[Opinions] Cherish?????
I was at the mall earlier and I heard a woman call for her child and the little girl's name was Cherish. I cringed whenever I heard her call for her kid. I hate it, but thats just my opinion. What do you all think about this name?
This message was edited 3/4/2006, 8:02 PM
I like it
I went to high school (20 years ago) with a Cherish, who was quite lovely and kind. I really like this name. After all, I cherish my own daughters, so why not? And I like Heavenly and Precious too. I'm in Texas, I hear these names from time to time, particularly among black kids (I'm white), and I like them. I see that opinions run very much the other way, which is frankly another reason I like it. Not too much chance of it getting ridiculously popular.
I went to high school (20 years ago) with a Cherish, who was quite lovely and kind. I really like this name. After all, I cherish my own daughters, so why not? And I like Heavenly and Precious too. I'm in Texas, I hear these names from time to time, particularly among black kids (I'm white), and I like them. I see that opinions run very much the other way, which is frankly another reason I like it. Not too much chance of it getting ridiculously popular.
Heard that name for the first time on SVU: Law & Order a few nights ago. It's one thing to use it on TV but in real life?! I don't know about that one!
Yuck. It might be Ok for a middle name if you like it.
Actually, I hate the word cherish. There's something about it that makes me squeamish. Weird, eh? So no, I definitely don't like it as a name, though I suppose it's not bad for someone else ...
This message was edited 3/5/2006, 2:27 AM
I don't like it either. It doesn't help that the only person I know with the name is a total idiot and got herself arrested for under-aged drinking.
Absolutely, positively awful.
I think it could be worse. One of my totally guilty pleasure names is Cherry, so the general sound of it doesn't bug me. I think it's about a million times better than Treasure or Precious, too, so when I consider the alternatives it just makes it seem that much better. :-)
Similarly, I went to school with a girl named Cherith. The name isn't related (or lisped :-) ) at all, but that was always what it reminded me of. My barest attempt at finding out what Cherith might mean, by the way, yielded this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cherith. Kind of interesting, I thought.
Similarly, I went to school with a girl named Cherith. The name isn't related (or lisped :-) ) at all, but that was always what it reminded me of. My barest attempt at finding out what Cherith might mean, by the way, yielded this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cherith. Kind of interesting, I thought.

I knew someone named Cherith too!
One year at Summer Camp there was a girl named Cherith and I just thought her name was so pretty and suited her so well! Cherish does remind me of Cherith a bit! :)

Ladybugs all dressed in red,
Waltzing thru the flower bed!
If I were tiny, just like you,
I'd dance among the flowers too!
One year at Summer Camp there was a girl named Cherith and I just thought her name was so pretty and suited her so well! Cherish does remind me of Cherith a bit! :)

Ladybugs all dressed in red,
Waltzing thru the flower bed!
If I were tiny, just like you,
I'd dance among the flowers too!
It is a pretty name, isn't it? I didn't like it much then but it's growing on me now. It's so unusual, too.

geez you guys are fast! I looked up the name and changed it to the correct spelling in like seconds after I posted it and you still managed to read it before I could change it and not look dumb. Sorry, yes it it is supposed to be Cherish.
ah ok lol yeah i love the name!
I would suspect the child's name was probably Cherish.
I don't like it.
♦ Chrisell ♦
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.
I don't like it.
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.
yeah, I looked up the name b/c I thought it looked wrong. woops! :-]