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[Games] Around the world in 50 CAFs: 6) Malta
Sorry that there's been such a delay between 'rounds'! Things are a bit busy at the moment.1) Tunisia -
2) Japan -
3) Ukraine -
4) Italy -
5) Bosnia-Herzegovina - hope to do a series of freeform namebank create-a-familys. You can do single or multi-generational families, with however many children you want of whatever gender. You can have single parents, divorces, different or same sex couples, adopted children, step-parents and step-siblings, half-siblings, grand-children, great-grandchildren, adoptive grandchildren, so forth, even pets, if you'd like! The only condition is using the namebank. Everything else is up to you! As the title suggests, there'll be a series of these, each from a different culture/country. Each time I'll tell you where the 'family' is from, give you a culturally-relevant name bank and leave the rest up to you. You don't have to do them all, you can to reply to whichever you like, whenever, but I do hope you enjoy them!Family #6 is from Valletta in Malta! LN: Agius, Cessar, Gauci, Magri, Mizzi, Spiteri, Xuereb, Tkautz, Vassallo, Camilleri, Isouard, Siracusa, Xerri, Schembri, Drago, Tanti, Grima M: Adam, Alessandru, Alfred, Alwiġi, Anġlu, Anton, Antnin, Arturo, Andrija, Abram, Anard, Baldassar, Bernard, Bertu, Ċensu, Ċikku, Charlu, Dumniku, Dwardu, Daniel, Emmanwel, Emvin, Elija, Edwardu, Erin, Fernardu, Filippu, Fonzu, Franġisk, Franġisku, Frenċ, Ġanni, Ġorġ, Ġovanni, Ġulju, Ġużè, Ġużeppi, Ġwann, Ġwanni, Ġiljan, Ġwakkin, Ġann, Ġużi, Ġerardo, Gabriel, Girgor, Gori, Gavino, Grazzju, Gamri, Indri, Indrija, Jarad, Karm, Karmenu, Kalċidon, Konstantinu, Karistu, Konsu, Lawrenz, Lewis, Lwiġi, Lawrent, Lażżru, Leli, Leonardu, Marju, Mikiel, Mosè, Mawru, Manwel, Massimiljanu, Marjanu, Mark, Nestu, Nikola, Nunzio, Ninu, Nazarenu, Oliver, Oskar, Pawl, Pawlu, Pietru, Piju, Patrizju, Pawlinu, Pinu, Rokku, Rikkardu, Redent, Saver, Spiru, Saverju, Stiefnu, Salvu, Salvinu, Tumas, Tinu, Turu, Valent, Valentin, Valentinu, Vinċenz, Vittor, Vestru, Varist, Wenzu, Wiġi, Wistin, Xand, Xandru, Żaren, Żaru, F: Anna, Annibale, Agnese, Ċensa, Ċensina, Ċettina, Ċikka, Ċassidy, Duminka, Dolor, Elena, Ester, Elanua, Ġilju, Ġiżimina, Ġużeppina, Ġuża, Gejta, Grazzja, Geriet, Grezzja, Ħilda, Katerina, Klawdja, Konċetta, Karmena, Karmni, Katarina, Kekkin, Liena, Lola, Lorenza, Lela, Leonarda, Lora, Lonza, Marija, Margerita, Mari, Marthese, Mellieha, Nina, Pietra, Pawla, Pawlina, Pompea, Pina, Rita, Reġina, Rożarja, Skolastika, Sofija, Sofana, Spira, Salvina, Tereża, Tessie, Vittorja, Wenza, Angela, Anjeze, Eva, Filomena, Ganna, Gjacinta, Gulina, Kelina, Koncetta, Konsa, Vitorina, Fawstina, Ġannina, Ineż, Klawdja, Lela, Luċija, Lunzjata, Manwela, Monika, Rena, Roza / Rosa, Trezza
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Around the world in 50 CAFs: 6) Malta  ·  astronomicon  ·  1/27/2014, 3:35 AM
Re: Around the world in 50 CAFs: 6) Malta  ·  erb816  ·  2/8/2014, 4:28 PM
Re: Around the world in 50 CAFs: 6) Malta  ·  ValerieK  ·  1/30/2014, 5:37 PM
Re: Around the world in 50 CAFs: 6) Malta  ·  Bendiga  ·  1/30/2014, 4:38 PM
Re: Around the world in 50 CAFs: 6) Malta  ·  Marija Luminitsa  ·  1/29/2014, 9:26 PM
Re: Around the world in 50 CAFs: 6) Malta  ·  guest33  ·  1/29/2014, 2:40 PM
Re: Around the world in 50 CAFs: 6) Malta  ·  NobodyOfConsequence  ·  1/27/2014, 6:05 PM
Re: Around the world in 50 CAFs: 6) Malta  ·  ursa  ·  1/27/2014, 3:25 PM
Re: Around the world in 50 CAFs: 6) Malta  ·  Weirwood  ·  1/27/2014, 2:00 PM
Re: Around the world in 50 CAFs: 6) Malta  ·  Julia  ·  1/27/2014, 1:09 PM
Re: Around the world in 50 CAFs: 6) Malta  ·  Lilly-Elise  ·  1/27/2014, 4:50 AM