[Opinions] WDYT of "Evie."
I noticed a new name on the top 50 baby name list for England and Wales. It was ranked 29th for 2005. The name was "Evie," for a girl. I think it's really cute. Has anyone heard this name in the US? Is it just "Evie?" OR could it be a nn for Evan/Evanne/Evelyn? Does anyone know? Just curious...
Surprised no one has mentioned V for Vendetta yet
Evie is the heroine of that movie.
I like it as a nn fine, but not as a proper name. It is very cute, though.
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
Evie is the heroine of that movie.
I like it as a nn fine, but not as a proper name. It is very cute, though.
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
This message was edited 5/3/2006, 12:23 PM
Duh, you're right, I forgot. I think it was Evey, though, wasn't it? (I prefer Evie, and as a nn, too)


You're probably right, I never read it or saw it written
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
I like it as a nickname but not as a full name, nicknamey names are very popular here in England at the moment,The chart contains loads of this type of name
It's entirely too nickname-y to me, but it seems to be more of a trend in the U.K. (and maybe Australia), but it probably just hasn't hit the U.S. yet. :-/ I like Eve, and Eva, Evangeline and Evelyn are lovely as well, with Evie as a nn even, but not on its own. But I feel the same way about Charlie, Ellie and Millie--they are nicknames, NOT formal names--which are also quite high up on popularity lists in the U.K.


I've never heard of Evie but Eva is very commen here.
Where's the Kaboom? There's suppose to be an Earth shattering kaboom!" -Marvin the Martian.
Dag: No way! I can be more Euro than You-oh!
Norb (In Euro accent) I doubt it. I eemagine your peetifal Amer-icuhn attempt to be Europ-ee-aahn and, I am schad vounc
Where's the Kaboom? There's suppose to be an Earth shattering kaboom!" -Marvin the Martian.
Dag: No way! I can be more Euro than You-oh!
Norb (In Euro accent) I doubt it. I eemagine your peetifal Amer-icuhn attempt to be Europ-ee-aahn and, I am schad vounc
I think Evie is an adorable nick for a name such as Eve, Eva, Evelyn, Genevieve, Evangelina, or Evangeline. Alone it seems a bit childish and limiting, imo.
It reminds me of the character of the same name in the movie Thirteen (who is certainly not someone anybody would want as a role-model for her daughter)
I've seen it as a name on its own as well as as a nickname for Evelyn.
-- Sarah
I've seen it as a name on its own as well as as a nickname for Evelyn.
-- Sarah