[Opinions] Chad
What does everyone think of this name? I don't care for it but am curious about others.
A good friend of mine often will look at a particularly obnoxious/drunk hardcore bro and say "I bet his name's Chad."

A good friend of mine often will look at a particularly obnoxious/drunk hardcore bro and say "I bet his name's Chad."

Sounds like the name of a jerk from a bad teen movie.
My cousin's husband is named Chad, and he's a lovely, respectable, hockey-playing professional guy from Kent, so that's what I think of now.
When I was growing up, two of my friends had older brothers called Chad and both of them were jerks, but that's possibly just because they were older brothers.
When I was growing up, two of my friends had older brothers called Chad and both of them were jerks, but that's possibly just because they were older brothers.
Ya. It's the worst. Bros aren't named this anymore. Bros are named... Braden now.
32 year old bros are named Chad.
It's the worst name there ever was.
32 year old bros are named Chad.
It's the worst name there ever was.
I like Chad; I think it's pretty handsome. Makes me think of either a likeable guy or a total jerk (haha).
This message was edited 11/2/2015, 7:23 PM
I hate it! It sounds like an obnoxious 40yo virgin that thinks he's better then everybody and smells like dirt and Cheetos. I hate chads
Dirt and cheerios??
Cheetos ;)
that makes so much more sense, somehow.
I have a particularly fractious student with this name, so it's pretty well ruined for me. Although I suppose I had similar associations to your friend even before I had this student.
The Elvis Presley movie...
The movie your mom is thinking of is "Blue Hawaii." We had a lot of the Elvis Presley VHS tapes when I was growing up, and I watched that movie a lot as a little kid. And yes, his neurotic mother in the movie (played by none other than Angela Lansbury) did say "Chadwick" is a rather whiney voice.
The movie your mom is thinking of is "Blue Hawaii." We had a lot of the Elvis Presley VHS tapes when I was growing up, and I watched that movie a lot as a little kid. And yes, his neurotic mother in the movie (played by none other than Angela Lansbury) did say "Chadwick" is a rather whiney voice.
The Chad
While there is nothing inherently wrong with the name, I get the same vibe as your friend.
Chad just always seemed to be that stereotypical 80s or 90s character who referred to himself in the 3rd person and wasn't quite as bright as he seemed. Usually fairly good looking though.
I guess Chad is the equivalent of a Ken doll to me. I am pretty sure my Ken doll was even named Chad as a kid.
While there is nothing inherently wrong with the name, I get the same vibe as your friend.
Chad just always seemed to be that stereotypical 80s or 90s character who referred to himself in the 3rd person and wasn't quite as bright as he seemed. Usually fairly good looking though.
I guess Chad is the equivalent of a Ken doll to me. I am pretty sure my Ken doll was even named Chad as a kid.
This message was edited 11/2/2015, 11:53 AM
My husband's best friend is named Chad. He's a total geek. And really whiny, although a great uncle to my daughter. I have a second cousin with the name, a roly-poly nice guy.
That is kind of the stereotype that goes with Chad, but I kinda like it anyway...
I just like short to the point names.
I do dislike that it is a country and also makes me think of Floridian elections, but the second might have too much to do with watching How I Met Your Mother over again.
I just like short to the point names.
I do dislike that it is a country and also makes me think of Floridian elections, but the second might have too much to do with watching How I Met Your Mother over again.
I first head it in Charlie's Angels, and I will forever link it to weirdo Chad.
I picture Chad as a pimply, vacant-grinned surfer dude who can't talk without saying dude, like, awesome or cool. He hangs around with a similar guy named Lance, but Lance has clear skin, nice blond hair and great teeth.
I have a similar association with the name Lance, except for in my case Lance would also be a bodybuilder and dumber than a box of hair.
They're both dumber than boxes of hair, but Chad is also ugly; Lance at least has a big happy smile, even if he doesn't know what he's smiling about.
... and they both have frosted tips.
Ha ha, I loved this name when I was twelve. I outgrew it.
I have a mental image of a Chad as being a particularly obnoxious hardcore bro, also. It doesn't help that my daughter knew a Chad, who for a while was her boyfriend-but-he-wouldn't-call-himself-her-boyfriend, and she broke up with a really nice guy because she liked Chad, and he didn't treat her well, and I didn't like him. F Chad.
I have a mental image of a Chad as being a particularly obnoxious hardcore bro, also. It doesn't help that my daughter knew a Chad, who for a while was her boyfriend-but-he-wouldn't-call-himself-her-boyfriend, and she broke up with a really nice guy because she liked Chad, and he didn't treat her well, and I didn't like him. F Chad.