[Opinions] Re: Help me warm up to Caroline
I am a Caroline and I associate the name not so much with myself as much as the masses of women I know named Caroline from the southern US. Most of these women are, how do I say this nicely? They’re not my type. They have struck me as superficial, silly, shallow, and conservative on the whole, though I know there are variations of course. I think it’s kind of an “I want to fit in” type of name and I hate that. I can’t imagine why my hippie parents chose it for me.But when I think about the name itself, I realize that its sound is really open, happy, sunny even. It’s not aggressively pretty or gentle. When I try to disconnect myself from all the Lilly Pullitzer wearing cultural Christian sorority sister Carolines I’ve known, I think the name is actually really nice and bright.

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Help me warm up to Caroline  ·  erb816  ·  6/21/2022, 10:27 AM
Re: Help me warm up to Caroline  ·  Grazz  ·  6/24/2022, 10:04 AM
Re: Help me warm up to Caroline  ·  Anneza  ·  6/21/2022, 1:19 PM
Re: Help me warm up to Caroline  ·  Ani  ·  6/21/2022, 11:39 AM
Re: Help me warm up to Caroline  ·  namesarecool285  ·  6/21/2022, 11:25 AM
Re: Help me warm up to Caroline  ·  Gaia  ·  6/21/2022, 11:09 AM
Re: Help me warm up to Caroline  ·  erb816  ·  6/21/2022, 11:55 AM
Re: Help me warm up to Caroline  ·  Martha  ·  6/21/2022, 10:35 AM
Re: Help me warm up to Caroline  ·  erb816  ·  6/21/2022, 11:53 AM
Re: Help me warm up to Caroline  ·  Martha  ·  6/21/2022, 12:16 PM