[Opinions] Orlando...
It reminds me of the city in FL more than it does the actor. But it seems very odd on a non-Spanish person to me. :-/ Not a favorite, but definitely not horrible or anything.
ETA: Wow, it's Italian, not Spanish. Well, the only people I've ever met IRL with this name have been of Spanish descent. :b

ETA: Wow, it's Italian, not Spanish. Well, the only people I've ever met IRL with this name have been of Spanish descent. :b

This message was edited 4/22/2006, 6:34 PM
... BLOOM!! :)
The Celebrities are taking too many of the good names.
But yeah, it's good. If there is a variant to Orlando (i have no idea myself) people wouldn't instantly think of the actor.
I liked the name Orlando before I knew who Orlando Bloom was - though it's because I was big into MadTV at about 12/13, when Orlando Jones was on the show. I just thought he was totally the coolest, lol.
But, no, I use the name. It's not high on my list but it is on my list. I like it. It has a pleasant meaning and sound to it.
I can't stand the nn Orly/Orli though! It's so... just, girly. Andy and Lane would be my choice of nns.
"Chan eil tuil air nach tig traoghadh"
Capt. Malcolm Reynolds - Half of writing history is hiding the truth.
- Serenity
But, no, I use the name. It's not high on my list but it is on my list. I like it. It has a pleasant meaning and sound to it.
I can't stand the nn Orly/Orli though! It's so... just, girly. Andy and Lane would be my choice of nns.
- Serenity
I think Orlando Bloom is, to be extremely frank, a no-talent dumbshit (excuse my French), and his influence has tainted my opinion of the name.
To be honest, I wouldn't mind it too terribly--if you didn't use the nn Orli. Land or Lando would be far more appealing to my ears, and it wouldn't bring to mind that block of wood the girls slaver over.
You might even provide a Heaven for them. We need You for that. Hell we can make for ourselves.
Russ Feingold is a hero.
Censure President Bush.
To be honest, I wouldn't mind it too terribly--if you didn't use the nn Orli. Land or Lando would be far more appealing to my ears, and it wouldn't bring to mind that block of wood the girls slaver over.
You might even provide a Heaven for them. We need You for that. Hell we can make for ourselves.
Russ Feingold is a hero.
Censure President Bush.
I don't care either way about him, but I had to laugh at "that block of wood the girls slaver over."
Lighten up, lillybud.

I don't care either way about him, but I had to laugh at "that block of wood the girls slaver over."
Lighten up, lillybud.

wow. that's kind of harsh
I don't really like him either but good grief! But I do agree Lando is better than Orli!

I don't really like him either but good grief! But I do agree Lando is better than Orli!

I love it, but a lot of people would make that association with Bloom.