[Games] Rosemary Amalia & Gray Griffith
SO1: Royce Keane
SO2: Romy PoppyDD/DD: Rosemary Amalia & Dove Mirren
DD: Shea Ariadne
DS: Gray Griffith
DS: Rex Dashiell
DD: Clea Emlyn
DD: Lana Tyne"Do you not find it happens very often, that you are as gay as Garrick at dinner and then by supper-time you wonder why God made the world?"
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Jan 5: Count-Along-CAF  ·  Belphoebe  ·  1/5/2021, 3:42 PM
Porter Reef & Thea Lark  ·  michal1223  ·  1/6/2021, 12:17 PM
Porter Theo & Octavia Francesca  ·  ari.  ·  1/6/2021, 10:24 AM
Rosabel Liviana & Carsten Griffith  ·  Belphoebe  ·  1/6/2021, 10:05 AM
Rosemary Amalia & Gray Griffith  ·  saphirdufeu  ·  1/6/2021, 9:04 AM
Octavia Romilly (DisHon: Royce Axton)  ·  Little Blue Bird  ·  1/6/2021, 6:56 AM
Rhys Gideon & Linnea Rosemary  ·  ishild  ·  1/6/2021, 4:54 AM
Liviana Rosemary and Griffith Malcolm  ·  Mara  ·  1/5/2021, 11:04 PM
Linnea Rosemary & Bram Carsten  ·  Uilos  ·  1/5/2021, 11:01 PM
Counting backwards... Lark Emmeline & Dashiell Remington  ·  Uilos  ·  1/5/2021, 11:07 PM
Celeste Ariadne and Cassia Mirren (least fav: Charity Clea)  ·  Julia  ·  1/5/2021, 8:23 PM
I secretly love Romilly Romy Love haha  ·  Belphoebe  ·  1/6/2021, 10:05 AM
Lawson Rhys & Celeste Marcella (laughing at Prairie Dove)  ·  starletinwaiting  ·  1/5/2021, 7:35 PM
Raphael Gray and Haven Carys. nt  ·  Pink Princess  ·  1/5/2021, 7:09 PM
Poppy Amalia & Pierce Keane  ·  IslaRose28  ·  1/5/2021, 5:57 PM
Poppy Amalia & Pierce Keane  ·  IslaRose28  ·  1/5/2021, 5:57 PM
Counting Backwards! Loved all the names  ·  MasonThursday  ·  1/5/2021, 5:31 PM
Thanks!  ·  Belphoebe  ·  1/6/2021, 10:06 AM
Shepard Simeon & Francesca Adair (No DisHon)  ·  MasonThursday  ·  1/5/2021, 5:06 PM
Wren Ashby & Rex Dashiell  ·  Cinnabar  ·  1/5/2021, 5:02 PM
Celeste Wren & Crispin Riddick  ·  Dracotorix  ·  1/5/2021, 4:55 PM
Thea Tierney & Timo Raphael  ·  ValerieK  ·  1/5/2021, 4:44 PM
Gideon Royce & Rosemary Madigan  ·  Jessamine  ·  1/5/2021, 4:37 PM