[Opinions] Celebrity names for their babies
Why do celebrities always give their children stupid names like Apple,just to show they're famous?Famous people are no different from ordinary people,and they should realise their children will be teased at school for having daft names.They will obviously change it when they're older.
I don't know why celebs give their babies unusal names maybe for the same reason non celebs (or other celebs) give their children "normal" names, because they can. :)
Mum to Hayley Anne
Mum to Hayley Anne
What I have to wonder is why you care.
Why does it matter what a celebrity names her child? You're never going to meet the kid--why should it bother you whether her name's Poet Sienna Rose or Mary Willa "Mamie"?
Always remember the Fitz family motto: Believe in yourself, believe in others, and work like hell.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
Why does it matter what a celebrity names her child? You're never going to meet the kid--why should it bother you whether her name's Poet Sienna Rose or Mary Willa "Mamie"?
Always remember the Fitz family motto: Believe in yourself, believe in others, and work like hell.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
Your *opinion* constitutes quite a *bold* stack of *assumptions*; I strongly feel the need to *deconstruct* them all
First of all, all celebrities do not "always" give their children unusual names, that's an absolutely ridiculous assertion. Far more "celebrities" of every stripe give their children the same sorts of names as everyone else than give them truly unusual ones. Have you even read any of the different books that list celebrity baby names, or are you just relying on the odd news report? Names like Moxie CrimeFighter are few and far between compared to all the little Elizabeth's and Jack's. Do you have a problem with Apple's little brother's name, Moses? If so, why? Have you heard of twins named Hazel and Phinnaeus? Those are "real" names, and they are Julia Roberts' kids. Susan Sarandon and Meg Ryan both have sons named Jack Henry. For every "stupid" celeb baby name you can cite, I bet I can name ten "normal" celeb kids' names.
Second, not all unusual names are "stupid" or "daft." Pretty harsh language for such a mild name as Apple, for cryin out loud. What the hell is wrong with Apple? Are you aware of Gwyneth Paltrow's own take on it, how sweet and "clean" it sounds to her, how the baby is the "Apple" of her father's eye? Why is that a bad thing?
Third, not all children with unusual names get "teased." How would you know what happens to celebrities' kids in school? Go to Beverly Hills High, do you?
Fourth, you have absolutely no way to back up your ludicrous claim that "they will obviously change it when they're older." Frank Zappa's kids seem quite well adjusted and happy to be who they are, and they have not changed their names. Matter of fact, I can't think of a celebrity's child who's grown up famously bearing an unusual name who then changed it in adulthood. Can you name one? More importantly, can you name twenty? Because you'll have to name many more than that for your ridiculous assertion to come close to being probable, much less true.
First of all, all celebrities do not "always" give their children unusual names, that's an absolutely ridiculous assertion. Far more "celebrities" of every stripe give their children the same sorts of names as everyone else than give them truly unusual ones. Have you even read any of the different books that list celebrity baby names, or are you just relying on the odd news report? Names like Moxie CrimeFighter are few and far between compared to all the little Elizabeth's and Jack's. Do you have a problem with Apple's little brother's name, Moses? If so, why? Have you heard of twins named Hazel and Phinnaeus? Those are "real" names, and they are Julia Roberts' kids. Susan Sarandon and Meg Ryan both have sons named Jack Henry. For every "stupid" celeb baby name you can cite, I bet I can name ten "normal" celeb kids' names.
Second, not all unusual names are "stupid" or "daft." Pretty harsh language for such a mild name as Apple, for cryin out loud. What the hell is wrong with Apple? Are you aware of Gwyneth Paltrow's own take on it, how sweet and "clean" it sounds to her, how the baby is the "Apple" of her father's eye? Why is that a bad thing?
Third, not all children with unusual names get "teased." How would you know what happens to celebrities' kids in school? Go to Beverly Hills High, do you?
Fourth, you have absolutely no way to back up your ludicrous claim that "they will obviously change it when they're older." Frank Zappa's kids seem quite well adjusted and happy to be who they are, and they have not changed their names. Matter of fact, I can't think of a celebrity's child who's grown up famously bearing an unusual name who then changed it in adulthood. Can you name one? More importantly, can you name twenty? Because you'll have to name many more than that for your ridiculous assertion to come close to being probable, much less true.
This message was edited 6/4/2006, 3:41 PM
On the question of point four...
Matter of fact, I can't think of a celebrity's child who's grown up famously bearing an unusual name who then changed it in adulthood.
I can name one, and that's Zowie Bowie, who first changed to Joey and then to Duncan. I can't name any other celebrity children who've done so, though.
Always remember the Fitz family motto: Believe in yourself, believe in others, and work like hell.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
Matter of fact, I can't think of a celebrity's child who's grown up famously bearing an unusual name who then changed it in adulthood.
I can name one, and that's Zowie Bowie, who first changed to Joey and then to Duncan. I can't name any other celebrity children who've done so, though.
Always remember the Fitz family motto: Believe in yourself, believe in others, and work like hell.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
Okay, very good then, that's one
But you and I both know her assertion was flawed.
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
But you and I both know her assertion was flawed.
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
Oh, I agree that her assertion's completely flawed...(m)
...I just like being contrary. :D And I like referencing David Bowie, of course.
Also, I'm pretty sure Moon Unit Zappa doesn't respond to her full name but only Moon (but that's not a name change, really).
Mick Jagger is older than:
1. Velcro
2. Cake mix
3. Israel
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
...I just like being contrary. :D And I like referencing David Bowie, of course.
Also, I'm pretty sure Moon Unit Zappa doesn't respond to her full name but only Moon (but that's not a name change, really).
Mick Jagger is older than:
1. Velcro
2. Cake mix
3. Israel
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
And I forgot to mention
I love your new Mick sig! Very funny! :D
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
I love your new Mick sig! Very funny! :D
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
My theory about Moon Unit
is that Frank might have felt the same way about name combos that I do, i.e., that assonance and alliteration make for great-sounding combos. If you ignore the meanings of the words themselves and focus on the sounds, Moon Unit actually sounds very pretty, imo.
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
is that Frank might have felt the same way about name combos that I do, i.e., that assonance and alliteration make for great-sounding combos. If you ignore the meanings of the words themselves and focus on the sounds, Moon Unit actually sounds very pretty, imo.
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
I agree
I agree with you, and anopther thing i can't stand is when people assumed they named their children after celebs/celeb's children because they were born after the celeb was...oy it irks me. Or they assume you just *had* to name your kid after a cleb because you choose the same name as them...sorry lol i just had to rant :).
I agree with you totally!

Ron Weasley: Mum sent me something...
Ron Weasley: Mum sent me a dress.
Harry: Well it does match your eyes. Is there a bonnet?
I agree with you, and anopther thing i can't stand is when people assumed they named their children after celebs/celeb's children because they were born after the celeb was...oy it irks me. Or they assume you just *had* to name your kid after a cleb because you choose the same name as them...sorry lol i just had to rant :).
I agree with you totally!

Ron Weasley: Mum sent me something...
Ron Weasley: Mum sent me a dress.
Harry: Well it does match your eyes. Is there a bonnet?
This message was edited 6/4/2006, 6:07 PM
No, you're quite right, it's not ranting, and thanks for your agreement
I know you mean River Phoenix, and I have read some of your posts about how you feel about that name. I love River, and I like Phoenix well enough, and I know it irks you when people assume you're doing it for the OD'd actor.
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
I know you mean River Phoenix, and I have read some of your posts about how you feel about that name. I love River, and I like Phoenix well enough, and I know it irks you when people assume you're doing it for the OD'd actor.
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
hehe...i mean other names too! It's just like ah you know what i mean? It makes me wanna scream. OR I like Shiloh, and people think because Iposted after Angelina Jolie had her kid that's why I like it which is so not true, i've liked it years before that, ever since the movie Shiloh came out...LOL :)
People don't get it though they think im complaining about people thinkof of him. I don't mind the River Phoenix association at all! [Um hello I adore the guy! lol] but it's when people insited that im lying or something irks me ya know? :) I am so in love with your kids names! good taste!

Ron Weasley: Mum sent me something...
Ron Weasley: Mum sent me a dress.
Harry: Well it does match your eyes. Is there a bonnet?
People don't get it though they think im complaining about people thinkof of him. I don't mind the River Phoenix association at all! [Um hello I adore the guy! lol] but it's when people insited that im lying or something irks me ya know? :) I am so in love with your kids names! good taste!

Ron Weasley: Mum sent me something...
Ron Weasley: Mum sent me a dress.
Harry: Well it does match your eyes. Is there a bonnet?
Damn, Lillian.
That was good. :-) I enjoyed reading it.
The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness.
To call on them to give up their illusions about their condition is to call on them to give up a condition that requires illusions.
That was good. :-) I enjoyed reading it.
To call on them to give up their illusions about their condition is to call on them to give up a condition that requires illusions.
*LOL* Thanks very much, Eilis! :D
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
I agree with most of your points, but...
I felt the need to "deconstruct" a couple of things in your post.
First of all:
Sixth, your own posting name is FairyGirl. Why is it not Emma, if you so despise the use of unusual names? Is it okay for you because you're not a celeb?
There's really no comparison between a posting name and a real, legal, given name, so this point really weakens your argument.
Finally and most importantly, what the f*k is so great about everyone having the same hundred names?
You talk about assumptions, and yet here you've made one yourself. Nowhere did she suggest that everyone should have "the same hundred names." She never said that every unusual name is a bad name. There is a huge middle ground between popular names and off-the-wall names like Apple, which wasn't even considered a name until Gwyneth Paltrow used it.
Friendship is more lasting than love, and more legal than stalking.
-Jane, Coupling
I felt the need to "deconstruct" a couple of things in your post.
First of all:
Sixth, your own posting name is FairyGirl. Why is it not Emma, if you so despise the use of unusual names? Is it okay for you because you're not a celeb?
There's really no comparison between a posting name and a real, legal, given name, so this point really weakens your argument.
Finally and most importantly, what the f*k is so great about everyone having the same hundred names?
You talk about assumptions, and yet here you've made one yourself. Nowhere did she suggest that everyone should have "the same hundred names." She never said that every unusual name is a bad name. There is a huge middle ground between popular names and off-the-wall names like Apple, which wasn't even considered a name until Gwyneth Paltrow used it.
Friendship is more lasting than love, and more legal than stalking.
-Jane, Coupling
My argument is NOT weakened
There is a VERY strong argument to be made about the difference between real names and posting names, and it's a shame if you don't get it. We all know that 99.9% of people's names are chosen for them at birth by their parents. Whatever FairyGirl's real name is, I would bet large sums of money that she did NOT choose it herself. By contrast, posting names are chosen by the persons themselves, specifically for the sole purpose of representing oneself to the world. FairyGirl is an awfully flighty name to CHOOSE, for someone who doesn't like "stupid" and "daft" names.
Also, the tone and language FairyGirl CHOSE shows a very strong and clear dislike and disdain for unusual names (do I need to write "stupid" and "daft" again?). To begin with, she feels strongly enough about it to have to write the post at all. She used the absolutes "always" and "will" to describe total strangers' behavior, experience and motivation. "...they will be teased...will obviously change it..." I did not assume or imagine it; it's very obvious how she feels.
And I did not make an assumption about FairyGirl wanting everyone to use the same hundred names, I was expressing my OWN opinion about the seeming constant chatter on this board regarding other people's name choices being "stupid" or "daft" or "highly offensive" (as Adonai is, evidently, to Jews, like that should make a huge difference to someone who is not Jewish). It very often sounds as though many, many people here wish everyone on Earth would restrict their choices to what we BtN posters like. And I can't STAND some of the names other BtN posters like!
I am GLAD Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin named their baby Apple. I perceive it to be everything they think it is, sweet and innocent and poetic. And that is my OPINION. FairyGirl is entitled to her OPINION, too. And I can even have the OPINION that her OPINION is "stupid" and "daft." And YOU can have the same OPINION about ME, you are entitled to it as well.
There is a VERY strong argument to be made about the difference between real names and posting names, and it's a shame if you don't get it. We all know that 99.9% of people's names are chosen for them at birth by their parents. Whatever FairyGirl's real name is, I would bet large sums of money that she did NOT choose it herself. By contrast, posting names are chosen by the persons themselves, specifically for the sole purpose of representing oneself to the world. FairyGirl is an awfully flighty name to CHOOSE, for someone who doesn't like "stupid" and "daft" names.
Also, the tone and language FairyGirl CHOSE shows a very strong and clear dislike and disdain for unusual names (do I need to write "stupid" and "daft" again?). To begin with, she feels strongly enough about it to have to write the post at all. She used the absolutes "always" and "will" to describe total strangers' behavior, experience and motivation. "...they will be teased...will obviously change it..." I did not assume or imagine it; it's very obvious how she feels.
And I did not make an assumption about FairyGirl wanting everyone to use the same hundred names, I was expressing my OWN opinion about the seeming constant chatter on this board regarding other people's name choices being "stupid" or "daft" or "highly offensive" (as Adonai is, evidently, to Jews, like that should make a huge difference to someone who is not Jewish). It very often sounds as though many, many people here wish everyone on Earth would restrict their choices to what we BtN posters like. And I can't STAND some of the names other BtN posters like!
I am GLAD Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin named their baby Apple. I perceive it to be everything they think it is, sweet and innocent and poetic. And that is my OPINION. FairyGirl is entitled to her OPINION, too. And I can even have the OPINION that her OPINION is "stupid" and "daft." And YOU can have the same OPINION about ME, you are entitled to it as well.
I'd take exception to the statement the "posting names are specifically chosen for the sole purpose of representing oneself to the world." not really, or, not always. Some are chosen to avoid using one's actual name, as is prudent in a public forum.
Of course sometimes to avoid using one's actual name
That much is obvious. However, I stand by my original statement. I haven't noticed anyone using their IP number as their posting name. THAT would be true anonymity. People CHOOSE their posting names, and they do not do so in a vacuum, whatever reasons they may have.
Are you saying that people choose their posting names randomly, and that posting names do not reflect who people are inside (regardless of RL identity), nor how they wish to be perceived? Because that is my very point. What does Tassiegirl mean to you? How do you wish the world to view the poster Tassiegirl? Do you suppose the world would view you differently if you posted as something else? [These are rhetorical questions, btw.] I submit that posting names are very much reflections of us, and most people consciously realize that.
I would fully expect to be vilified if I posted as, for example, "Satanchick," and again thought of very differently if I called myself "Angelbreath" or something. That's all I'm saying. FairyGirl chose her posting name, and it's fine, if flighty, as I said. Even flightiness itself is fine. But her attitude seems overwrought and, given the nature of her posting name, tinged with hypocrisy. That is my opinion.
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
That much is obvious. However, I stand by my original statement. I haven't noticed anyone using their IP number as their posting name. THAT would be true anonymity. People CHOOSE their posting names, and they do not do so in a vacuum, whatever reasons they may have.
Are you saying that people choose their posting names randomly, and that posting names do not reflect who people are inside (regardless of RL identity), nor how they wish to be perceived? Because that is my very point. What does Tassiegirl mean to you? How do you wish the world to view the poster Tassiegirl? Do you suppose the world would view you differently if you posted as something else? [These are rhetorical questions, btw.] I submit that posting names are very much reflections of us, and most people consciously realize that.
I would fully expect to be vilified if I posted as, for example, "Satanchick," and again thought of very differently if I called myself "Angelbreath" or something. That's all I'm saying. FairyGirl chose her posting name, and it's fine, if flighty, as I said. Even flightiness itself is fine. But her attitude seems overwrought and, given the nature of her posting name, tinged with hypocrisy. That is my opinion.
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
I don't "think" having a posting name such as FairyGirl and disliking unusual names such as Apple (which I personally think is one of the worst (most "stupid") names that I have heard) is hypocritical. If she changed her given name from Lillian to FairyGirl (just an example I don't know what her name is) then you could call it hypocrisy. Also, I know in many of the classes I have been in a "regular" person named Apple would most likely be made fun of (or asked about their name often), but if someone wants to name their child something stange go ahead. Someday, if the child chooses they can change it. Also, it was just someones oppinion yet you "appeared" to be extremly upset about it why? Your children don't have unsual/strange names in fact they seem quite genaric except for Gideon which I haven't heard too often. Oh, and just so you don't call me a hypocrit I am not upset about your post I just thought it was kind of funny that FairyGirl's post was such a big deal.
I would not
call you a hypocrite, I have no reason to. I did not call FairyGirl a hypocrite either. I said her attitude is overwrought and tinged with hypocrisy, and I still think that. I was not "upset" by her post, I merely differed with her. Did you happen to notice her post begins with a question? I was answering it, in my own way.
And no, my children do not have "unusual/strange" names, as you say, yet I defend the right of anyone to choose such a name, be it Apple or Moxie CrimeFighter or most anything else. I have yet to hear a valid reason from anyone why people, celebs or otherwise, should not choose such names, and I grow weary of childish, foot-stamping rants against those who do.
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
call you a hypocrite, I have no reason to. I did not call FairyGirl a hypocrite either. I said her attitude is overwrought and tinged with hypocrisy, and I still think that. I was not "upset" by her post, I merely differed with her. Did you happen to notice her post begins with a question? I was answering it, in my own way.
And no, my children do not have "unusual/strange" names, as you say, yet I defend the right of anyone to choose such a name, be it Apple or Moxie CrimeFighter or most anything else. I have yet to hear a valid reason from anyone why people, celebs or otherwise, should not choose such names, and I grow weary of childish, foot-stamping rants against those who do.
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
And Coco. Yay, I don't think it's just to show that their famous, but because they want to stand out more or something. Don't ask me, I'm anything but a celebrity.
"It's orange Ellen, orange! That's why they call it the red planet!!!" -Lakota
"It's orange Ellen, orange! That's why they call it the red planet!!!" -Lakota
It is highly unlikely that Gwyneth Paltrow's daughter will get as much teasing as the average girl would get for being named Apple. She is highly unlikely to go to a regular school, for instance, but will probably end up in an expensive private school where a lot of the other kids are children of celebrities. She will be raised in an environment of wealth and security (both financial and anti-crime types of security) and just won't run across as many people who will be willing to insult her or her parents as the average child would.
The celebrities who give their children unusual names are those in fields where having a self-concept of "creativity" is important. It is primarily actors, singers, and other people who see themselves as "artists" who do this. Giving their child an uncommon names fits in with their self-concept as being creative and unusual people.
And in Gwyneth Paltrow's case -- her mother is the actress Blythe Danner, she was named Gwyneth -- she certainly has a lot of role models in her family as to giving daughters uncommon names! :)
The celebrities who give their children unusual names are those in fields where having a self-concept of "creativity" is important. It is primarily actors, singers, and other people who see themselves as "artists" who do this. Giving their child an uncommon names fits in with their self-concept as being creative and unusual people.
And in Gwyneth Paltrow's case -- her mother is the actress Blythe Danner, she was named Gwyneth -- she certainly has a lot of role models in her family as to giving daughters uncommon names! :)
I like many names that Celebs have used. I would still even use them despite the celeb connection. After all Celebs are just people wh oare normal, with a job just like everyone else. Some go overboard, but others i like. If they like the name, then they should use it just as long as it's not something horrible like Moon Unit...i mean what is that? or Pilot Inspektor!
I could live with Brooklyn or Indiana, or something along thoese means. I hate the name Apple I find it too weird.
Not all of them will change it. Many people with very odd names learn to love them when they are older.

Ron Weasley: Mum sent me something...
Ron Weasley: Mum sent me a dress.
Harry: Well it does match your eyes. Is there a bonnet?
I could live with Brooklyn or Indiana, or something along thoese means. I hate the name Apple I find it too weird.
Not all of them will change it. Many people with very odd names learn to love them when they are older.

Ron Weasley: Mum sent me something...
Ron Weasley: Mum sent me a dress.
Harry: Well it does match your eyes. Is there a bonnet?
I'm not sure why some celebs use such "unusual" names. Most of these kids won't be teased so much for their names as they will for who their parents are (or they won't be teased at all because everyone wants to be their 'friend', etc.). Given that, I've seen enough kre8tiv and downright weird names given to children with non-famous parents to realize it's not just a celebrity issue. We're just more aware of it when people like Gwyneth Paltrow do it. :b
For the record, Apple is a hell of a lot better than Urhines (an infamous growingfamily.com baby boy's name). IMO.
"Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?" - Ernest Gaines
For the record, Apple is a hell of a lot better than Urhines (an infamous growingfamily.com baby boy's name). IMO.
"Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?" - Ernest Gaines
But famous people are different to ordinary people. I don't mean they're better than us or superhuman, but they live completely different lives. They spend a great deal of time attracting attention to themselves -- their careers depend on that, and their children's crazy names are just another example of that. As they grow up, these children will move in circles in which being called Apple or Foghorn or Tambourine is quite acceptable.
This message was edited 6/4/2006, 9:10 AM
Somehow, I doubt that most of the celbrities who brand their children like this have the brains to actually think that far. Oh wait, did I say think?
Im just dissapointed in the more intelligent members of that cult who should see just what they are doing to their children.
On the other hand, plenty of parents give their children the most absurd names, and they are not famous. What is the world coming to!
Im just dissapointed in the more intelligent members of that cult who should see just what they are doing to their children.
On the other hand, plenty of parents give their children the most absurd names, and they are not famous. What is the world coming to!
See, I think this is what you're missing when you talk about kids getting teased for their names. Just examples off the top of my head, whether their firstnames are "stupid" or not:
Shiloh Jolie-Pitt
Apple Martin
Beatrice McCartney
Coco Arquette (or whatever last name they gave her)
Notice a pattern? It's a less common name followed up by a surname that belongs to a very famous and wealthy person. That actually does make them different from a lot of other people. Not "better" or "worse" but undeniably different. Baby Apple is going to grow up a lot differently than I did, and she'll likely be in settings where her name isn't a big surprise--or a big issue.
The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness.
To call on them to give up their illusions about their condition is to call on them to give up a condition that requires illusions.
Shiloh Jolie-Pitt
Apple Martin
Beatrice McCartney
Coco Arquette (or whatever last name they gave her)
Notice a pattern? It's a less common name followed up by a surname that belongs to a very famous and wealthy person. That actually does make them different from a lot of other people. Not "better" or "worse" but undeniably different. Baby Apple is going to grow up a lot differently than I did, and she'll likely be in settings where her name isn't a big surprise--or a big issue.
To call on them to give up their illusions about their condition is to call on them to give up a condition that requires illusions.
But Beatrice is aa completely normal name. And Coco just sounds like a nickname. think of all the poor kids out there called Table and Basket - and yes they do exist.
I think Beatrice is hideous, but that's beside the point.
I said: "Just examples off the top of my head, whether their firstnames are "stupid" or not..."
All I was doing was listing some celebrity babies and highlighting that their last names are hugely noticeable, not that they're cursed with these horrible first names. With celebrities and their children, or wealthy and well-known people and their children, last names oftentimes come with a whole lot of impact or meaning or whatever else you want to say about it. Again, in that case their families can be indicative of a whole different set of standards or rules or a lifestyle that is not necessarily the same as "ordinary" people.
I have no idea what your Table and Basket reference is about.
The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness.
To call on them to give up their illusions about their condition is to call on them to give up a condition that requires illusions.
I said: "Just examples off the top of my head, whether their firstnames are "stupid" or not..."
All I was doing was listing some celebrity babies and highlighting that their last names are hugely noticeable, not that they're cursed with these horrible first names. With celebrities and their children, or wealthy and well-known people and their children, last names oftentimes come with a whole lot of impact or meaning or whatever else you want to say about it. Again, in that case their families can be indicative of a whole different set of standards or rules or a lifestyle that is not necessarily the same as "ordinary" people.
I have no idea what your Table and Basket reference is about.
To call on them to give up their illusions about their condition is to call on them to give up a condition that requires illusions.
A lot of non-famous people give their children strange anmes too, we just don't hear about it.

I think a lot of celebrities just like giving their children odd names, just for the attention they get. Some don't, though. There are a lot of celebrities who give their babies very attractive, normal names as well. And there are a lot of perfectly ordinary people who give their kids absolutely horrendous names.