I grew up with a girl named Kellyann (my age: 18), and I've always thought that her name was pretty; I consider it one of my favorite names. I don't know why I like this name so much, but I do; I never hear it around anywhere but on her. I used to do karate with her, and I saw her as a very courageous girl with spitfire, aiming to make the world better. So, it's only left me with good impressions, yet sounding a little dated, which I don't find a bad thing. It's said like the hyphenated name Kelly-Ann, but as only one name. How do you feel about Kellyann, and what would use for a middle name? I'm liking Kellyann
Faye, Kellyann
Joyce, Kellyann
Rhoda, Kellyann
Mavis, and Kellyann