[Games] Would You Rather CAF [Small Version]
LN: Anderson, Thomas, Jackson, White, or Harris
DH & DW: (use namebank)
..name your son Kevin, it's a boy
..name your daughter Kaylee, it's a girl
..name your son Liam, it's a boy
..name your daughter Lily, it's a girl
..name your son Mason, it's a boy
..name your daughter Mia, it's a girl
..name your son Noah, it's a boy
..name your daughter Natalie, it's a girl
..name your son Owen, it's a boy
..name your daughter Olivia, it's a girl
Barnabas Gerrit Ludovic Moss Oswald Reynold Casimir Cliff Cotton Godfrey Hamish Hopper Ivo Leonides Malachy Stellan Tobiah Wilfred Azaiah Birch Calix Caspar Coltrane Crispin Griffith Humphrey Jago Kit Lorcan Maxfield North Park Pike Socrates Balthazar Calloway Finbar Inigo Jedidiah Morrison Percival Finn
Ambrosia Augustina Branwen Cerys Clio Gray Honora Lucienne Ondine Rafaella Sybil Tansy Trixie Albany Annora Caia Cicely Elspeth Fleur Guinevere IOne Katherina Lux Sinead Tempest Trudy Anouk Birdie Circe Federica Franny Henrietta Isolde Marlin Philomena Saffron Tessie Veronique Antonina Blanche Finn Gracia Hester Lilou Pippa Spring Tana

DH & DW: (use namebank)
..name your son Kevin, it's a boy
..name your daughter Kaylee, it's a girl
..name your son Liam, it's a boy
..name your daughter Lily, it's a girl
..name your son Mason, it's a boy
..name your daughter Mia, it's a girl
..name your son Noah, it's a boy
..name your daughter Natalie, it's a girl
..name your son Owen, it's a boy
..name your daughter Olivia, it's a girl
Barnabas Gerrit Ludovic Moss Oswald Reynold Casimir Cliff Cotton Godfrey Hamish Hopper Ivo Leonides Malachy Stellan Tobiah Wilfred Azaiah Birch Calix Caspar Coltrane Crispin Griffith Humphrey Jago Kit Lorcan Maxfield North Park Pike Socrates Balthazar Calloway Finbar Inigo Jedidiah Morrison Percival Finn
Ambrosia Augustina Branwen Cerys Clio Gray Honora Lucienne Ondine Rafaella Sybil Tansy Trixie Albany Annora Caia Cicely Elspeth Fleur Guinevere IOne Katherina Lux Sinead Tempest Trudy Anouk Birdie Circe Federica Franny Henrietta Isolde Marlin Philomena Saffron Tessie Veronique Antonina Blanche Finn Gracia Hester Lilou Pippa Spring Tana

LN: Jackson
DH: Jedidiah Malachy
DW: GuinevereLux
DS: Griffith Kit
DS: Finn Morrison
DD: Katherina Hester
DD: Henrietta Spring
DD: Philomena Fleur
DH: Jedidiah Malachy
DW: GuinevereLux
DS: Griffith Kit
DS: Finn Morrison
DD: Katherina Hester
DD: Henrietta Spring
DD: Philomena Fleur
LN: Anderson
DH: Percival Humphrey Anderson "Percy"
DW: Elspeth Frederica Anderson
DD: Annora Cicely Anderson
DS: Gerrit Maxfield Anderson
DD: Isolde Guinevere Anderson
DS: Malachy Lorcan Anderson
DS: Hamish Finbar Anderson
DH: Percival Humphrey Anderson "Percy"
DW: Elspeth Frederica Anderson
DD: Annora Cicely Anderson
DS: Gerrit Maxfield Anderson
DD: Isolde Guinevere Anderson
DS: Malachy Lorcan Anderson
DS: Hamish Finbar Anderson
Gerrit Finn Thomas
Katherina Cicely Thomas 'Kate'
Griffith Malachy Thomas
Lucienne Annora Thomas 'Lucy'
Cerys Guinevere Thomas 'Carrie'
LN: Harris
H: Ludovic Hamish
W: Honora Fleur
D: Guinevere Marlin
S: Crispin Malachy
D: Lucienne Saffron
D: Ambrosia Blanche
S: Percival Ivo
H: Ludovic Hamish
W: Honora Fleur
D: Guinevere Marlin
S: Crispin Malachy
D: Lucienne Saffron
D: Ambrosia Blanche
S: Percival Ivo
LN: Harris
DH & DW: Casimir Park & Honora Lilou
DS: Gerrit Moss
DD: Guinevere Blanche
DS: Stellan Barnabas
DS: Lorcan Percival
DS: Hamish Crispin
DH & DW: Casimir Park & Honora Lilou
DS: Gerrit Moss
DD: Guinevere Blanche
DS: Stellan Barnabas
DS: Lorcan Percival
DS: Hamish Crispin
H: Lorcan Finn White
W: Ione Sybil Thomas White
S: Crispin Jedidiah White
D: Antonina Honora White
D: Henrietta Ione White
D: Katherine Rafaella White
S: Stellan Ludovic White
S: Malachy Hamish White
Lorcan & Ione; Crispin, Antonina (Nina), Henrietta (Hettie), Katherine (Kate), Stellan, and Malachy.
LN: Jackson
Stellan Tobiah & Blanche Annora
DD: Rafaella Hester "Raffi"
DD: Pippa Elspeth
DS: Finn Coltrane
DS: Malachy Griffith
DD: Lucienne Ione "Lucy"
Stellan Tobiah & Blanche Annora
DD: Rafaella Hester "Raffi"
DD: Pippa Elspeth
DS: Finn Coltrane
DS: Malachy Griffith
DD: Lucienne Ione "Lucy"
Caspar Leonides Anderson ♥ Isolde Guinevere (Harris) Anderson
S: Balthazar Finn Anderson
D: Philomena Lucienne Anderson
D: Sybil Frederica Anderson
S: Ludovic Godfrey Anderson
D: Circe Antonina Anderson
S: Balthazar Finn Anderson
D: Philomena Lucienne Anderson
D: Sybil Frederica Anderson
S: Ludovic Godfrey Anderson
D: Circe Antonina Anderson
H: Tobiah Stellan Anderson
W: Guinevere Lux {Jackson} Anderson
D: Lucienne Pippa Anderson
D: Henrietta Saffron Anderson
S: Calloway Finn Anderson
S: Maxfield Lorcan Anderson
D: Lilou Antonina Anderson
Tobiah (36) and Guin (38) with: Luce (13), Henny (10), Cal (8), Max (7), and Lou (2).
W: Guinevere Lux {Jackson} Anderson
D: Lucienne Pippa Anderson
D: Henrietta Saffron Anderson
S: Calloway Finn Anderson
S: Maxfield Lorcan Anderson
D: Lilou Antonina Anderson
Tobiah (36) and Guin (38) with: Luce (13), Henny (10), Cal (8), Max (7), and Lou (2).
Finn Crispin ♥ Franny Henrietta
Honora Gray
Isolde Tessie
Ambrosia Henrietta
Gerrit Crispin
Elspeth Franny
Finn & Franny
Honora. Isolde. Ambrosia. Gerrit. and Elspeth
LN: Jackson
DH Stellan Finbar Jackson & DW: Trixie Honora Thomas Jackson
D: Lucienne Tana Jackson
D: Pippa Guinevere Jackson
D: Isolde Katherina Jackson
S: Finn Maxfield Jackson
D: Cerys Tansy Jackson
Stellan & Trixie Jackson
Luci, Pippa, ISlode, Finn, Cerys Jackson
DH Stellan Finbar Jackson & DW: Trixie Honora Thomas Jackson
D: Lucienne Tana Jackson
D: Pippa Guinevere Jackson
D: Isolde Katherina Jackson
S: Finn Maxfield Jackson
D: Cerys Tansy Jackson
Stellan & Trixie Jackson
Luci, Pippa, ISlode, Finn, Cerys Jackson
DH: Finn Hamish
DW: Pippa Cerys
DD: Trudy Honora "Tru"
DD: Sinead Lucienne
DD: Caia Katherina
DS: Percival Lorcan "Percy"
DD: Guinevere Fleur "Gwen"
DW: Pippa Cerys
DD: Trudy Honora "Tru"
DD: Sinead Lucienne
DD: Caia Katherina
DS: Percival Lorcan "Percy"
DD: Guinevere Fleur "Gwen"
LN: Thomas
DH & DW: Griffith Casimir & Tessie Rafaella
DS: Hamish Wilfred
DD: Elspeth Katherina
DD: Lucienne Clio
DS: Leonides Caspar
DS: Tobiah Lorcan
DH & DW: Griffith Casimir & Tessie Rafaella
DS: Hamish Wilfred
DD: Elspeth Katherina
DD: Lucienne Clio
DS: Leonides Caspar
DS: Tobiah Lorcan
DH: Hamish Casimir White
DW: Lux Ambrosia [Harris] White
DS: Stellan Inigo White
DD: Saffron Honora White
DD: Elspeth Gracia White
DD: Caia Henrietta White
DS: Caspar Percival White
DW: Lux Ambrosia [Harris] White
DS: Stellan Inigo White
DD: Saffron Honora White
DD: Elspeth Gracia White
DD: Caia Henrietta White
DS: Caspar Percival White
LN: Harris
DH: Jedidah Griffith "Jed" Harris
DW: Blanche Sybil Harris
DS: Tobiah North Harris
DD: Elspeth Henrietta Harris
DS: Lorcan Morrison Harris
DD: Isolde Lucienne Harris
DD: Branwen Katherina Harris
DH: Jedidah Griffith "Jed" Harris
DW: Blanche Sybil Harris
DS: Tobiah North Harris
DD: Elspeth Henrietta Harris
DS: Lorcan Morrison Harris
DD: Isolde Lucienne Harris
DD: Branwen Katherina Harris
DH - Caspar Malachy White
DW - Saffron Federica [Thomas] White
DD - Circe Ambrosia
DD - Tempest Gracia
DS - Ludovic Lorcan
DD - Ione Philomena
DD - Anouk Katherina
Caspar and Saffron White - Circe, Tempest, Ludo, Ione, and Anouk White.
DW - Saffron Federica [Thomas] White
DD - Circe Ambrosia
DD - Tempest Gracia
DS - Ludovic Lorcan
DD - Ione Philomena
DD - Anouk Katherina
Caspar and Saffron White - Circe, Tempest, Ludo, Ione, and Anouk White.
LN: Thomas
DH: Caspar Finn
DW: Clio Henrietta
DS: Percival Humphrey (Percy)
DD: Pippa Annora
DS: Ludovic North (Ludo)
DS: Barnabas Hamish (Barnaby)
DS: Calix Birch (Cal)
DH: Caspar Finn
DW: Clio Henrietta
DS: Percival Humphrey (Percy)
DD: Pippa Annora
DS: Ludovic North (Ludo)
DS: Barnabas Hamish (Barnaby)
DS: Calix Birch (Cal)
DH: Hamish Tobiah Anderson
DW: Branwen Hester {Thomas} Anderson
DD: Pippa Guinevere Anderson
DD: Birdie Saffron Anderson
DD: Lux Henrietta Anderson
DS: Kit Barnabas Anderson
DS: Finn Calloway Anderson
DW: Branwen Hester {Thomas} Anderson
DD: Pippa Guinevere Anderson
DD: Birdie Saffron Anderson
DD: Lux Henrietta Anderson
DS: Kit Barnabas Anderson
DS: Finn Calloway Anderson
DH: Malachy Caspar Jackson
DW: Guinevere Marlin {Anderson} Jackson
DD: Antonina Isolde Jackson
DD: Philomena Cicely Jackson
DD: Lucienne Anouk Jackson
DS: Jedidiah Stellan Jackson
DD: Veronique Henrietta Jackson
Kai & Guin Jackson
- Ani, Mena, Luci, Jed, & Vera Jackson
DW: Guinevere Marlin {Anderson} Jackson
DD: Antonina Isolde Jackson
DD: Philomena Cicely Jackson
DD: Lucienne Anouk Jackson
DS: Jedidiah Stellan Jackson
DD: Veronique Henrietta Jackson
Kai & Guin Jackson
- Ani, Mena, Luci, Jed, & Vera Jackson
LN: Thomas
DH: Leonides Oswald
DW: Tansy Finn
DD: Sinead Lilou
DD: Clio Saffron
DD: Annora Guinevere
DS: Tobiah Inigo
DS: Jedidiah North "Jedi"
Leo and Tansy have Sinead, Clio, Annora, Tobiah and Jedi.
DH: Leonides Oswald
DW: Tansy Finn
DD: Sinead Lilou
DD: Clio Saffron
DD: Annora Guinevere
DS: Tobiah Inigo
DS: Jedidiah North "Jedi"
Leo and Tansy have Sinead, Clio, Annora, Tobiah and Jedi.