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[Opinions] Re: What names make the best twin name pairings?
Lol, no. A different rhyming scheme. The other names, and I do wish I wish I was joking, were Harry (jr) Larry, Barry, Gary, Terry, Perry, Sherry, Merry, Jerry, etc. you get the idea. A few of them went by unrelated nicknames, but yeah, still pretty weird. I can only imagine the amount of times my grandparents got their names mixed up. 馃槄馃尫鉂囷笍馃尫鉂囷笍馃尫鉂囷笍馃尫鉂囷笍馃尫鉂囷笍馃尫鉂囷笍馃尫鉂囷笍馃尫鉂囷笍馃尫鉂囷笍馃尫鉂囷笍馃尫鉂囷笍馃尫
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