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[Games] Generation CAF #71 with rules
DH [dec] FN and MN are classic/traditional [Smith Bailey Cole Jones Parker]
DW [97] FN and MN are classic/traditional [Pearce Taylor Miller Dean Williams]DS1 [78] Fathers name
DS2 [77] FN and MN are classic/traditional
DS3 [75] FN and MN are classic/traditional
DS4 [75] FN and MN are classic/traditional
DS5 [72] FN and MN are classic/traditional
DD1 [70] Mothers name reversed
DD2 [67] FN and MN are classic/traditional
DD3 [65] FN and MN are classic/traditional **
DS1 [78]
DW [79] FN and MN are from the Royal Family [Foster Brown Murphy Harvey Davies]DS [53] Initials are JA
- exW1 [53] FN and MN were popular in the 1960s [Price Hudson Evans Bell Gibson]
-- DD [36] FN and MN were popular in the 1980s
--- DH [38] FN, MN and LN are Portuguese
--- DS [8] FN is Portuguese, MN is from 'Newfangled American'
--- DD [6] FN is Portuguese, MN is her mothers FN
--- DD [3] FN is Portuguese, MN is from 'Newfangled American'
--- DD [9m] FN is Portuguese, MN is from 'Newfangled American'
-- DD [34] FN and MN were popular in the 1980s
--- DW [32] FN is French, MN is Spanish, LN is a double-barrelled French & Spanish LN
--- DS [2] FN is a cool sounding one syllable name, MN is French, MN2 is Spanish
--- DS [exp] FN is a cool sounding one syllable name, MN is Spanish, MN2 is French
-- DS [31] Fathers name
- ExW2 [51] FN and MN are dated -60s names [Wilson Baker Mills Thomas Griffiths]
-- DD [28] FN and MN are trendy in 1990
-- DS [26] FN and MN are trendy in 1992
--- Dfiancee [25] FN, MN and LN are Turkish
- DW [46] FN and MN are from 'Vintage American' [Berry Roberts Kelly Barnes Johnson]
[exDH [45] FN and MN were between 90-100 in 1973 [Simpson Pearson Lewis Marshall Kaur]
-- DWD [24] FN and MN are old fashioned
--- DH [28] FN, MN and LN are long posh sounding names
--- DS [2] FN is old fashioned, MN is his fathers FN
--- DS [exp] FN is old fashioned, MN is his fathers MN
-- DWS [22] FN and MN are old fashioned
-- DD [16] FN is old fashioned, MN got trendy in the 2000s
-- DS [13] FN is old fashioned, MN got trendy in the 2000sDD [49] Initials are JA
- DH [48] FN, MN and LN are Hebrew
- DS [21] FN and MN are Hebrew
-- DW [23] FN, MN and LN are Hebrew
-- DS [nb] FN and MN are Hebrew
- DS [19] FN and MN are Hebrew
- DS [16] FN and MN are Hebrew
- DS [14] FN and MN are Hebrew
- DS [11] FN and MN are Hebrew **
DS2 [77]
ExW [77] FN is a gem stone, MN begins with C [Walker Collins Booth Robinson Bennett]DS [57] Fathers name
- DW [53] FN and LN are Korean
- DS [21] FN is occupational, MN is KoreanDS [55] Grandfathers name
- DW [49] FN is double barrelled, MN is begins with M [Dixon Wood Cox Grant Thompson]
- DD [30] FN and MN were popular in the 1980s
-- DH [dec] FN and MN were popular in the 1980s [Richardson Gordon White Fox Lane]
-- DD [4] FN and MN are very girly
-- DD [2] FN and MN are very girly
- DS [28] FN and MN were popular in the 1980s
- DS [28] FN and MN were popular in the 1980s
-- DW [26] FN is 'ghetto' name, MN is virtue [Watson Gray Harper Jackson Rose]
-- DD [3] Initials are LO
-- DS [exp] Initials are JJ
- DS [24] FN and MN were popular in the 1990s
- DD [23] FN and MN were popular in the 1990s
-- Dfiance [27] FN, MN and LN are Scottish
- DS [20] FN and MN were popular in the 1990s
-- Dgf [18] FN and MN are uncommon [Ali Wright Chapman Hart Green]
- DD [15] FN and MN are popular 2000s names DW [68] FN, MN and LN are Italian DD [43] FN and MN are Italian
- DH [45] FN, MN and LN are Italian
- DD [18] FN and MN are long pretty Italian names
-- Dbf [21] FN, MN and LN are Italian
- DD [16] FN and MN are long pretty Italian names
- DS [10] FN and MN have the same initials as fathers nameDD [41] FN and MN are Italian and have the same initials as her sister
- exH [43] Initials are DFC and English
-- DS [20] FN is Italian, MN is uncommon
--- Dgf [20] FN and MN are flower names [Hunt McDonald Harris Robertson Brooks]
-- DD [17] FN is Italian, MN is uncommon
- Dfiancee [38] FN is a nicknamey-name - no MN [Cooper Shaw Ryan King Reynolds]
-- DD [5] FN is Italian, MN is nicknamey-name
-- DS & DD [2] FNs are Italian, MN are nicknamey-namesDD [38] FN and MN are Italian, and have the same initials as her sisters
- ADS [8m] FN is Italian, MN is a colour **
DS3 [75]
DW [73] FN, MN and LN are Polish DD [51] FN is English and begins with A, MN is Polish and begins with B
- DH [53] FN, MN and LN are Polish
- DD [23] FN and MN are Polish
- DD [21] FN and MN are Polish
- DS [17] FN and MN are Polish DD [49] FN is English and begins with C, MN is Polish and begins with D
- DH [49] FN and MN were popular in the 1970s [Carr Lee Lloyd Martin Ellis]
- DS [27] FN is between 91-100 in 1990s, MN is popular in Poland
- DS [26] FN is between 101-110 in 1990s, MN is popular in Poland
-- DW [26] FN and MN are between 70-80 in 1992 [Hamilton Clarke Richards Johnston James]
-- DS [2] FN is between 820-830 in USA, MN is Polish
-- DS or DD [exp] FN is between 850-860 in USA, MN is Polish
- DS [24] FN is between 111-120 in 1990s, MN is popular in Poland
-- Dfiancee [22] FN, MN and LN are popular in Poland
- DS [24] FN is between 121-130 in 1990s, MN is popular in Poland
- DS [21] FN is between 131-140 in 1990s, MN is popular in Poland
- DD [19] FN is between 91-100 in 1990s, MN is popular in Poland
-- Dbf [25] FN begins starts with Ty-, MN is a classic [Russell West Morgan Wilkinson Gill]
-- DD [nb] FN is more commonly used on a boy, MN is grandmothers FN
- DS [15] FN is between 141-150 in 2000s, MN is popular in PolandDD [48] FN is English and begins with E, MN is Polish and begins with F
- DS [7] FN is long and masculine, MN is Polish and masculine DD [46] FN is English and begins with G, MN is Polish and begins with H
- ExH [46] Initials are VET
-- DS [24] Initials are MN
- DH [44] FN, MN and LN are popular in France
-- DD [21] FN and MN are French
-- DD [20] FN and MN are French
--- Dbf [21] FN, MN and LN are Dutch
-- DD [20] FN and MN are French
-- DD [17] FN and MN are French
-- DS [13] Fathers name
-- DD [9] FN and MN are French DD [44] FN is English and begins with I, MN is Polish and begins with J
- ExH [44] FN and MN are from 'Australian [not American]' [Hughes Khan Dawson Edwards Graham]
- DS [16] FN and MN are from 'Australian [not American]'
- DD [14] FN and MN are from 'Australian [not American]'
- DD [7] FN and MN are from 'Australian [not American]' DD [44] FN is English and begins with K, MN is Polish and begins with L
- DH [48] FN, MN and LN are between 150-170 in 1970
- DS [10] FN and MN are unisex
- DS [7] FN and MN are unisexDS [41] Fathers name reversed
- DW [37] FN is a month, MN is a popular MN [Armstrong Hill Stewart Gardner Moore]
- DS [6] FN is NOT in the top 1000, MN is fathers FN
- DS [4] FN is NOT in the top 1000, MN is fathers FN
- DD [10m] FN is NOT in the top 1000, MN is mothers FN DS [39] FN is English and begins with M, MN is Polish and begins with N
- Dgf [33] FN is a flower, MN is a country [Reid Stone Murray Andrews Harrison]DD [36] FN is English and begins with O, MN is Polish and begins with P **
DS4 [75]
DW [67] FN and LN are Chinese **
DS5 [72]
DW [72] FN, MN and LN are Arabic DS [44] FN is Arabic, MN is fathers FN
- DW [40] FN, MN and LN are Arabic
- DD [19] FN and MN are pretty Arabic names
- DD [17] FN and MN are pretty Arabic names
- DD [14] FN and MN are pretty Arabic names
- DS [12] FN and MN are handsome Arabic names
- DS [9] FN and MN are handsome Arabic names
- DS [5] FN and MN are handsome Arabic names DS [41] FN is Arabic, MN is mothers maiden name
- DW [39] FN and MN are between 15-25 in 1979 [Powell Williamson Scott Palmer Barker]
- DS [11] FN is between 15-25 in the 2017, MN is fathers FN
- DS [9] FN is between 30-40 in the 2017, MN is Arabic
- DD [6] FN is between 15-25 in the 2017, MN is grandmothers FN
- DD [2] FN is between 30-40 in the 2017, MN is Arabic **
DD1 [70]
DH [dec] FN and MN are old fashioned [Young Holmes George Morris Rogers]DS [51] Fathers name
- DW [45] FN, MN and LN are popular Spanish names
- DS [16] FN and MN are uncommon Spanish names
- DD [14] FN and MN are uncommon Spanish names
- DD [10] FN and MN are uncommon Spanish names DD [49] FN and MN are old fashioned
- DH [49] FN and MN are between 50-60 in 1969 [Fisher Hall Cunningham Ward Walsh]
- DS [21] FN and MN are old fashioned names coming back
-- Dgf [22] FN is a state in the USA, MN was popular in 1996 [Watts Turner Hunter Webb Carter]
-- DS [exp] FN is old fashioned, MN is uncommon but trendy
- DS [19] FN and MN are old fashioned names coming back
- DS [15] FN and MN are old fashioned names coming back
- DS [13] FN and MN are old fashioned names coming back DD [46] FN and MN are old fashioned
- DH [48] FN and MN are popular in the UK [Lawrence Phillips Matthews Bradley Mitchell]
- DS [24] FN and MN are characters from 'Jurassic Park'
- DD [22] FN and MN are characters from 'The Craft'
-- DH [28] FN is from 'Greek Mythology', MN and LN are Greek
-- DD [3] FN is Greek, MN is from 'Greek Mythology'
-- DS [18m] FN is Greek, MN is from 'Greek Mythology'
-- DS [exp] FN is Greek, MN is from 'Greek Mythology'
- DS [20] FN and MN are characters from 'Practical Magic'
- DD [17] FN and MN are characters from 'Legally Blonde'
- DD [15] FN and MN are characters from 'Elf'
- DD [12] FN and MN are characters from 'The Devil Wears Prada'
- DS [10] FN and MN are characters from 'Mamma Mia'**
DD2 [67]
DH [65] FN, MN and LN are popular in DenmarkDS [40] FN and MN are Danish
- DW [38] FN, MN and LN are popular in Denmark
- DS [11] FN and MN are Danish
- DS [10] FN and MN are Danish
- DD [7] FN and MN are Danish
- DD [4] FN and MN are Danish DS [36] FN and MN are Danish
- DW [33] FN, MN and LN are popular in Slovenia
- DS [5] FN is Danish, MN is Slovenian
- DS [3] FN is Danish, MN is Slovenian
- DD [2] FN is Slovenian, MN is Danish
- DD [exp] FN is Slovenian, MN is Danish **
DD3 [65]
DW [58] FN, MN and LN are Italian ADS [20] FN is Italian, MN is Georgian
ADD [12] FN is Lithuanian, MN is Italian- - -
Poppy. Josephine. Lula. Rose. Indie. Belle. Eve. Eva
Skyler. Jack. Alexander. Jude. Albert. Francis. Mason. Ralph.
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Generation CAF #71 with rules  ·  Evey  ·  7/14/2018, 2:23 PM
Re: Generation CAF #71 with rules  ·  poppy  ·  7/22/2019, 9:30 AM
Re: Generation CAF #71 with rules  ·  Evey  ·  7/15/2018, 5:18 AM