[Opinions] Re: Boston
in reply to a message by Joiya
I hope she has a boy.Boston is on my short list. Boston the place is special to me and I find the sound attractive (fits in with my other favourites Griffin, Deacon & Hudson).I personally would only use a place name if the place itself meant something to me. I like India, but I've never been to India and have no attachment to the place so would never use it. London on the other hand, I do and would. This does not apply to place names that are also people names or that were people names first. Eg would use Adelaide even though the city means nothing to me and I've never been.Just a personal preference :)

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Boston  ·  Joiya  ·  3/17/2015, 8:27 AM
Why not Boston Terrier? more  ·  Anneza, nsi  ·  3/18/2015, 7:32 AM
Re: Boston  ·  queenv  ·  3/17/2015, 10:01 PM
Re: Boston  ·  Elec Fan  ·  3/17/2015, 3:28 PM
Re: Boston  ·  lusia  ·  3/17/2015, 3:04 PM
Re: Boston  ·  whim  ·  3/17/2015, 11:01 AM
Re: Boston  ·  Pie  ·  3/17/2015, 11:52 AM
Re: Boston  ·  whim  ·  3/17/2015, 12:05 PM
Re: Boston  ·  Joiya  ·  3/17/2015, 11:21 AM
Re: Boston  ·  whim  ·  3/17/2015, 12:09 PM
Re: Boston  ·  Delphi_Blue  ·  3/17/2015, 10:25 AM
Re: Boston  ·  Cynthiana  ·  3/17/2015, 9:54 AM
Re: Boston  ·  Qasim Yushua  ·  3/17/2015, 9:27 AM
Re: Boston  ·  Pie  ·  3/17/2015, 9:08 AM
Re: Boston  ·  Joiya  ·  3/17/2015, 9:16 AM
*sigh*/nt  ·  Billina  ·  3/17/2015, 8:49 AM