WDYTO these four? I'm wary of the fact that
Elijah and
Jonah popular in the States just now, because American trends often cross the Atlantic (always to England before they turn north, seeing as Scotland traditionally has its own stock of names, many of which are rare or aren't found at all in England). But, as I say, for the moment they are both virtually unheard of here. People know the names but never use them. They'd be a bit different :-) How are these combinations? (
Hazael is pron. HAZ-ay-el;
Micah as MYE-kuh)
Morgan ElijahMorgan HazaelHazael RhettTristan MicahMicah Stephan (STEFF-in)
Micah Henry (favourite at the moment)
Dillon MicahLeo MicahLeo JonahCarwyn JonahCarwyn MicahCarwyn ElijahMicah Lucian (LOO-see-an)
Jonah LucianEsme HazaelEsme JonahCassidy Jonah (too cowboyish?)
River JonahJonah PearceRowan Micah (ROE-an)
Arlen Micah (ARE-lin)
Ruairi Jonah (Ruairí: ROO-(a)-ree)
Micah Shea ("shay" ... this is probably too short for my liking though)
Arlen Micah Shea "shay" (Does this sound like a sentence though? "Arlin my cashay!" Goodness knows what *that* would mean ... Is
Arlen Morgan Shea better?
Arlen Henry Shea?)
I know this in no helpful order whatsoever, so thanks for bearing with me :-)