool ...Everytime I had to pronounce Peetah in my head.
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Nah, it's a good name nerdy reason. Really, the writing isn't that good and the story isn't super-original so you aren't missing much. The first book was good, the second book was a bit stodgy, and the third book was absolutely horrible. I think the only reason it's really popular is because it fits the generic terms for today's mainstream movie goers. Pretty girl, some fight scenes, dystopian universe. Don't get me wrong, I am a fan of the first book and I think it brings up interesting ethical questions and scenarios, but I don't think it'll be a book people will remember 100 years from now. Unless the movies persist.
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I tried reading the first book, but the way it was written really put me off. It was...too simple , or something. I know that's a douchey way to describe it, but I never felt like I got in the mind of Katniss. It's worlds better than "Twilight", but that doesn't necessarily mean it's good . The back of a cereal box is worlds better than "Twilight".Also, I'm not into dystopian stuff. I like "Brave New World" and "1984", but YA dystopia all seems the same to me. I read a synopsis on the "Divergent" series, and it sounds like Hunger Games 2.0. Think I'll be skipping that one, too.
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No, you're right, it is written very simply. It works with the story but obviously not for everyone. Of course it's better than "Twilight." Porn has better writing. I'm fairly iffy on dystopian stuff, too. I don't mind dark but dystopian just seems... pointlessly bleak. My moods are attached to the books I read so I can't read too many dark books without getting into a funk. Dystopian just makes me sigh because I already want to change the world a lot as it is! "Divergent" is not good. I tried it but... just, no. Nothing redeeming. It's a rehash of everything. Then I read the spoilers for the last book (I can't not know stuff!) and was glad I didn't force myself to read them. Eye roll inducing indeed.
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Aren't they making "Divergent" movies, too? I swear they are, and that Kate Winslet is going to be in them. I agree with dystopian being hopelessly bleak.
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Yep. The first one will be out soon. The main girl is the chick from that horrific ABC Fam show, "Average Life of an American Teenager." I think that's what it's called. I do know it starts with "Average Life." And Ashley Judd is in it, playing the mother.
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Actually, "Secret Life..."But close ;)
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Ah!! I was close. As soon as I saw this I knew I was wrong! lol. Thanks for the correction. :)
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Not that I watch it or anything...because I totally don't. Never. Ever......
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Haha!! We all have our guilty pleasures.I watch Pretty Little Liars.There!! Secret outed! lol
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Maybe because Peetah sounds so much like baby-talk for Peter?
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I think it sounds more like the off-kilter group PETA. But I'm not going to try to delve into the minds of fan fiction writers. I'm not into their particular brand of crazy.
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Weird. That's not very post-apocolyptic-name-y of them.
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The first time I saw it was in a fanfiction set during the first world war. Peter makes much more sense as a name from that time period. They didn't change Katniss' name though, and they still had characters like Clove in it unchanged, so it was rather unnecessary.
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