Okay, disclaimer: this might've been the most difficult category for me yet, choosing between "All Quiet on the Western Front" and "Babylon." The scores couldn't be more different from each other, but they're both brilliant and 100% serving their films. The whole category is really stacked this year.
Quan Family
H: Ke Jeffrey Quan, "Jeff"
W: Stephanie Joy (Sregor) Quan, "Stevie"
S1: Yadon Steven Quan, "Yad"
S2: David Alden Quan, "Dave"
D1: Galadriel Meredith Quan, "Gal"
D2: Sadie Freya (Quan)
BowD3: Promise Juan Quan
S1: Yad
W: Lesley Catherine Mann-Quan
S1: Leo Grayson Quan
S2: Julian Matthew Quan
S2: Dave
W: Lucie Elena (Dubois) Quan
S1: Milo Gabriel Quan
D1: Eden Jade Quan
S2: Adam Rémi Quan
D2: Sara Manon Quan
D1: Gal
W: Zlata Saveliyevna (Isaeva Utkina) Quan
Step-D: Viktor Yevgeniyevich Utkin, "Vik" / "Vitya"
Step-S: Adelina Yevgeniyevna Utkina, "Addie" / "Alina"
D2: Sadie
H: Robert Wilson Bow, "Robbie"
D1: Lillian Elinor Bow, "Lily"
S: William Lionel Bow, "Will"
D2: Josephine Estelle Bow, "Josie"
Please rate my personal name lists: