Surname(s): Scottish
SO1: FN and MN are from top 100 of this list: FN is one syllable. MN is from Greek mythology.
DD: FN is a feminized version of a masculine name. MN is a flower.
DD: FN is a virtue name. MN is four letters long and ends in -A.
DS: FN is biblical and starts with E, L or M. MN is a type of tree.
DS/DD: FNs have similar meanings. MNs are uncommon Welsh names.
DD: FN comes from this list: MN is a type of bird.
DS: FN is four syllables (or more). MN is Irish and ends in -N.
DS: FN is unisex. MN is a classic but not biblical.
DD: FN was used by Shakespeare MN is a gemstone.
DD/DD: FNs end with a -ee sound. MNs end with -ine or -elle (both MNs must have the same ending).