The video above showed A.I.-generated queens for almost every country around the world. I studied each queen and gave each one a name I felt would be most suitable for her. Below are the names. What do you think? What would you name the queens in the video?
Argentina -
ElenaIndonesia -
Intan (Indonesian for “diamond”)
Poland -
PaulinaBahamas -
Andrina Mongolia -
Erdene (Mongolian for “jewel”)
Czech Republic -
DominikaSaudi Arabia -
Isra Iceland -
Brynja Vietnam -
Trang (Vietnames for “adornment”)
Austria -
Elisabeth (after the wife of Emperor
Franz Josef)
Brazil -
Cila Chile -
AnitaMyanmar -
Sanda (Burmese for “moon”)
Chad -
Nala (after Lion King’s
Canada -
LouiseEthiopia -
Hiwot (Amharic for “life”)
Mali -
Asmaa Italy -
Concetta Cambodia -
Bopha (Khmer for “flower”)
Cuba -
GuadalupeChina - Xingjuan (Chinese for “beautiful and lucky”)
Belarus -
Anastasiya Kazakhstan -
Aiday (Kazakh for “moon child”)
Romania -
Alexandra Netherlands -
Christina France -
MargueriteSomalia -
Rasima Egypt -
Jehan (after the wife of President
Anwar Sadat)
Monaco -
Charlotte Fiji - Veiqia (after the tattooing practice for Fijian women and girls)
Bulgaria -
Nadezhda South Korea -
Chae-Won Kenya - Jua (Swahili for “sun”)
Kuwait -
Maryam Australia -
SarahQatar -
Nabila Jamaica -
Georgina Albania -
MirelaOman -
BasmaSwitzerland -
LiselotteNepal -
Gita Peru -
Tuta (Quechua for “night”)
Panama -
Maria LuisaGermany -
Adelheid Kyrgyzstan -
Cholpon (refers to the planet
Colombia -
IsabelaIran -
Niloufar South Sudan -
DaliaJapan -
Sakura Russia -
IrinaIreland -
SaoirseRwanda -
PauletteYemen -
RaisaVenezuela -
Luisa Denmark -
BirgittaJordan -
JumanahNorway -
EmblaIndia -
Lalita South
Africa -
NaomiUkraine -
Kira Thailand -
Kanchana (Thai for “golden”)
United Kingdom -
WinifredLuxembourg -
AlineNigeria -
CorrineUganda - Umeme (Swahili for “lightning”)
Georgia -
Melano America -
AnnaIraq -
Sakina Costa
Rica -
TeresaNew Zealand -
Rebecca (I’m surprised she isn’t Maori)
Serbia -
Branka Finland -
Eeva Portugal -
LeandraGhana -
Hadiza Bangladesh -
Pritha Hungary -
GizellaSri Lanka -
KamalaSpain -
PerlaIsrael -
Daniela Turkey -
Gönül (Turkish for “heart”)
Uzbekistan -
Iroda (Uzbek for “determination”)
Greece -
Olympia (Mount Olympus was the home of the Greek gods)
Zimbabwe - Umoya (Xhosa for “spirit”, also the name of a
Miriam Stockley song I absolutely love)
Philippines -
Mayumi (Filipino for “tender”)
Samoa -
Mele Cameroon -
GhislainePakistan - Sharbat (after the “Afghan Girl”)
Estonia -
Leena Syria -
Daniyah Malaysia -
Siti Slovakia -
I think there's one for kings; I'll get that one done eventually.
—— My FP account My FF account
This message was edited 5/27/2023, 7:54 AM