Hey guys. I'm thinking about my future son, Ned. Ned is such a nice name. Nice guys are named Ned. By nice guys, I mean that guy in the Nancy Drew books.
Ned comes from Mine Ed, which means it comes from Ed names. But I Just don't like Ed names very much. My favorite is Edwin, I guess.
Can you help me get to Ned some other way? My current preference is Nathaniel "Ned." I don't really like Nathaniel, but I like it better than the Ned names. I think it sort of works because I don't pronounce the "a" vowel strongly, it sounds like a schwa. Kind of like Nedthaniel. I wouldn't use that though.
Here are some names I consider
Benedict (I love this name but it seems so contrived)
Nebuchadnezzar - as came up on here a few weeks ago. Boy my grandfather would be pleased. Of course it is too silly.