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[Surname] Etymology of Sizemore
Hello, I noticed that the user-submitted surname "Sizemore" is lacking an etymology.I remember having read a few years ago (while researching my genealogy) that "Sizemore" had come from "Cismor," a Portuguese Sephardic-Jewish alteration of the Hebrew given name–turned–surname "Sisamai" < "Sismai." This name was apparently one among several crypto-Jewish surnames in Portugal and Spain, altered to conceal their bearers' religion and ethnicity from the public, after forced conversion and other persecution."Sismai" appears in the Hebrew Bible / TaNaKh / Old Testament: namely 1 Chronicles 2:40. I can only find a couple webpages listing meanings for the name, but they seem to agree on "house" and "blindness."
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I'm not sure if this link will work but, I found a book that says the same explanation for Sizemore. It says that the name Sismai means "sower" in Hebrew.Here's the link: have to scroll down a bit to Sizemore.

This message was edited 9/18/2020, 6:55 PM

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This origin of Sizemore proposed at is absurd and not to be taken seriously.
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Aside from what they can't argue, the whole book seems absurd. The author has a theory and is looking to make as much as possible fit, no matter how much he has to fabricate to do so.
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From the Dictionary of American Family Names:Sizemore English: nickname from Old French sis ‘six’ + mars ‘marks’, i.e. the monetary sum of six marks (the equivalent of four medieval pounds sterling).
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