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[Games] myth's Adoption Agency
Welcome to Myth’s Adoption Agency!
It is our pleasure to place your family with the perfect new addition and give these kids a happy home. Please provide for us a family profile that is as detailed as possible so we can best fit you with your adopted child. We’ll try to get back to you as quick as possible with your placement.FAMILY PROFILEProspective Parent 1: [Full Name] [Age]
[Brief Bio]
Three Hobbies:
Three Character Traits:Prospective Parent 2: (Optional) [Full Name] [Age]
[Brief Bio]
Three Hobbies:
Three Character Traits:Current Children: (Optional) [Full Name(s)] [Age(s)]
[Brief Bio]
Three Hobbies: (per child)
Three Character Traits: (per child)Family Location:
Family Language(s):
Family Religion(s):
Family Pet(s): (Optional)
Other Relevant Family Information: (Optional)ADOPTION PROFILEPreferred Number of Children: (3 maximum)
Gender Preference:
Age Preference: (Newborn minimum, 17 maximum)
Nationality Preference:
Religion Preference:
Would the family be willing to adopt
—twins or triplets?
—children with disabilities? (If yes, please specify the severity of disability they would accept.)
—children with diseases? (If yes, please specify the severity of disease they would accept.)
—children with prior disciplinary records?
—pregnant teenagers or teen parents?
Would the family prefer an open (contact with birth-parent) or closed (no contact) adoption?
Other Relevant Requests: (Optional)
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Prospective Parent 1: Henry Osborne 'Hank' Devine [27]
[Brief Bio]: Born in an affluent family, Hank spent the majority of his life in Short Hills, New Jersey. In high school, he was a star basketball player and served as student body president during his sophomore and junior years. Wanting to stay close to his family, Hank attended Rutgers University at New Brunswick, earning a B.A. in English. After earning his bachelor's, he goes on to continue his studies at UCLA for his Master's. While at UCLA, he wrote his first novel, Girlfriends and Neighbors, which quickly became a national bestseller. Three Hobbies: Writing, playing Basketball, homebrewing
Three Character Traits: Charming, generous, thoughtfulProspective Parent 2: Daphne Millicent Eustis [24]
[Brief Bio]: Daphne was born in a low class background and spent most of her childhood in Roswell, Georgia. Grew up in a broken home as her parents were rather neglectful of her and focused their energy on verbally attacking each other. At age 11, her mother was convicted of first-degree assault. Since her father was deemed incompetent to care for her, Daphne was sent to Half Moon Bay, California to live with her aunt. She first attended San Francisco State but later transferred to UCLA, where she met Hank. She earned degrees in Comparative Literature and Linguistics and English.Three Hobbies: Collecting antiques, practicing the bass guitar, baking
Three Character Traits: strong-willed, acerbic, sincere Current Children: (Optional) [Full Name(s)] [Age(s)]
[Brief Bio]
Three Hobbies: (per child)
Three Character Traits: (per child)Family Location: Encino, CA

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Meet Emmalyn and Amberley!Meet Emmalyn Ruth and Amberley Joan Devine! Emmalyn (2) and Amberley (5 months) are sisters from rural Iowa who were put up for adoption after their mother died of a heroine overdose shortly after Amberley was born. Their father, who also struggles with heroine addiction, decided he wasn’t fit to continue raising them and hopes that the girls will find the constant and loving home that he knows they deserve. He says he doesn’t think their mother was using during her pregnancies, but he’s not quite sure so we are keeping an eye out for signs of fetal drug syndrome. Emmalyn doesn't really understand her situation yet but she recently stopped asking for her mother and we are sure she will settle down into her new family life. So far she has most enjoyed playing with the other girls and boys at the nursery and holding little Amberley. We are very happy that you have decided to take the girls in and give them a good home and childhood. We have high hopes for them in the future.Please keep us informed during the children’s transition into your household. We would love to hear from you.
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Prospective Parent 1: [Full Name] Madison "Maddi" Sophia (Fox) Hunt
[Age] 34

[Brief Bio] Maddi is a quiet woman who spends her days at her desk, writing. Maddi still dreams of becoming an author and has worked for years on end at writing her novel. She has always wanted children but has never wanted to give birth, and so she thought that she might as well adopt!

Three Hobbies: Writing, doodling, singing

Three Character Traits: Calm, clever, fair Prospective Parent 2: [Full Name] Thomas "Tom" James Hunt
[Age] 35

[Brief Bio] Tom comes from a rich family so he doesn't need to worry about finances. He is a History teacher at his local secondary school and is fascinated by the subject. Tom has always wanted children in the house but understands his wife's wish of not giving birth. So now he can't wait to meet his new children.

Three Hobbies: Cycling, running, painting

Three Character Traits: Athletic, flexible, friendly Family Location: Colchester, Essex, England 

Family Language(s): Maddi speaks fluent English, German and a little French. Tom speaks fluent English, French and a little German.

Family Religion(s): Maddi and Tom are both Christian and attend church regularly. 
Preferred Number of Children: 2

Gender Preference: Both girls

Age Preference: One of the children: 5 - 11 The other child: 10 - 16

Nationality Preference: Any nationality but they must speak either fluent English, French or German. 
Religion Preference: Christian

Would the family be willing to adopt

—siblings? Yes

—twins or triplets? Twins but not triplets

—children with disabilities? No 

—children with diseases? No

—children with prior disciplinary records? No

—pregnant teenagers or teen parents? Pregnant teenagers but not teen parents

Would the family prefer an open (contact with birth-parent) or closed (no contact) adoption? Closed 

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Please welcome Elizabeth “Eliza”, an Afro-Guyanese nine year old girl who is extremely excited to meet her new family. Eliza’s parents decided to give her up for adoption when she became ill due to not having enough food to eat. She has now fully recovered from her illness and, while she misses her family, she understands why she couldn’t stay and looks forward to moving to Britain. Growing up her family was fairly devout Christian and she became even more religious when she turned to God to help get her through the loss of her family. She is glad she found a family that will support her religion. Although she has continued to love playing football, she took up painting during her time with us at the orphanage (she has quite a lot of talent for it) and she’s excited to hear that art is also a pastime of her soon to be father. Eliza’s very outgoing and talkative, having made friends with everyone here, and loves to state her opinion about nearly everything she comes in contact with. We are sure she will be a perfect fit for your family and know that you will love her as much as we do.Meet Corina Emelie Hunt! Corina (12) is from a predominantly German speaking area of Romania and she was put up for adoption after her single mother died in childbirth along with the baby she was carrying. Corina is still pretty shaken by her mother’s death and has yet to fully open up to others, but we are sure she will feel more comfortable opening up in a secure family setting. She is naturally relatively quiet, enjoying thinking her own thoughts more than communication with others, and we think she could be successful as a writer if prompted in that direction. Since they are so similar, having Maddi as a parent will surely help both of them. One of the things Corina has always dreamed of is having a treehouse of her own to think of stories in; she hopes she can convince her new parents to hep her build one. She also enjoys swimming and hiking and just generally being in nature. We know that she will find a loving home with your family.Please keep us informed during the children’s transition into your household. We would love to hear from you.
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Prospective Parent 1: Maurie Ann Lewis-Harper [35]
Maurie has always wanted a large family. With only one other sibling, a much younger sister, Maurie was alone often as a child. Now that her parents have passed, she’s taken in said sister, having formally adopted her just months ago. She’s an author, writing for the town newspaper as well as penning short stories.
Three Hobbies: Writing, reading, gardening.
Three Character Traits: Patient, creative, loving

Prospective Parent 2: Avalon Sadie Lewis-Harper [36]
Avalon is a triplet. She’s used to being crowded by siblings and noise, and thus is fully supportive of her wife’s dream for a big family. She was married once before, and has a six-year-old daughter and a four-year-old son from this marriage. Avalon is a lawyer, having taken her argumentative skills to the max in her career, and she is very successful.
Three Hobbies: Research, shopping, reading.
Three Character Traits: Strict, persuasive, patient.

Current Children: Maylis Dezia Harper [6]; Gerard Clay Harper [4] ; Aerie Lynn Lewis [15]
Maylis and Gerard are Avalon’s children from her previous marriage; Avalon was able to gain full custody of them. Aerie is Maurie’s younger sister, whom the couple adopted after the death of Maurie’s parents. Aerie is still having trouble adjusting to a new way of life with her sister, but she’s very much a flexible girl.
Three Hobbies: Maylis - reading, cooking (sort of), drawing. Gerard - soccer, making up stories, “helping” his sister in the kitchen. Aerie - volleyball, painting, baking.
Three Character Traits: Maylis - quiet, shy, determined. Gerard - loud, rambunctious, sweet. Aerie - brave, strong (physically and otherwise), creative.

Family Location: New York state, USA.
Family Language(s): English; a little German on Aerie’s part; French for Avalon, Maylis, and Aerie.
Family Religion(s): None
Family Pet(s): Gerard’s fish, Blue.

Preferred Number of Children: 3

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Meet Genie, Skender, and Pali!Meet Genevieve Anne “Genie” Lewis-Harper, the newest member of your family! Genie recently turned 13 and she has been in foster care since her grandparents sadly perished in a car crash two years ago. Her birth parents have never really been a part of her life and they finally signed away their rights so she could be adopted. She has always been a bit shy and she will likely take a while to get used to having a new family but she has proved to be fiercely protective of her loved ones and we are sure she will grow to love her new family with time. She enjoys singing and acting and dreams of being a Hollywood star when she grows up. We think her creative tendencies will help fit right in with especially Maurie and Aerie and, while Genie has never been extremely strong in academics, her interest in history will help her connect with Avalon. We are sure she will prove an amazing addition to your family.Meet Skender and Pali, ten year old twin brothers of Albanian-American descent. The twins recently entered the system when their single mother was imprisoned for a drug offense and signed away her parental rights so they could be adopted. She hopes that an open adoption can be arranged so she can support her boys, but understands that it is a lot to ask and will be extremely thankful to you whatever option your family chooses. For their part, the twins are glad to be going into a more constant family atmosphere and look forward to playing with their new siblings. Being identical, one of their favorite pastimes is pretending to be each other and they do enjoy to tell jokes and pull simple pranks in good fun. In their old school they enjoyed soccer and running and they would like to continue athletic pursuits. We think they will prove themselves supportive and fun big brothers to Maylis and Gerard and we have no doubt that they’ll make their older siblings and parents laugh a little more often. Please keep us informed during the children’s transition into your household. We would love to hear from you.
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Maurie and Avalon are so pleased to welcome these three children into their home! Genie fit in immediately, especially once Aerie realized the other girl's creative spirit. The two girls connected soon enough, due to the recent nature of their loss and general unfamiliarity with their new situation, and have become quite close. So far, Genie has connected with both Maurie and Avalon, though she's a little wary of the younger children.Skender and Pali very easily took up the mantle of being big brothers. In fact, they seem rather proud of it! Maurie and Avalon were able and willing to arrange an open adoption, being open to the boys' birth mother keeping contact. Aerie's interactions with the twins took an a typical older-sister vibe from the very start, while Gerard almost idolizes the older boys.These three amazing children are a perfect fit for Maurie and Avalon's family, and they couldn't be happier.
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Parent 1: Alexander Charles Harrington (48).
Alex could be described as charming, determined, and most of all, stubborn. Perhaps this is what makes him such an exceptional pilot. He is an extremely intelligent man who has all but lost his wit throughout his and Elizabeth's twenty-three years of marriage. Despite his vast amount of accomplishments, he considers his five children his most impressive.
Hobbies: Boating, cooking, and hiking.Parent 2: Elizabeth Katherine Harrington (46).
Elizabeth works as a neonatal nurse in a nearby hospital. She cares for ill newborns and infants almost daily and does everything in her power to help them. She is no different when it comes to her own children. Elizabeth can best be described as loving, nurturing, and supportive. She encourages her children to experience the world for themselves and often gives them the little push they need to put themselves out there.
Hobbies: Vollunteering at local animal shelters, reading, and writing.Current Children:Francis Henry Harrington (19).
Francis is a leader. He takes great responsibility of his younger siblings and always looks out for their well being. He is kind, but he is also very clever and bold. Because of this, he could sometimes come off as a bit brash or arrogant, but he means no harm.
Hobbies: Soccer, paintballing, and traveling.Leonardo Shannon Harrington (18).
Leo, along with younger brother Will, are quite comical. Leonardo loves to make people laugh and is quite good at making people see the silver linings of the seemingly worst situations. He's a sweet, laidback kid who just loves to live in the moment.
Hobbies: Baseball, playing his guitar, and playing card games with his father and siblings.Klaus Matthew Harrington & Kenna Louise Harrington (16).
The twins of the household. Both Klaus and Kenna are passionate about art. Klaus loves to draw while Kenna's preferred area of expertise is painting, especially with oil pastels. Klaus admires architecture and Kenna wants to try her hand at sculpting. Both of the children are often described as outspoken and confident of who they are.

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Meet Kliment and Aleksei!Meet the newest Harringtons! Kliment (15) and Aleksei (7) are brothers from Ukraine who couldn’t be happier to find loving parents and siblings. They grew up in a large poverty-stricken family with an alcoholic father. Kliment, a dedicated and protective older brother, decided to take Aleksei and run away when their father started abusing Aleksei. He has continued to support his brother through the ordeal of the orphanage system and has left very little time to take care of himself. Although he speaks limited English and hasn’t had much schooling to date, he is naturally very intelligent and has resolved to learn the language at his new home. We also have seen him demonstrate exceptional social skills and emotional intelligence, characteristics that will lead him far in life. Little Aleksei is extremely cheerful and has almost no memories of their rough childhood. He has been a joy to work with and, like his brother, has a natural instinct to help others. He especially looks forward to meeting his new siblings and making new friends at his new school. Because of their rough childhood, neither child has been able to develop many hobbies yet but we are sure that they will find their interests when they settle into their new home. We see many similarities between the boys and your description of your children and we think they will fit right in with your family.Please keep us informed during the children’s transition into your household. We would love to hear from you.
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The Harrington's couldn't be happier with their new additions! Both of the boys are acclimating fantastically. Alex greatly admires Kliment for his ability to take on so much responsibility at such a young age and his dedication to his studies and education. As for the children, Kliment and Will were fast friends due to their shared appreciation for academics and sarcasm. Will introduced him to some of his now favorite videogames, and it's one of their favorite things to do at home. Kliment has loosened up a lot upon realizing that him and his brother are safe and can finally start focusing on himself more. He joined the soccer team at school and is quite talented, with Francis helping him out every now and again.Aleksei is such a sweet boy! He's a great help around the house and is quite shy. He loves to hang out with Elizabeth and Kenna, who spoil him most profusely. The ladies of the house have taken him to many fun places where he could explore such as Santa's Workshop, the Children's Museum of Denver, and the Rocky Mountain National Park (along with Klaus and Alex) to name a few places. Although he likes spending time with the girls, he's also really enjoyed hanging out with Klaus. Francis also loves to spend time and play with him!Both of the boys have really come out of their shells. In the first few months they had insisted on sharing a bed, which is understandable. Now, Kliment enjoys sharing a room with Francis and Aleksei with Klaus.Their English is also coming along wonderfully! Both of the boys also attend counseling twice a week due to their prior situation.

This message was edited 6/17/2017, 10:04 PM

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