[Surname] Re: Nationality of Borges
by None (guest)
8/20/2004, 2:27 PM
Haven't you heard of Jorge Luis Borges? He is a wonderful Argentinean writer, proabably the best writer in the Spanish language... Names and Surnames travel a lot you know... I'm myself a Peruvian with Italian and Scottish surnames... However his surname has Spanish pronunciation and a spanish tradition... Genealogy points it to be Spanish... case in which it might be the plural of a lost word "borg" or "borge" (which has English-looking spelling) or means "son of" (ez/es) "borg/borge" which would then be a personal surname with any european origin (not necessarily Spanish, the surname "Ivañez" adds the "ez" of "son of" to "Ivan" russian version of the Spanish "Juan" or English "John")