(1st round:
(2nd round:
(3rd round:
Congratulations! Answer the question and receive your name-
inspo (no rules, use the inspo as you see fit!).
Which tea set shall we use?a. The old folkart one with brightly-colored animal motifs
b. The gilt-edged one with elaborate pastoral scenes
c. The mid-century modern one with sleek colorblocking
d. The scalloped one with little pastel rosebuds
a. It’s a girl!
She’s named after her/a grandmother,
Snezhana Oleksandrovna. Her family was from Sevastopol, Soviet Ukraine and she was very close to her mother,
b. It’s a boy!
He’s named after his/a grandfather,
Nathaniel Étienne. His favorite author was
Émile Zola, but his favorite book was Gulliver’s Travels.
c. It’s a boy!
He’s named after his/a grandfather,
Damon Eckart. He worked as a translator in Harbin,
China and adored the culture.
d. It’s a girl!
She’s named after her/a grandmother,
Síomha Cornelia. She was a keen gardener and her favorite flower was the rose.