Derry, Northern Ireland
The O'Connor family
H [26]
W [23]
The couple, who have known each other since they were children, have recently married. H owns a small chippy he inherited from his father, and W is a hairdresser. The husband was named after one of the apostles, and his middle name sounds elderly. His wife's first name was in the top 10 in Northern
Ireland at some point (, and her middle name honours an Irish saint (
Saint-Michel-de-Bellechasse, Quebec, Canada
The Morin family
H [43]
W [27]
The Morin's have just married. The wife's parents were against their union, since the groom, a psychoanalyst, was their daughter's professor in university when she studied psychology. She is currently working on becoming a therapist. The husband's first name is French and double-barrelled, and his middle name is "Canadian, not American" ([]=masculine&type_usage=1&operator_usage=is&value_usage[]=english&type_popularity=1&operator_popularity=is&value_popularity[]=canada-bc&yearoperator_popularity=more&year_popularity[]=2000&rankoperator_popularity=less&rank_popularity[]=100&type_popularity2=1&operator_popularity2=isnot&value_popularity2[]=united-states&yearoperator_popularity2=more&year_popularity2[]=1930&rankoperator_popularity2=less&rank_popularity2[]=200). His wife's first name is unisex, and her middle name is long, frilly, and feminine - both her names are French.
Puerto Rico, United States
The Nieves-Aguilar family
H [25]
W [25]
The couple has been married for a month now. The husband's surname is Nieves-(Spanish surname) and the wife's is Aguilar-(Spanish surname). The husband, who is a high school teacher, has a Spanish first name related to angels, and his middle name is English and was common in the 1990s in the US. His wife, a librarian, has a first name ending in -ette, and her middle name is a
Marian epithet.
masculine list: list:
This message was edited 3/20/2020, 6:42 AM