DH: Perseverance Praise-God
WatsonDW: Dust Fare-Well
Watson (née Edwards)
DS: Praise-God Perseverance
WatsonDS: Obedience Steadfast
MarshallDS: Ashes Lament
WatsonDD: Fare-Well Dust
WatsonDD: Joy-in-sorrow Remember
Happy Increase
WatsonDD: Notwithstanding Vanity
WatsonDD: Purity Lively
WatsonDS: Seaborne Scriptures
Perseverance & Dust; Praise-God, Obedience, Ashes, Fare-Well, Joy-in-sorrow,
Happy, Notwithstanding, Purity and Seaborne
"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." -
Oscar Wilde
BeccyLeader1 xxx
This message was edited 7/20/2020, 3:25 AM