Round 1: 2: 3: 4: 5:
Welcome to round six! It’s been five years, so age everyone up. You’ll need a ten-sided dice from this site:
Roll your dice to see if any couples who are in a relationship, are still together.
1–2: no longer together or one of the partners has passed away
3–6: no change in the relationship
7–10: the relationship has advanced to the next level (i.e. if the couple is dating, they become engaged; if they’re engaged, they get married)
Roll for new relationships for any single person over 18. You may choose the age and gender of each partner.
1–3: single
4–5: dating
6–7: engaged
8–10: married
Roll for new children. The oldest a woman can give birth is 45 years of age. Any stepchildren or adopted children are up to you, but all new children should be between newborn and five years old. For genders, odd = boy and even = girl.
If the potential mother is 18–25: 1–4: no children; 5–6: 1 child; 7–8: 2 children; 9–10: 3 children
If the potential mother is 26–35: 1–2: no children; 3–4: 1 child; 5–6: 2 children; 7–8: 3 children; 9–10: 4 children
If the potential mother is 36–45: 1–3: no children; 4–6: 1 child; 7–10: 2 children
Roll for the names of the new children and any new partners.
First and middle names:
Agnes Angelica Enid Farrah Marna Rebecca Sonya Soraya Vanessa Vesta //
Baxter Ivan Jon Leyton Loren Merritt Ridley Robert Saturn Thor2. (Thank you, Aledis!)
3. Starts with the same letter as the surname
Alfonsina Amber Brianna Carly Eunice Jessa Kaya
Regina Sherah Victoria //
Anthony Hiram Horatio Isaac Kelvin Kenneth Maxwell Ralph Stefan William5. Four or more syllables long
6. //
Angeline Annemarie Camille Cecelia Dahlia Isabel Ivory Linnea Melina Priya //
Blake Brooks Elliot Henry Michael Miles Nolan Owen Rodney Simon8. Has a community impression of “strange” (
9. From any mythology
Oliver Nicholas Charles Antonio Gustav Louis Jordan Sean Ralph Robert Mitchell Sam Lucas Sebastien Felix //
Tatiana Jamie Sophia Michelle Alexis Carmen Beatrice Olivia Portia Katherine Simona Abby Emma Anniella
Samantha (Thank you, Silverstarswept!)
1 or 6. Spanish or Portuguese in origin
2 or 7. Any name on this list: or 8. Contains a Q or an X
4 or 9. Ends in -ski or -sky
5 or 10. Achterberg Baldock
Irving Kipling Muccio Pelley Quigg
Van Pey Vorobey Westbrook
PS – You're more than welcome to submit a name bank for future rounds!