Lunch in a restaurant or picnic in the park?
Lunch in a restaurant: Would you rather name your son Cirilo or Romão?
- Cirilo, namebank 1
- Romão, namebank 2
Picnic in the park: Would you rather name your daughter Zita or Dores?
Zita, namebank 3
Dores, namebank 4
- Feel free to change nicknames into full names, but use the given nickname.
- Feel free to change spellings (Miya -> Mia)
Third child is born in Brasil
Namebank 1
Kaua Anthony Vitorio Henrique Derik Elian Lucca Adryan Joa Marlison
Namebank 2
Kayo Pietro Andriel Brenno Kaleb Murillo Oliver Enderson Cristofer Izaque
Namebank 3
Kailane Eloa Camilly Adrielly Manuella Raquele Juli Dafne Alanis Mirella
Namebank 4
Kamile Emely Dominique Tayla Clarisse Thaissa Nina Any Rana Geovanna