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[Opinions] Re: What names make the best twin name pairings?
Oh, believe me they had, and if that wasn't bad enough, they have/had 11 older siblings whose names all rhymed as well, yet my mother and her sister Molly were the only twins. Grandma surely was in a rhyming spree. 🥴🌷❇️🌷❇️🌷❇️🌷❇️🌷❇️🌷❇️🌷❇️🌷❇️🌷❇️🌷❇️🌷❇️🌷
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Let me get this right, there were 13 kids who all had names that rhyme with Molly and Polly?? Or did the other siblings have a different rhyming scheme?
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Lol, no. A different rhyming scheme. The other names, and I do wish I wish I was joking, were Harry (jr) Larry, Barry, Gary, Terry, Perry, Sherry, Merry, Jerry, etc. you get the idea. A few of them went by unrelated nicknames, but yeah, still pretty weird. I can only imagine the amount of times my grandparents got their names mixed up. 😅
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