[Opinions] Re: Eloise / Elodie thought bubble
Keep it on the list. There's no need to remove it from the list now since you're not having kids for another few years. Your taste might very well have changed until you actually have kids, and you might have a boy instead of a girl. Any potential partner might not like it either, so maybe it will all solve itself without you removing it from the list now,
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Eloise / Elodie thought bubble  ·  Dianatiger  ·  12/21/2021, 5:14 AM
Re: Eloise / Elodie thought bubble  ·  Melody02  ·  12/22/2021, 11:13 AM
Re: Eloise / Elodie thought bubble  ·  Dianatiger  ·  12/22/2021, 1:16 PM
Re: Eloise / Elodie thought bubble  ·  Pelops  ·  12/21/2021, 9:05 PM
Re: Eloise / Elodie thought bubble  ·  TheArtemisMoon  ·  12/21/2021, 2:53 PM
Re: Eloise / Elodie thought bubble  ·  Kerilyntaryn21  ·  12/21/2021, 12:46 PM
Re: Eloise / Elodie thought bubble  ·  Theodora'sMommy  ·  12/21/2021, 9:19 AM
Re: Eloise / Elodie thought bubble  ·  Ninor  ·  12/21/2021, 5:22 AM
Re: Eloise / Elodie thought bubble  ·  Dianatiger  ·  12/21/2021, 5:28 AM