[Opinions] Re: How important are initials for you?
Initials are definitely important. My initials before marriage spelt out RAG but if my father had his way it would have spelled out the British slang word for cigarettes.Imagine if your name was Marsaili Olwen Oliphant or Walter Henry Arthur Tesdale or Thomas William Andrew Tierney as that could lead to bullying if others found out.Don’t take criticism from someone you wouldn’t take advice from
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How important are initials to you?  ·  Amoret  ·  12/7/2023, 11:45 AM
Re: How important are initials to you?  ·  Ninor  ·  12/9/2023, 11:01 AM
Re: How important are initials to you?  ·  dftbanie  ·  12/8/2023, 1:33 PM
Re: How important are initials to you?  ·  Ceri  ·  12/8/2023, 10:01 AM
Re: How important are initials to you?  ·  namesarecool285  ·  12/8/2023, 5:01 AM
Re: How important are initials to you?  ·  Fiammetta  ·  12/8/2023, 2:24 AM
Re: How important are initials to you?  ·  mirfak  ·  12/8/2023, 12:46 AM
Re: How important are initials to you?  ·  Anneza  ·  12/7/2023, 9:06 PM
Re: How important are initials to you?  ·  Kerilyntaryn21  ·  12/7/2023, 8:13 PM
Re: How important are initials to you?  ·  Gaia  ·  12/7/2023, 5:35 PM
Re: How important are initials to you?  ·  PyrateMommy86  ·  12/7/2023, 4:48 PM
Re: How important are initials to you?  ·  Dracotorix  ·  12/7/2023, 3:11 PM
Re: How important are initials to you?  ·  New_Chloë  ·  12/7/2023, 12:54 PM
Re: How important are initials for you?  ·  Canielle  ·  12/7/2023, 12:16 PM
Re: How important are initials for you?  ·  )(  ·  12/7/2023, 12:23 PM