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[Facts] Re: Unlisted names
If you click on the "What's New" link on the main page you'll see the backlist of huge updates that Mike has done. I feel - not offended, but vaguely annoyed - that you asked if it "ever actually got done" without fully exploring the site's links. But nevermind.Lilike is not a Hungarian first name, but a Hungarian nickname. Hungary has a relatively restrictive policy on names, and Hungarians are limited to choosing names from an official list. Lilike is recognised as a nickname for the official names Liliána, Lilla and Lívia.The Hungarian Names List Website:'s in Hungarian but all you need to know is that - approximately - Keresztnév means First Name (ie Christian Name), Becenév means Nickname, Férfi név means Male Name and Nõi név means Female Name.Lilla:ána:ívia:

ChrisellAll we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.

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