Make up a family.
MOM: first name has to end in an "i" and middle name has to rhyme with
DAD: has to be a name suitible for a male or female and the middle name has to be
ELDEST SON: has to be a junior to his dad and have a cute nick name.
TWIN DAUGHTERS: have to have first and middle names that ryhme , sound alike , or are in some kind of theme.
3rd DAUGHTER: has to have an over used , trendy first and middle name.
4RTH DAUGHTER: has to have a name after an animal and a middle name that rymes with the mom's middle name
2SON: has to have a name that is becoming very popular and is over used.
Misti KayStacie LeeStacie Lee , Jr. AKA Biddle
Sylvia Michelle and
Cynthia SueBrittany AmberSassy