[Games] Re: CAF
in reply to a message by LIMEGREEN
Royalty Theme
Last Name: Kimball
DH: JC Julian Connor
DW: LR Lavina Ruth
DS: EN Eadwig Naoise
DD: VG Victoria Guinevere
DD/DD: RM/KW Rosamund Maeve and Katherine Wilhelmina
DS/DS: CY/LF Cormac Yaroslav* and Leopold Faramond
Dog:U Ulrika
Cat: Q Queenie
* I know that it doesn't have a royal meaning, but three grand dukes of Russia had that name,and honestly, I was getting desperate.
Last Name: Kimball
DH: JC Julian Connor
DW: LR Lavina Ruth
DS: EN Eadwig Naoise
DD: VG Victoria Guinevere
DD/DD: RM/KW Rosamund Maeve and Katherine Wilhelmina
DS/DS: CY/LF Cormac Yaroslav* and Leopold Faramond
Dog:U Ulrika
Cat: Q Queenie
* I know that it doesn't have a royal meaning, but three grand dukes of Russia had that name,and honestly, I was getting desperate.
Theme 7
Last Name: 7
DH: 5
DW: 6
DS: 8
DD: 8
DD/DD: 5
DS/DS: 5
Dog:U 6
Cat: Q 9
Last Name: 7
DH: 5
DW: 6
DS: 8
DD: 8
DD/DD: 5
DS/DS: 5
Dog:U 6
Cat: Q 9