[Opinions] Jesiah
Unsure of the spelling but I heard the name Jesiah the other day. What do you think?


There are many people in the USA who pronounce Josiah with a schwa sound in the first syllable instead of with the definite "long o" sound of Joe and Joseph. Therefore you will see any vowel put in the first place. The "s" also is sometimes doubled.
Jahsiah, Jasiah, Jassiah, Jaziah, Jesiah, Jesiyah, Jessiah, Jeziah, Jociah, Joesiah, Josiaah, Jossiah, Josyah, Joziah, Jozyah, Jusiah, and Jysiah are all on the complete Social Security list which gives all names given to five or more boys in 2018. Though a few of the rarest of these like Josiaah may be typographical errors on the part of whoever entered the data, most of them are best seen as deliberate respellings of Josiah.
Jahsiah, Jasiah, Jassiah, Jaziah, Jesiah, Jesiyah, Jessiah, Jeziah, Jociah, Joesiah, Josiaah, Jossiah, Josyah, Joziah, Jozyah, Jusiah, and Jysiah are all on the complete Social Security list which gives all names given to five or more boys in 2018. Though a few of the rarest of these like Josiaah may be typographical errors on the part of whoever entered the data, most of them are best seen as deliberate respellings of Josiah.
This message was edited 11/19/2019, 3:16 PM
Josiah is great, but don’t like the look of Jesiah at all.
I knew a woman named Jessieh once, pronounced that way - except I didn't know it was her name for years, because she only ever went by Jessie. So I thought her "real" name was Jessica for the longest time, until I saw her full name written out once. She was Southern, though her accent wasn't pronounced, so to speak (so a lot of people would've missed it if she hadn't told them), and I always got the impression that she really disliked her name.
I'm guessing the woman I knew had a lot of difficulty in school with spelling issues and confusion with the (male) name Josiah, which added to her apparent dislike. I don't think Jessieh / Jesiah sounds bad, necessarily, but it might be more trouble than it's worth.
I'm guessing the woman I knew had a lot of difficulty in school with spelling issues and confusion with the (male) name Josiah, which added to her apparent dislike. I don't think Jessieh / Jesiah sounds bad, necessarily, but it might be more trouble than it's worth.
I support Josiah.
Ugly. I prefer Josiah.
It looks like a mash up of Jesse and Josiah, but I kind of like it. It feels like a natural derivative, and it isn't hard to guess the spelling or pronunciation.
I like it, I have on one of my pnls. It's uncommon and modern but with an old biblical feel and it's easy to spell and pronounce.
I like Josiah, Jesiah looks like a misspelled version of that or like a mashup of Josiah and Jesse?