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[Opinions] Admins should probably delete this thread
I'm not going on an angry rant, I promise. I'd just like to admit to my hypocrisy. I was trying to defend people from the comment section, but as many users have told me, this is not the proper place to report complaints. There is actually no proper place. The Admins cannot answer all of their emails. There are probably more important complaints for them to hear, anyway.However, because one is unable to delete their own message posts, the posts may as well stay in their original texts, so the Admins will know what type of people they're dealing with.One of the rules for starting threads is to not discuss inflammatory topics. It doesn't matter that I had the right intentions. I should've reread the rules.When I originally posted it, I was actually in a good mood. It wasn't supposed to sound angry. That's why I listed those funny names. I even reread the message, multiple times, to ensure that it wouldn't be offensive.But it took people's comments in order for me to see it as "infantile", everyone's favorite word in the comment sections. I want this to serve as trial and error for the newcomers here, who also want to start important discussions. You can do it on a personal blog, or even publish it in a newspaper.Just not here. Here's the original post. If I deleted all of the text, Admins wouldn't see what the problem was.:
******" People can be very rude. Stating your opinion is fine, but sometimes it goes too far, like with "trailer park trash", "ghetto", or "stripper-like". The former is just racist and the latter.. unless someone's name sounds like a sexual phrase, I think the whole "stripper" thing is completely disgusting and callous. I will not be posting
the incredibly suggestive names for obvious reasons.But there are people out there who possess names that are ACTUALLY terrible, such as:Dr. Whet Faartz
Beautiful Existence
Corona and Covid, twins
Sanitizer (!)
Ben Dover
HITLER MUSSOLINI (Hitler is still legally used in certain countries that are not well-educated about the Holocaust, or connected to the Holocaust.)
Kingmessiah (It was made illegal)
Shaunda Lear (chandelier)
Jealous Harvey
Window Coverings
Etc.Some of those names are actually derived from other languages. It is not their fault that their names sound horrible in English. Sometimes, it is the fault of the parents. They give their children first names that sound peculiar or even sexual next to their last names. And they are English speakers themselves.Otherwise, people should not be so hard on the parents, and should exclude the children from ridicule. Don't say they're destined for failure because of their names. Consider that you are apart of the reason that they may struggle in life. Some names are just dumb, others could use a bit more understanding and acceptance of other cultures.If you don't care to understand, keep your racist and sexist opinions off of this child-appropriate site. Thank you."

This message was edited 11/20/2021, 9:01 AM

Archived Thread - replies disabled
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hahaha...Beautiful Existence? Corona and Covid? Where did you get all this crap from? I’ve never heard any of the names on that list apart from Corona, Ben and Hitler. lmao
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I know, my thread is dumb.
The names are from Bored Panda .com., listed as "198 Names that make you wonder what the parents were thinking." There's no clear evidence that the majority of the names are real though. You could Google "dumb names people give their kids", but nothing seems to be reliable.

This message was edited 9/14/2021, 2:25 PM

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your thread isn’t dumb. I was laughing at the names
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.The name Corona is actually a name currently in the database because it means "crown" in Spanish.
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If you are reacting to people's posts from the Comment sections, then you may be lecturing to the wrong crowd. People who post under the Comments section are not necessarily regular users of the Opinions boards.It comes across as a bit presumptuous to lecture others so broadly on what opinions you think they should have and to assume their motivations. We all have our own biases and some comments may be completely off the wall, but that doesn't mean that you have the right to tell people what they can and cannot say. This website does have anti-trolling policies, but that is different from insisting on prescribed language. Feel free to disagree and make a case for your opposing view point if you like. An "Opinions" board becomes pointless when people can no-longer share opinions. I doubt that the some of the things that you listed are real people's names. However, even if they really are in use, the existence of even worse names does not prevent people from holding negative or positive opinions about other (less extreme) names.It is not sexist for someone to point out that certain things are stereotypically associated with stripper stage names. It is not incorrect to point out that some names are associated with socio-economic status because some names are more popular among some groups than in others. It is not inappropriate to point out that some names could potentially subject the owner to childhood teasing. You yourself listed a bunch of things that you consider terrible to have as a name, so it would be hypocritical to lecture others for doing the same thing.
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I completely understand. Its sends the wrong message. I'm sorry that I hurt people's feelings.

This message was edited 9/14/2021, 1:11 PM

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I was referring to the comment section.
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I'm afraid all us sexist racists didn't invite your opinions in the first place. Shows how tactless, thoughtless and rude we must be. Are you sure that you aren't using your holier-than-thou stance to create awareness of names you perceive as horrible, peculiar or sexual? Or do you have difficulty in telling the Opinions board and the Comments section apart? As for Hitler: I know of a man named Hitler who was born in what was then Southern Rhodesia in the early 1950s. My guess is that his parents were opposed to British colonialism, wanted independence for their country, and gave their son the name of the most prominent opponent of Britain that they could think of. Not a lack of education, therefore; just a matter of interpretation. Not something I would do, but I wouldn't outlaw the use of names I don't happen to like either.
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Trevor Noah, comedian, had a friend named Hitler. He spoke about an incident in his autobiography. In South Africa, apartheid was meant to inspire hate in the Africans torwards each other, not the government. So to keep them pacified, I believe, Hitler was not discussed broadly in school.That's what I meant. People in Africa are advancing and reading more, and becoming politicians. I'm just saying, that people are only taught what others want them to know. This can cause unfortunate situations, like how Trevor's friend Hitler was at a social gathering with South African Jews. And when Trevor's friends cheered "Go Hitler!" many times, it came off as disrespectful. The Jews said so, hut Trevor didn't know what they did so wrong.
Naturally, they got kicked out of the building.The history must be very different regarding Rhodesia (named by its people, Zimbabwe). I appreciate your reply.Yes, some people are grateful for their freedom. South Africans actually respected Hitler for convincing white folks to team up with blacks. That's the only good thing that came out of it. Now people hate Germans, as many people hate Arabs after 9/11.I didn't mean to make it a history lesson, but I like exchanging facts with others. And I want to know what you think. :) From ShioTanbo1

This message was edited 9/13/2021, 2:46 PM

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Under the apartheid government, the school history syllabus ended in the late 19th century. It was compiled with the white population in mind, and therefore ended before the two Anglo-Boer Wars took place - these would, it was thought, still have political repercussions and should therefore not be discussed at school. Of course, there wasn't a separate syllabus for each population group! But clearly Trevor Noah and his friends, and thousands like them, could have found out about Nazism if they'd gone to a public library or just asked their parents ... political parties like the African National Congress and the Liberal Party, both banned under apartheid, though the ANC at least continued as an underground movement, drew the obvious parallels beween apartheid and Nazism. BJ Vorster, who became Prime Minister after the assassination of Dr Verwoerd in 1966, had been detained during the Second World War for supporting Germany and committing acts of sabotage against the then government, which supported the Allies. So, the facts were there to be seen. People do not only know what they learn at school, or they need not confine themselves to that.
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What's wrong with Beautiful Existence? S/he can go by Beau... And Like reminds me of Lika NN of Angelika. Moreover Like* can be a Dutch short form of Elisabeth...
But seriously... I'm not sure about Stalin, but I've just found Stalina** (f).
And there are Vladlen, Vladlena and Ninel. Are they still terrible?
I appear to have gone (slightly) off topic...*
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Her name was bad to me and others because it couldn't be taken seriously in a professional setting. She's a news reporter, so when she spoke on live TV, the screen said:"Seattle (yes, that is her real name)"How could anyone pay attention to the news report? They'd probably spend the whole time laughing at her. It would be really nice, if only didn't sound like a compliment to the universe, instead of to a person. I respect her for keeping her name and not letting get in the way of her career. But I still wouldn't name anyone a phrase.
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"How could anyone pay attention to the news report? They'd probably spend the whole time laughing at her."
Really? I doubt it, people would probably just get used to her name. I also think, that people tend to find smth like Jerry Perry or Hazel Nutt more funny/amusing, imo.
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Oh wow, this may come as a surprise to you but people are a lot more open and aware of place names these days. I'm sure no one would bat an eye from a woman named Seattle let alone Crack up laughing about it. I used to work with sisters named Beauty and Pretty in a professional office setting and we never had issue with it or had issue taking them seriously. I'm not saying it never happens anymore but people have become a lot less desensitized to unusual names the last decade or so. It's actually kind of uncool of you yourself to assume people with certain names can't work in certain settings. I've known professionals with all kinds and it's never stopped them. My best friend is about to become a PhD next spring and she has a very "undoctorly" type name but it hasn't kept her from getting jobs yet.

This message was edited 9/13/2021, 3:02 PM

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I apologize. I am happy for your best friend. Names really shouldn't matter as much as they do, but people react very immaturely. I guess my reaction was no better. Again, I'm happy for anybody who's so proud of their family or themselves that they don't change their names despite the reactions. It shows a healthy amount of dignity. But I don't think they're wimps if they change it.And sometimes people will be nice and you'll never consider changing it. The world is becoming more open, as you said.
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I guess Beau could work..but it is a boy name.

This message was edited 9/13/2021, 2:50 PM

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I think some of these examples may be urban legends instead of real people. The famous Lear example, daughter of the inventer of the Lear Jet, is Shanda Lear, not Shaunda. don't know of anywhere in the English speaking world where Kingmessiah would have been "made illegal" other than New Zealand. Both King and Messiah are fairly well established as male given names in the USA now, so I would not be surprised at all to see King Messiah as a first and middle name combination here.
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Thank you for responding! Some of the names I found are liable to errors. Most name sites don't reveal clear sources for their names..and I'm trying to get used to name research again.To see ones that are highly inappropriate and possibly (but hopefully not) real, type in "193 names that'll make you wonder what the parents were thinking." I'm sorry I can't link it for you. Its because of my device. At least three of the names are fake. They're on Bored and proven with possibly edited screenshots.
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wasn't she Crystal?Or is the Crystal part the urban legend?
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evidence ...Who's named Window Coverings? Because there's no getting around that it is a really stupid name and says a lot of not very flattering things about the parents.Anyway, thank you for taking it upon yourself to just show up here and scold us. We never could have managed all these years without it.
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Lol my older sister was 3/4 when I was born and she was very adamant that I be named Chandelier because it was the prettiest word she knew, and was genuinely heartbroken when my parents didn't go with her name idea and threw a fit. Kids are funny. She grew up into likely relatively mainstream and short names later. Yes racist & classist remarks should be avoided but sometimes we shouldnt be so quick to judge in general in names. Worth noting: I have a professor at my university that will remain nameless but she has a very naturey and "hippy" sounding FN & LN. I actually quit like it. It has signifance to her family and heritage. Though some classmates joke about her name and that is inappropriate. It really depends on context. The joke names that may or may not exist (the internet is not always accurate as you know) aren't usually cool but some names have a cultural significance to them you are not aware of. Beautiful Existence for instance, if real, I can totally see being used by someone that had a cultural background of Word names and have no qualms with it. Just because something is inordinarily for me personally doesn't make it necessarily a "bad" name, just not a name of my background. Some things seem inappropriate in one culture but totally acceptable in another. Most parents aren't researching meanings and context across the globe for their name idea and tbh that's valid. Corona was a name and a beverage before the pandemic for instance. It really isn't my place to judge a parents pick unless it's just inherently harmful.Idk just something to keep in mind.

This message was edited 9/13/2021, 10:43 AM

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I agree with you that we need to stop using classist, racist, and misogynist insults. I feel like you made a bunch of those names up though. King Messiah is pretty rad.
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