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[Opinions] Re: Suzanne
I've always been charmed by Suzanne—that central "z"! "Suze" is such a pleasing sound.I'm kind of inept at predicting or even noticing trends, but I'm not aware of names from Suzanne's era resurfacing.
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I'm not good at accurately predicting trends, but I just have A Feeling about these names, that they will come back. Probably it's an instinctive knowledge that I'm getting old, and losing touch with what "the young people" like. Every now and then, I see cool younger people name their kids things like Curtis and Gene, or talk about how they find the name Elaine so magical. I just have this whispering voice in the back of my mind that tells me this is the way the wind is blowing. We'll see if that little voice turns out to be right!
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Funny, I studied abroad in Athens with a cool girl named Olive (birth name Kate) who now has daughters named Margot (around 7/8 years old, so slightly ahead of the name’s resurgence) and Elaine (around 2)!

This message was edited 2/21/2024, 5:07 PM

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