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[Opinions] Cora, Nora and Ida
What do you think of these three? Which is your favourite?Ps Ida is EYE-da not EE-da.


I think Ida should make a comeback!
Cora. The other two don’t appeal to me at all.
I like Nora although I prefer the Norah spelling. Cora is nice as well.
I don’t like Ida.
Cora: I love this, it's my favorite of these three. It's very subtle. It's a little 'sweet' and 'cute' without bring sugary or cutesy, and it can also feel serious if it needs to, mostly because of the long "or" sound. It could fit any age and any personality. It also has a bonus of being the four-letter code for the common raven. Nora: Second favorite, this name has grown on me. It has a bit more of its own personality compared to Cora. Nora is very brown, earthy, sometimes motherly, maybe crafty or bookish. It can also fit a lot of ages. Ida: This one does nothing for me. It's like a caricature of an old lady.
I really like all 3. Ida is undoubtedly my favorite, followed by Nora, then Cora.
The only one I like even slightly is Nora. Cora sounds like a crow, and Ida comes across as idle.
I'm neutral about Cora and Nora and I don't like Ida.
I love Nora, so very much. My husband and I picked out Miriam early on, but in the 3rd trimester I fell in love with Nora. I tried my hardest to talk my husband into it, he refused. Probably a good thing, according to a friend (the type who combines all the spellings in popularity lists) it was the top name in ND when my daughter was born. I still love it.Ida: I love this because it's the name of my husband's aunt, a very cool woman. Otherwise it's a bit too old-fashion for me.I like Cora best of all. There is just something very appealing about it.
Like Wordsmith, I love Ida best because it's the dustiest. It's still got some exoticism to it because it's so old and overlooked, and I like its minimalist elegance. Ida feels like Ada's more fashionable cousin. Cora comes second, I like Cora a lot because it's fresh and I find it sweet. I don't know of any, so it's still pretty unique to me.Nora is ok, but too popular and the charm is wearing thin. I prefer Norah, anyway, but even that I'm lukewarm about.
Ida is my favorite because it's the most antique. Cora and Nora are too popular for my liking.
Nora is cute, but getting popular.Cora is okay, a bit harsh.Ida I dislike, but it's better than ee-da.
Ida, Cora is ok, don't like Nora though
Ida is the strangest of the three, and the fact that pronunciation might need clarification loses it points too. Cora is more spunky/fresh than Nora and is a name in its own right, not a variant or nickname like Nora.So in order of preference: Cora, Nora, Ida.Ada might have beaten all of them if it was an option.

This message was edited 12/31/2023, 4:32 AM