[Opinions] Aria
What do you think of the name Aria? What would you pair it with?
Am I the only one who thinks this name is kinda overrated? I mean it has a nice origin and all but the name itself as far as sound is nothing special. I first heard the name from Pretty Little Liars and from what remember she was kinda of annoying sometimes. She was pretty though. Anyhow, I see this name becoming extremely dated.
"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves." - William Shakespeare

Am I the only one who thinks this name is kinda overrated? I mean it has a nice origin and all but the name itself as far as sound is nothing special. I first heard the name from Pretty Little Liars and from what remember she was kinda of annoying sometimes. She was pretty though. Anyhow, I see this name becoming extremely dated.

This message was edited 4/11/2022, 8:22 AM
It’s a pretty name but yes I think it is overrated. I don’t think I’d ever use it because it’s become so popular and I think there are prettier names. It used to be pretty uncommon and then everyone started calling their kids Aria. I know a 17 year old Aria.
I'm not concerned about names seeming dated years from now. No one was worried about Betty and Gerard seeming dated back in the 1900s. Now look at them: they just slowly dropped out of the charts. I'm more concerned the sound, spelling and associations. If I like the sound and the associations are not unsuperable, then I'll consider for a child or at least my characters.1
I like the name Aria a lot. It sounds musical as most "musical" names do: Symphony, Harmony, Lyric, etc. But Aria works better as a name. It does help that it is not a common word outside of the musical context in English vocabulary.
I might be biased because the name sounds as if it could work in Japan, but that's how I feel. I've always liked it.
About PLL, I've never read the books or watched the show, but I'll get around to it. I try not to let fictional characters put me off of names. They're not real, and many years from now, some of those characters might lose their relevance as they get overshadowed by more popular stories. At least, that's what we can hope for, because some character associations are so terrible, that it will take centuries for society to overcome those "taboos".
I like the name Aria a lot. It sounds musical as most "musical" names do: Symphony, Harmony, Lyric, etc. But Aria works better as a name. It does help that it is not a common word outside of the musical context in English vocabulary.
I might be biased because the name sounds as if it could work in Japan, but that's how I feel. I've always liked it.
About PLL, I've never read the books or watched the show, but I'll get around to it. I try not to let fictional characters put me off of names. They're not real, and many years from now, some of those characters might lose their relevance as they get overshadowed by more popular stories. At least, that's what we can hope for, because some character associations are so terrible, that it will take centuries for society to overcome those "taboos".