[Opinions] Regarding Tangerie
-I have to be a member for 6 days before messaging someone, so this is probably some sort of an open letter-If I wanted to find a nickname for a girl named Tangerie, I think I would cut the "Tan". Gerie, Ger, including a cute-funny "g" pronounciation if her boyfriend is meant to use it would be quite realistic, in my opinion.I have an acquisant named Nicolina, and because Niki is a quite common name here, her friends call her Lina. Not to mention Yiotis, derieved from Panayiotis, Telis from Aristoteles, Tina from Christina, Nitsa from Helenitsa (the "i" is the same i as information) etcRespectfully,
The Nerd
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11 Children  ·  Canielle  ·  12/15/2021, 3:25 AM
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Regarding Tangerie  ·  The Nerd  ·  12/16/2021, 10:25 PM
Re: 11 Children  ·  Kaesy  ·  12/15/2021, 6:25 AM
Re: 11 Children  ·  ari.  ·  12/15/2021, 5:53 AM
Re: 11 Children  ·  Canielle  ·  12/15/2021, 3:49 AM
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