[Games] Re: Create A Family With A Twist
Corbin James Foster [27] is Evie Jane's oldest brother. He is very protective over his siblings and has always been like a second father to them. Corbin is married and has a little baby boy with his wife. He also has two very good friends he sees every day at work.His mom and dad divorced when he was 14. He was very scared at that time because there were a lot of loud fights late at night, and all his siblings would crowd in his room and ask him questions about the arguing. His mom leaving was almost a relief. He did love her but he knows what she did that caused the divorce, and he knew his dad had no other choice.Corbin majored in accounting and finance and now works at a large accounting firm with his two good friends who he met in college. He makes a good amount of money. He likes RPGing with all his college buddies at Evie Jane's bistro (which is like right beside their firm) every Friday. Occasionally Evie Jane will try to sneak pictures of him, but he must admit he's always looking for the camera (and he's a bit of a ham. Just ask his wife).https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.lRUpieEystB16F4Z5zhsugHaE8%26pid%3DApi&f=1
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Create A Family With A Twist  ·  Nicole  ·  5/13/2022, 7:30 PM
Re: Create A Family With A Twist  ·  aPerson  ·  5/14/2022, 5:23 AM
Re: Create A Family With A Twist  ·  Ohad Yigal  ·  5/14/2022, 6:17 AM
Re: Create A Family With A Twist  ·  greenbeans  ·  5/14/2022, 7:12 AM
Re: Create A Family With A Twist  ·  Ohad Yigal  ·  5/14/2022, 7:51 AM
Re: Create A Family With A Twist  ·  BlueOcean123  ·  5/29/2022, 10:45 AM